Tests for lung cancer

Tests for lung cancer

When an oncological disease is suspected, the question arises: how to do tests that show lung cancer.

What are the tests for the presence of a malignant tumor? How can the lungs be healed when anxiety symptoms appear? Timely delivery of tests will help to avoid the risk of the disease.

How are tests done for suspected cancer?

In order to determine any disease, a general blood test is done, while the laboratory assistant determines violations in its composition.

A blood test consists of the following actions:

  • Biochemical – in order to find out how the increase in globulin occurs;

  • The study of oncological markers for the presence of neuroenolase, cytokeratin (the same as squamous cell carcinoma);

  • A blood test for lung cancer shows a decrease in serum albumin levels;

  • Tumor markers are considered effective ways to determine the extent of the disease;

Contraindications for tests

Usually, the symptoms of the disease appear in the later stages, but patients most often do not know what tests are taken for lung cancer. The most common diagnostic methods help diagnose cancer at an early stage.

At the slightest suspicion of a tumor, the patient must take all possible measures for medical research. And if the tests carried out confirmed cancer, to make sure the diagnosis is correct, you need to conduct such examinations:

  • A lung biopsy, during which some tissue is removed for examination under a microscope. As a rule, such an analysis is prescribed after a tumor is detected on a chest x-ray or using computed tomography;

  • Mediastinoscopy – palpation or visual examination of the upper and lower lymph nodes of the trachea. To do this, use a special mirror with an LED;

  • Analysis of lung function;

  • Ultrasound.

With the help of such actions, it is possible to determine whether the cancer has affected organs located near the lungs. A blood test for a disease is the most popular diagnostic method. But in this case, specific changes are not observed, and leukocytosis appears later. In a biochemical study of blood, a reduced level of serum albumin is detected and alpha-2 and gamma globulins are increased. 

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