Thalassotherapy – what is it, indications, how does it proceed?

Thalasso therapy is simply sea therapy. Its name comes from the Greek word thalassa, meaning sea. During thalassotherapy, the entire spectrum of factors related to the sea climate, water, sand and even seaweed is used. Thalasso therapy usually lasts about 6 days. It is used in rheumatic diseases, respiratory diseases, skin diseases and hypothyroidism. How is thalassotherapy performed?

Thalassotherapy – what is it?

The easiest thalassotherapy treatment is just being at the seaside, swimming in it, walking on the beach and inhaling the air saturated with macro- and microelements. Advanced thalassotherapy treatments are conducted in specialized centers located near the coast. The idea behind thalassotherapy is to use the beneficial properties of the sea, the water of which contains a high concentration of salt (the average salinity of the Baltic Sea is about 0,7%).

Sea water contains a large amount of minerals that have a positive effect on the condition of the body. These are compounds of potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium. However, thalassotherapy is not only based on sea therapy – it also includes other factors, such as the air that has a very high iodine content at the seaside. The seaside air is devoid of allergenic factors and pollution typical of the city.

Thalassotherapy also focuses on the use of sea plants, such as algae and sea silt. They contain large amounts of micro- and macroelements, which is widely used in cosmetic procedures carried out in specialized centers. When it comes to this type of treatment, raw materials from the Dead Sea coast are very often used. Black mud is particularly popular, as it contains many valuable minerals with skin-caring properties. Unfortunately, the increased demand for these raw materials causes significant destruction of the Dead Sea.

Thalasso therapy – indications

Due to the numerous properties of a number of factors used in thalassotherapy, the treatment is recommended in the treatment of many diseases. These will be: hypothyroidism (iodine present in the sea air regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland), cardiovascular diseases, leg edema, varicose veins, rheumatism, respiratory diseases, e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, chronic sinusitis. Thalassotherapy is also recommended for people who struggle with impaired immunity and skin diseases: acne, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis. It is also a great method of treating depression, also recommended for people who are exposed to chronic stress, live on the go and need a large dose of relaxation.

Thalassotherapy is contraindicated for people who suffer from hyperthyroidism, are struggling with kidney diseases and skin diseases that are provoked by light.

Thalassotherapy – treatments

A great discovery was the discovery in the XNUMXth century of a correlation between the serum fluid of the human body and the composition of seawater. The striking similarity inspired the use of the sea as a therapeutic agent to heal ailments of various origins. In addition to being at the seaside and inhaling the sea air, thalassotherapy centers offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments. Treatments performed as part of thalassotherapy include the use of salt from the Dead Sea, the beneficial properties of which are known all over the world. Dead Sea salt is rich in many elements such as iodine, magnesium, silicon, potassium, sodium, bromine and phosphorus. They regenerate and nourish the skin, supporting the treatment of eczema, acne or other skin problems. Dead Sea salt can be used as scrubs or simply added to the bath. Another cosmetic procedure that is performed during thalassotherapy is black mud masks. This raw material is obtained from the Dead Sea, specifically from dry areas of this reservoir.

Zarne mud is considered a luxury material because it has antioxidant properties, i.e. anti-aging. It perfectly evens out the skin tone, regenerates the skin and deeply moisturizes it. It is a great regulator of sebum secretion, therefore black mud treatments are recommended for people suffering from acne. In addition, black mud is a remedy for hair, as it heals dandruff and strengthens the hair at the root, preventing it from falling out. Another raw material obtained from the sea and used in thalassotherapy is algae. They contain a lot of vitamins and valuable minerals, and treatments with their use make the skin firm and elastic. The treatment consists in applying algae to the whole body, which is wrapped in a thermal foil. This allows for a much better absorption of nutrients. After such treatment, the skin is nourished and toned. Sea water baths are very popular in thalassotherapy. To increase its beneficial properties, algae and oils are added to the water, which allow for deeper skin hydration. They also allow the muscle tension to relax.

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