- 1/11 Cholesterol
- 2/ 11 Physical activity
- 3/ 11 Control your weight
- 4/ 11 Make a revolution on your plate
- 5/ 11 Go for good fats
- 6/ 11 Read labels
- 7/ 11 Make friends with the natural enemies of cholesterol
- 8/ 11 Good liquids
- 9/ 11 Antioxidants in a tablet
- 10/ 11 Introduce censorship to the kitchen
- 11/ 11 Find ways to deal with stress
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1/11 Cholesterol
Cholesterol is necessary for the production of hormones (including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) and for the absorption of vitamin D. It covers the nerves, acting as an insulating material, and at the same time supports the flow of nerve impulses between synapses. It strengthens the immune system. It facilitates digestion. It is a component of bile that helps you digest fats and is also important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. In order for cholesterol to benefit us, and not harm it, it is necessary to maintain its level in the norm. The total level of cholesterol in the blood should not exceed 200 mg / dl, bad cholesterol (LDL) – 135 mg / dl, and good cholesterol (HDL) in women 40–80 mg / dl, and in men 40–70 mg / dl. Cardiologists believe that in many cases it is enough to make a few simple changes. Cardiologists believe that in many cases it is enough to make a few simple changes. Reduction of total cholesterol in the blood by 1%. reduces the risk of heart attack by 2%!
2/ 11 Physical activity
Make physical activity a regular part of your daily routine. You can swim, go to fitness, ride a stationary bike, play team games or do yoga. The point is to keep moving for at least 30 minutes. If you don’t have time for special exercises, take a half-hour brisk walk. It increases your heart rate. Here are some handy tricks to help you get more active: – choose stairs instead of an elevator – get off the bus a stop early – exercise on a stationary bike while watching TV – go dancing – buy a pedometer and take 10 more steps every day . Regular physical activity raises the level of good cholesterol and lowers the bad cholesterol. Exercise helps you lose weight, which also regulates cholesterol levels.
3/ 11 Control your weight
Being overweight makes it difficult to maintain the proper level of cholesterol and blood pressure, and thus adversely affects the condition of the heart. It is also important where the fat accumulates. Abdominal obesity is more dangerous for the heart than gluteal-femoral obesity. Adipose tissue secretes substances that negatively affect the cardiovascular system. They are the cause of e.g. hypertension, inflammation and atherosclerosis.
4/ 11 Make a revolution on your plate
The WHO (World Health Organization) estimates that the daily requirement of fiber in adults is 20–40 g. It reduces the absorption of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. Research shows that it is enough to consume 10-25 g of fiber daily to lower cholesterol by 18%. How to do it? Start eating raw vegetables and fruits or steaming them. There should be 5 servings of greens each day. The fact that this method works is convinced by British scientists who have proved that eating two carrots or two apples a day for three weeks lowers cholesterol by 11 percent. Also, do not forget about legumes, they are also rich in fiber, and at the same time in the protein needed by the body. You can also find fiber in grain products. You can eat oatmeal, bran or muesli. Add a little nuts and dried fruit to them. Pour it all over with milk or skimmed yoghurt. If you don’t like eating cold, cook yourself some porridge.
5/ 11 Go for good fats
Omega 3 fatty acids help maintain normal cholesterol levels. You will find them in oily fish. Olive oil and rapeseed oil, on the other hand, provide monounsaturated fatty acids that lower cholesterol the most. Both of these fats maintain their health-promoting properties when cold-pressed. Sprinkle a little olive oil on the salads. Fry in rapeseed oil. Avocados and nuts are another source of healthy fats. 50 g of nuts a day can lower LDL levels by about 5%. Almonds are rich in arginine which prevents atherosclerotic changes.
6/ 11 Read labels
This will allow you to better control the level of fats hidden in food products. In addition to the overall lipid content, pay special attention to the content of saturated and trans fat, as they are harmful to your health.
7/ 11 Make friends with the natural enemies of cholesterol
Flaxseed contains a lot of cholesterol-dissolving lecithin. It is also rich in linolenic acid, which has similar beneficial properties as omega-3 fatty acids. According to American scientists, three tablespoons of linseed a day significantly lower elevated levels of bad cholesterol. You can add them ground to sauces, for example, or pour two tablespoons of seeds into 1,5 cups of cold water and simmer for 10 minutes, then strain and drink. Garlic, due to allicin present in it, also lowers bad cholesterol. To achieve this, eat 2-3 cloves of garlic a day. It can be raw, stewed or boiled.
8/ 11 Good liquids
Red grape juice increases the level of good cholesterol and thus reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol. This is due to the proanthocyanides found in the grape skin and seeds. When the juice is pressed from the grapes, they diffuse into the liquid. Green tea, in turn, reduces total cholesterol. Sea buckthorn juice also has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. This plant contains unsaturated fatty acids and plant sterols that inhibit the absorption of bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, it is a source of antioxidants that lower its level, thus preventing clogging of the arteries.
9/ 11 Antioxidants in a tablet
Vitamins C and E are powerful antioxidants. The first regulates cholesterol metabolism and sweeps excess cholesterol out of the arteries. The second, on the other hand, lowers the level of this relationship. Therefore, if your diet does not include five servings of vegetables and fruits, take these vitamins in the form of capsules.
10/ 11 Introduce censorship to the kitchen
Avoid animal and saturated fats. They can raise LDL cholesterol. Their sources are: butter, hard cheeses, cakes, cookies and fatty meats, smoked meats, as well as fast food. It’s hard to imagine a dairy-free menu, so try to choose low-fat dairy products. Instead of fatty meats, try fish and poultry. Add beans and other legumes to your dishes. Also, beware of: hydrogenated oils, the so-called trans fats such as margarine, monosodium glutamate in powdered soups, spice mixes or canned foods, aspartame (artificial sweetener), foods with high amounts of refined sugar such as sweets, sweetened soda and alcohol. Also, don’t overeat too much carbohydrate. Replace the wheat roll with a thin slice of rye bread, limit the amount of pasta and white rice consumed.
11/ 11 Find ways to deal with stress
Do you live under pressure, are in a hurry, are you worried whether you will have enough time for the first one? This condition has an impact on your health. Stress increases blood insulin levels, which enhances lipogenesis and cholesterol synthesis. According to academics, under stress, the body produces more fatty acids and glucose, which in turn forces the liver to produce cholesterol, which transports them to the tissues. Stress also intensifies inflammatory processes that promote bad cholesterol. That is why it is worth finding ways to relieve stress. The best move in this case is the movement that allows you to discharge your emotions. It can be cleaning, washing windows, cycling or swimming. Women usually find it helpful to talk to a friend. Yoga is a proven method. You can also look for relaxation methods that are more suitable for you, such as a bath or massage. It is important to find time for yourself in your daily activities.