Tests for IVF in 2022
In vitro fertilization helps couples who have been dreaming about it for a long time to become parents. For some, IVF is the only way to have children

IVF is conception outside the mother’s body. Specialists take eggs and sperm from parents, and fertilization takes place in special conditions in an incubator. Only a few days later, the embryos are implanted in the uterus of the expectant mother (1).

IVF requires special preparation of both parents. This includes visiting specialists, and testing by a man and a woman.

How to take tests before IVF

All analyzes have an expiration date. This is the time period during which they are valid. If, for example, you passed a blood or urine test last year, then they are no longer suitable for IVF preparation.

Below is a complete list of tests required for delivery before IVF in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Federation dated July 31.07.2020, 803 No. XNUMX-n “On the procedure for using assisted reproductive technologies, contraindications and restrictions on their use.”

List of tests before IVF for women

The mandatory list of examinations before IVF includes the following tests.

  • Complete blood count (+ platelets) (1 month).
  • Biochemical blood test (glucose, cholesterol, total protein, creatinine, total bilirubin, urea, AST, ALT) (1 month).
  • Coagulogram (fibrinogen, APTT, RFMK) (1 month).
  • Urinalysis (1 month).
  • Blood type and Rh factor (once, indefinitely).
  • Determination of antibodies to pale treponema in the blood (ELISA) (3 months).
  • Determination of antibodies and antigen to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 and 2 (3 months).
  • Determination of class M, G antibodies to hepatitis B and C viruses (3 months).
  • Determination of antibodies of class M, G to the rubella virus in the blood, with a negative result for rubella, vaccination is mandatory, indicating the date of vaccination (once).
  • Determination of antibodies of class M, G of cytomegalovirus and toxoplasmosis in the blood (6 months).
  • Determination of antigens of herpes simplex viruses in the blood (PCR) (6 months).
  • Determination of the hormonal profile on an empty stomach on the 2nd-3rd day of the cycle: FSH, AMH (6 months).
  • Determination of the hormonal profile on an empty stomach on day 2-3 of the cycle: LH, prolactin, TSH, free T4, antibodies to TPO (1 year).
  • Microscopic examination of smears from the cervical canal and vagina (for flora, purity, GN and Trichomonas) (1 month).
  • A smear for oncocytology (1 year).
  • Test for urogenital infections: PCR diagnostics for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Mycoplasma genitalium (3 months).
  • Research on urogenital infections: PCR diagnostics for Ureaplasma spp. (parvum and urealyticum), Mycoplasma hominis, HSV DNA types I and II (qual.), CMV DNA (qual.) (1 year).
  • Fluorography (1 year).
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) (1 year).
  • Transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs (2 weeks).
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands on the 7-11th day of the cycle, if pathology is detected, consultation of an oncologist-mammologist (1 year).
  • Mammography for women over 40 years of age, if pathology is detected, consultation with an oncologist-mammologist (1 year) (2).
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland (1 year).
  • Endocrinologist consultation according to indications.
  • Study of the chromosomal apparatus (karyotyping) for women with a history (including those of close relatives) of cases of congenital malformations and chromosomal diseases, women suffering from primary amenorrhea (once).

A physician’s opinion is also required. He must conduct an examination and confirm that IVF treatment is not contraindicated. The conclusion is valid for one year.

List of tests before IVF for men

At the IVF planning stage, not only the woman, but also her partner will need to take tests and visit a reproductive specialist.

The list of tests for a man in 2022 is as follows.

  • Spermogram (the result is valid for 6 months) It is carried out to assess the number and mobility of germ cells, to exclude the male factor of infertility. Before the study, you can not visit saunas and baths, drink alcohol. This may affect the performance of the study. Please note that multiple biomaterial samples may be required.
  • Research on urogenital infections. PCR diagnostics for gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, fungal infections, (3 months). PCR diagnostics for Ureaplasma spp. (parvum and urealyticum), Mycoplasma hominis, HSV DNA types I and II (qual.), CMV DNA (qual.) (1 year). Before the study, sexual abstinence for 2 days is required. Also, you can not urinate 2 hours before the fence.
  • Urethral swab (1 month). Before the smear, 2 days of sexual abstinence and not urinating for 2 hours before taking is required.
  • Determination of antibodies to pale treponema in the blood (ELISA), to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 and 2, to hepatitis B and C viruses (3 months). Determination of antigens of herpes simplex viruses in the blood (PCR) (6 months)

It is also recommended to visit an andrologist to determine the full list of examinations for a particular patient.

