The text is either light or thick. Thick text looks mature, weighty, it has texture, lightweight text is not serious, lurid and often looks like a long sheet. Empty texts are boring and like only empty people. Since empty people usually don’t have money, this is enough reason for you to learn how to write more meaningful texts.
What needs to be done for this? Learn to notice WIDELY COMMON WORDS. The abundance of widespread words makes the text lightweight, the presence of rare, literary words makes it thick and saturated. To make your text quality, get rid of common words.
“When starting training, it is important just Mark About myself, all Is it clear to you in this training since the most important thing is precisely the understanding by the coach himself, what is the main goal it training ».
Words in italics here are words that can be removed without harming the meaning. These words are common. If we reformulate the sentence, it becomes more capacious and beautiful in style:
“When starting a training, it is important to understand every detail and the main goal of the training.”
Common words can be distinguished by eye: “just”, “so”, “everything”, “himself”, “how”. Every time you meet them, think about whether they can be removed? There are three cases:
- The word can be deleted without losing its meaning
- You can reformulate the sentence so that this word disappears
- The word is needed here
The first two options are more common. If the word really can be deleted, take a few seconds and make the text prettier. Over time, the eye will automatically track similar words.
Old version: “I really liked the Sunshine exercise, it brings joy in itself and you really feel that you are blooming.”
New version: «I liked the Sunshine exercise, it brings joy, you feel that you are flourishing.»
Old version: «To fulfill the contract, you just need to articulate what exactly you want to achieve with it.»
New variant: «To fulfill the contract, you need to articulate what exactly you want to achieve.»
Total: we wrote the text — go through it, remove all colloquial, common and empty words. What’s next? And then work on the beauty of your text, but this is another article!