Thai rum: an overview of 4 brands

Rum is not the last gift brought by tourists from Thailand. Strong cane distillate is also valued among local residents. And the danger of being poisoned by low-quality alcohol is minimal if you drink rum of well-known local brands in an exotic country. We will dwell on them in more detail.

rum cocktail recipes

SangSom rum

Ask people familiar with Thai alcohol about the most popular brand of local rum – and 90% of them will name SangSom. The brand accounts for over 70% of hard liquor sales in Thailand.

The founder of the brand is the blender Khan Chan Kanchanalak, who worked at the SangSom factory. The name of the drink can be translated as “moonlight”. It was first released in the late 70s of the XX century and very quickly became popular both at home and throughout Asia.

For the production of the drink, cane molasses is used, which, after distillation, is aged in oak barrels and subjected to filtration. Then a variety of herbs and spices (exclusively natural) are added to the drink.

SangSom is sold in glass bottles of 0,7 and 0,3 liters, as well as in souvenir boxes. You can buy it everywhere: in large supermarkets, and in small shops, and in local bars.

Depending on the aging period, SangSom rum can be:

  1. Three-year Gold Medallion

  2. 5 year Superior

  3. 8-year-old Similan and Premium (contains extracts of 100 medicinal plants)

Fortress of all categories: 40%.

Rum SangSom has a pronounced spicy aroma and mild taste with citrus, coconut and coffee notes.

They say that there is no hangover after SangSom rum. But due to the high calorie content, it is recommended to drink the drink little by little. The flagship of the Thai market is especially cool in cocktails.

Chalong Bay rum

One of the most titled local brands, produced at the distillery of the same name in the eastern region of Phuket. At the international competition in Hong Kong, the brand received the highest award among designs from more than 80 countries. Also on his account – the gold medal of the exhibition “World Spirits Competition”.

Chalong Bay Rum is a white rum made by distilling fresh fermented cane juice.

The production process uses ancient Thai recipes and French distillation methods. The result is a fruity bouquet with notes of herbs and flowers, and the taste is mild and tropical.

Most of the Chalong Bay rum produced is exported, so you can not always find it in Thailand and not everywhere. But the plant itself regularly conducts tours with tastings.

Magic Alambic rum

Thai by nature, but with a French soul and roots. The Magic Alambic Rum Distillery, where the drink of the same name is produced, was opened in 2003 in the south of Koh Samui by a French couple.

The distillation of rum takes place on a distillation apparatus of French origin. It is made from freshly fermented sugarcane juice, which is distilled and infused in stainless steel vats. Additionally, the drink is aged in bottles (about six months).

Rum is produced in 5 versions:

  1. Classic (no additives)

  2. Citrus

  3. Lime

  4. Pineapple

  5. Coconut

Fortress traditional: 40%.

The taste is soft, exotic, especially rich in fruit versions.

You can buy Magic Alambic rum in local shops and bars. Tastings are also held at the factory during the tour.

Issan rom

Rum comes from the Isan region of the same name, is made in the town of Nong Khai, which is located in the northeastern part of Thailand.

Manufacturers claim a unique distillation process, but exactly how it differs from competitors remains a mystery.

It is known that rum, in addition to its classic white variation, can be flavored with mango and passion fruit.

The quality of the rum can be judged by the awards received in 2014 (IWSC in Hong Kong) and in 2015 at the Rum Fest Paris (bronze medal in its rum class).

Advice from Shake

As for the little-known local brands, the name of which contains only an indication of the region, such as Phuket Rum or Samui Rum, it is strongly not recommended to try them. Experts say that this is a real poison.

learn the full story of rum

Relevance: 22.12.2019

Tags: Rum, Roma brands

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