Thai whiskey: what you need to know + 7 popular brands

Whiskey from Thailand is far from the classic Scotch-Irish spirit both in terms of recipe and in terms of taste properties.

In fact, it is closer to rum than to scotch. The main advantage of unusual drinks is the affordable price: the cost of a standard 0,7 liter bottle is in the range of 3-10 dollars. As for quality, it all depends on the brand.

whiskey cocktails

What you need to know about Thai whiskey

  1. The product is most popular at home, not only among local residents, but also among guests of the country. Tourists often bring Thai whiskey, along with rum, as an exotic souvenir for friends and family.

  2. The main raw material for the manufacture is a distillate from sugar cane, less often you can find grain or malt blends.

  3. The composition of malt whiskeys often includes aged imported Scotch molts.

  4. Distillation is carried out in classic pot stills or continuous columns.

  5. Drinks are bottled in vessels with a volume of 0,35, 0,7 and 1 l.

  6. The most famous manufacturers are: Sura Bangyikhan Co., Ltd., Sangsom Co., Ltd., Red Bull Distillery Co., Ltd..

Popular brands

single malt whiskey

  1. Mekhong Whiskey

    One of the most famous and oldest whiskey brands in Thailand. Produced from molasses (95%) and rice. Thanks to the inclusion of herbs and spices, it has a strong aroma. The taste is harsh and rough, reminiscent of poorly refined rum.

  2. Hong Thong

    One of the best brands in terms of quality and most popular with locals. Based on rice distillates. It has a pronounced fragrant aroma and a specific tart taste.

  3. Mungkorn Thong

    It is made on the basis of sugar molasses and rice, flavored with herbs. Similar in taste to Hong Thong, but cheaper.

  4. Varinthip

    Unusual whiskey with an admixture of herbal extracts. Available in 3 versions with different packaging colors (white, yellow and blue). The most expensive and highest quality is the “blue” version.

  5. 285 Blend

    The drink closest to the classic blended whiskey. The composition, in addition to local grain alcohols, includes malt distillates from Scotland. On the palate, notes of ginger, mint, curry and smoke are noticeable. Tourists recognize it by its stylish black packaging.

  6. Sang Thip

    Rough strong drink with hard taste. Made from sugar cane, includes herbal extracts.

  7. 100 Pipers

    A drink that compares favorably with most Thai products with a more “European” taste characteristic of whiskey. Rarely found on sale.

In addition to the listed brands, popular are: Yoong Thong, Crown 99, Drummer, One More.

The color of drinks varies from light golden to dark amber.

The strength of the majority is 35%. An increased degree (40%) has “Sang Thip”.

How do Thais drink whiskey?

Usually they drink whiskey in the evening or in the afternoon, pouring it into glasses made of thick glass.

The optimum tasting temperature is 18–20 °C.

In its pure form, the drink is rarely consumed, usually diluted with soda, cola, soda, softened with ice or included in cocktails.

From snacks – local cuisine: fried rice, noodles, spring rolls, exotic fruits.

famous brands of whiskey

Relevance: 29.05.2019

Tags: Whiskey and bourbon, Whiskey brands

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