Interpretation of IVF analyzes

– There are a number of changes in the analyzes before the IVF program, which must be urgently responded to, – notes gynecologist, reproductive specialist Maria Sorvacheva. – An increase in the level of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) indicates premature ovarian exhaustion, a decrease in the level of AMH (anti-Müllerian hormone) indicates a decrease in ovarian reserve in the ovaries (3). Before IVF, the hormonal background must be adjusted with the help of medications. If abnormalities in blood tests are detected, it is necessary to consult with narrow specialists (cardiologist, internist, oncologist, nephrologist, urologist, andrologist, oncologist, etc.). Also, from the recommended list of tests, mandatory treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and others) is required.

Popular questions and answers

Testing is one of the important tasks before IVF. We answer current questions about these procedures.

Where can I get tested?

All the necessary tests can be taken both directly at the clinic, and free of charge under the MHI policy at your antenatal clinic or clinic. If the tests were taken at another medical institution, the IVF clinic may require you to submit the original results with a living seal of the institution.

What new technologies are used in the analysis?

Today, new technologies allow genetic testing of the embryo before it is implanted in the uterus. The technique is called preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). It avoids the transfer of an embryo with chromosomal abnormalities that will cause developmental anomalies or genetic diseases of the child, such as Down syndrome, hemophilia and others.

PGT is indicated for couples in late reproductive age (for women over 35). During this period, the frequency of occurrence of genetic abnormalities increases dramatically. PGT can also be performed in women who have had spontaneous abortions and who have failed IVF attempts.

New technologies allow you to choose the best sperm (with the best genetic material) for fertilization. A conventional microscope does not allow you to see the structure of the spermatozoon. With the help of a new technique – high-contrast video microscopy, it is possible to examine damaged spermatozoa. This increases the chances of success in in vitro fertilization, especially in male infertility.

Is it necessary to observe the expiration date of all tests?

Each test has its own expiration date. This period is listed on the right side of each analysis. Each analysis is different. There are also indefinite, for example, blood type and Rh factor. These indicators do not change throughout life. Expired tests will not be accepted because they do not provide accurate information about your current condition and will mislead the doctor. The chances of IVF success will drop dramatically.

What tests do you need to pass for OMS?

To conduct IVF according to compulsory medical insurance, it is necessary to pass all the same tests. The list of analyzes does not depend on whether your IVF is paid or free.

How much do tests cost?

Tests under the MHI policy can be done free of charge at your antenatal clinic or clinic. The cost of tests in private clinics and laboratories may vary.

What to do if bad tests come?

“Bad tests before the IVF program are not a sentence,” says gynecologist, reproductologist Maria Sorvacheva. There can be many reasons for these results. Not all laboratory indicators indicate abnormalities in the body or the presence of pathologies. Hearing from the doctor about “not very good results”, many immediately get scared. In fact, a bad analysis is not yet a reason to panic. The reason for a poor analysis may be, for example, improper preparation of the patient for his delivery.

Having received a referral for a laboratory test, you must carefully listen to the recommendations of the doctor! Almost any blood test should be taken on an empty stomach. If you are scheduled for a biochemical analysis or hormone tests, you must not eat for at least 8-10 hours before going to the laboratory.

For the delivery of a general blood test, it is enough not to eat anything for the last 3 hours. It seems that this is not food – a cookie or a bun. However, one must remain steadfast, because even a small candy with a cup of tea can blur the picture.

Violations of the hematopoietic system are not always associated with pathologies and “terrible” diseases. But a bad blood test is a reason to see a doctor. Only a specialist can decipher the results of research.

A bad vaginal smear result is not something to panic or worry about. Any infectious disease is currently undergoing a complete cure. That is why the “bad result” of a smear should be considered as a guide to further action, and not as a terrible news that literally erupted out of the blue.

If a woman received a bad result, the gynecologist will prescribe antibacterial drugs that will completely eliminate the infection.

Sources of

  1. Lyalina E. A., Baranov Sh. B., Kerimkulova N. V. Modern possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of female infertility / 2010
  2. Yakovlev P.P. The effectiveness of in vitro fertilization depending on the activity of ovarian aromatase in women of older reproductive age / 2017
  3. Zamakhovskaya L.Yu., Rudakova E.B., Trubnikova O.B. Risk factors and prevention of early pregnancy loss after in vitro fertilization / 2016

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