Thai rum Hong Thong: history, review + interesting facts

Hong Thong – 35% alcoholic drink from Thailand, produced in containers of 0,3 liters and 0,7 liters. The label is light beige with large red letters. Large volume bottles can be found in red gift boxes.

It is customary to call it rum, but this is not entirely correct. Rum is made from cane, not from yeast and rice crops. It cannot be attributed to whiskey either, because whiskey is based on wheat or corn malt mixed with rye or barley. With whiskey and rum, Hong Thong can be compared based on the light color, but that’s where the similarities end.

Only Sang Som is more popular than Hong Thong in Thailand for its milder taste and lack of aroma. Hong Thong is like refined moonshine with a synthetic herbal scent.

thai rum review

Producer rum Hong Thong

International Beverage Holdings Limited is one of the fastest growing global beverage producers in the industry. The company was founded in 2006 as an international division of ThaiBev. Today, she specializes in developing unique, premium local brands for global growth.

The range includes a range of high quality Scotch whiskeys, the most prestigious beers and whiskeys. These high quality brands are sought after by consumers in over 85 global markets. Products include Chang Beer, Mekhong, Old Pulteney Single Malt Scotch Whiskey, Hankey Bannister Whiskey and Caorunn Gin.

In 2012, the company had outstanding sales in all categories. From the distillers of Hong Thong rum in Thailand to the makers of fine Old Pulteney single malt Scotch whiskey in Scotland, the production is handled by professionals.

The latter was voted “World Whiskey of the Year” in 2012 in Jim Murray’s book The Whiskey Bible. This is one of the highest awards in the industry. It is extremely important that the global development of each brand continues in its home territory, so each of them is unique.

International Beverage employs almost 800 highly qualified professionals in the fields of production, sales, marketing and finance, who form an efficient and experienced international team.

How and with what to drink Hong Thong

In bars, an alcoholic drink is diluted with ice, energy drinks or Coca-Cola. It can also be consumed undiluted with guava or mango fruits. Fruits are dipped in a specific local sauce. It tastes bittersweet with hints of chili peppers.

Interesting Facts

  1. The strength of Hong Thong is 35% while the alcohol content of whiskey and rum varies from 40 to 60%.

  2. In Thailand, little time is allocated for the sale of alcohol. You can buy products either from 11 to 14 hours, or from 17 to zero. Sales are suspended on election days and religious holidays.

  3. Alcohol in southeast Asia is made from rice, so it tastes different from European.

  4. Hong Thong drink is very popular and can be found on the shelves of any liquor store.

  5. Produces whiskey-rum near the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, the company International Beverage Holdings Limited.

thai whiskey review

Relevance: 17.03.2020

Tags: Rum, Roma brands

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