Tetanus shot, when is it given and is it mandatory
It’s no secret that thanks to vaccinations, we are insured against serious diseases.
In the past, when there was no such kind of prevention, millions of people died from smallpox, measles, plague and other diseases. The moment of the discovery of vaccinations can be considered truly a turning point in the history of mankind, but even now there are people who have not fully appreciated the benefits of vaccination.
When and to whom is the tetanus shot?
The bacteria of this disease are found in mud, soil, and animal waste products. If a person is infected, then it is useless to treat the problem, since spores are formed that are highly resistant to temperatures and chemicals. When infected, a person experiences severe muscle spasms in the neck, lower jaw, difficulty breathing, which is a direct threat to life. It is necessary to carry out prophylaxis in the form of vaccination, and in case of injury, repeat the injection.
Toxic microorganisms enter the body through abrasions, punctures, cuts in the skin with a dirty object, or through the soil. Be sure to consult a doctor and get vaccinated in case of:
If the wound appeared as a result of a puncture with a rusty thing, a bite;
Formations in wounds of necrotic tissue;
Insertion of a splinter, a piece of glass, sand, etc. into the fabric.
Vaccination is done every 5-10 years. If you do not remember when you were last vaccinated, then you need to make up for the omission. Also, vaccination is necessary if:
injured with a clean object, but do not remember the last date of the vaccination;
injured by a dirty object after being vaccinated 5 years ago;
you are pregnant – to transmit antibodies to the fetus.
Should I get a tetanus shot?
You can fight tetanus only by preventing the disease with a timely vaccination. After the procedure, there may be a certain reaction – tissue swelling, redness, but they disappear after a couple of days.
According to statistics, all cases of infection were manifested in persons who generally ignored vaccinations, repeated vaccinations. The disease is not transmitted from person to another, but enters the body through spores, releasing a neurotoxin that causes spasms of the muscles of the neck and lower jaw.
If you got an injury, a wound, rinse it under running water, treat it with an antiseptic, and disinfect it.
Symptoms of infection
From the moment of infection, the incubation period takes from 3 days to 3 weeks. There are 4 degrees of the disease. The main symptoms are:
trismus of the muscles of the lower jaw, neck;
spasm of the abdominal muscles;
difficulty swallowing;
dumbness of the neck.
Temperature rise, high blood pressure, tachycardia are also possible. The disease can have complications:
After infection, 10% are fatal. Therefore, there is no doubt whether to get a tetanus vaccine or not, you should immediately consult a doctor. The treatment includes an injection of tetanus immunoglobulin, toxoid. Doctors will thoroughly cleanse the wound, vaccinate with anti-tetanus serum.
traumatologist, clinic “Family”
– All open skin lesions require proper treatment. It is enough to rinse the resulting small abrasions with plenty of clean water, treat with an antiseptic and use an aseptic plaster. In the case of deeper cuts, especially with objects whose cleanliness is in doubt, it is important not only to properly treat the wounds, but also to contact the nearest medical institution or emergency room for the administration of the tetanus vaccine! If you run into broken glass, a nail, or any damage to your head, you should definitely seek the help of a doctor.
Eduard Matveev, Anna Gerasimenko