Tests for adults
Many people until the last do not like to go to the hospital and take tests. But if you want to be healthy, live long, it is better to undergo an annual medical examination and take the necessary tests. We will tell you what tests an adult should take

What tests should an adult take

General blood analysis

The simplest general blood test – a painless prick in the finger will determine if you have anemia, blood diseases or an inflammatory process. Also, this analysis can determine the level of cholesterol in the body. It is a mistake to think that high cholesterol is only in obese or old people, it also rises in young patients. Its level can be affected by smoking, alcohol abuse, a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet.

To know a little more about your body, you need to take a general blood test annually so as not to start the disease.


Urinalysis determines the state of the human genitourinary system. Is there any inflammation in the body – cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, as well as early signs of diabetes. The density of urine can determine how the kidneys work. If sugar or acetone is found in the urine, it means that you have advanced diabetes.

Biochemical blood test for a number of indicators

The analysis is taken from a vein. With the help of biochemical analysis, you can get a more complete picture of how your kidneys and liver are working.

Check lipid profile

This analysis will help you find out if you have blood clots.

Make an ECG

The heart is an organ that needs constant monitoring. An ECG will let you know how fully it works for you.

Donate blood for sugar

If you have a sweet tooth and do not want to allow the development of diabetes, and even more so if there are diabetics in the family, then be sure to donate blood for sugar. The analysis is given on an empty stomach and from a finger. Remember that in the initial stages of the disease, you can still change your lifestyle and nutrition, and everything will be fine, but in advanced stages, the disease can give such terrible complications as blindness or gangrene of the foot.

Check tumor markers

This test is done to rule out a malignant tumor.

Go to the dentist

Ideally, the condition of the teeth should be checked every six months, so as not to run them and then spend a fabulous amount on treatment.

Make fluorography

An annual examination will detect lung cancer or tuberculosis.

Get tested for sexually transmitted infections

Like women, men need to take these tests in order to prevent the development of unpleasant diseases. All patients are diagnosed with HIV infection, syphilis, and hepatitis B and C. It is advisable to take them every six months, even if you have a permanent partner.

What tests to take women

Get checked out by a gynecologist

The gynecologist will not only look, but also take a smear on the vaginal flora. It will help to identify the presence of sexually transmitted diseases in you, and will direct you to an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. To examine the tissues of the cervix to prevent the formation of cancer cells, the doctor will give a referral for colposcopy.

Get checked out by a mammologist

If you are over 35, you should have a mammogram every year. For girls and those who have experienced menopause, it is advisable once a month for 7-10 days from the first day of the onset of menstruation to probe the breasts for the formation of seals. If you feel pain in your chest or feel some kind of induration, contact your doctor immediately. It is advisable for women under 40 to visit a mammologist annually.

Get tested for hormones

Women need to pay special attention to the analysis of hormones: it will show whether the ovaries and thyroid are healthy.

Once in a lifetime

Tests for the detection of mutations (including mutations in the genes of hemostasis and the folate cycle) are taken only once in a lifetime, because. The human genotype does not change.

How is such an analysis done? Testing for hemostasis should be taken in the morning, blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach. A buccal smear (the epithelium of the inner surface of the cheek is used as a material for research) can be taken not on an empty stomach at any time of the day.

Such an analysis allows you to assess the risk of developing blood clotting disorders in the future and make an accurate prognosis for the patient. In order for the diagnosis to be as accurate as possible, an additional study is carried out on the genes that “program” the response of the blood coagulation system to various provoking factors (inflammation, pregnancy, etc.).

Basically, such tests are given before surgery. It should also be given to people under the age of 50 who have had an episode of thrombosis or who have relatives with thrombosis that occurred before the age of 50 (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack), women with miscarriage and infertility who have there were two or more missed pregnancies, unsuccessful IVF attempts, fetal death.


1. Every year, both women and men need to take a complete blood count. With it, you can find out the level of hemoglobin in the blood and identify the inflammatory process at an early stage.

2. Both of them are recommended to regularly take a biochemical blood test, in the people – “biochemistry”. So you can control your cholesterol levels, which in turn will allow you to determine whether you have problems with the heart and blood vessels.

3. Required tests include a blood sugar test to help diagnose diabetes. And older people should check their blood sugar more often, about once every six months.

4. Analysis for hormones. It is no secret that many diseases, especially in older people, arise precisely because of hormonal imbalance. In addition, the risk group includes residents of regions with iodine deficiency – they need to check hormones not once, but twice a year.

5. Blood testing for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV.

6. Urinalysis – it will help identify diabetes and diseases of the genitourinary system.

7. In addition to tests, each of us needs to regularly sign up for a cardiogram and fluorography: the first will reveal heart problems, the second – pleural diseases, the onset of tumors and tuberculosis.

People over 45 are shown two more important examinations: gastroscopy (EGD) and colonoscopy. With their help, it is possible to detect cancer of the stomach and colon at an early stage.

Other factors

If you have relatives who suffer from chronic diseases or have died of cancer, check for tumors in time and do not ignore the signals of the tumor process.

For the diagnosis of tumors by blood tests, the most significant markers are α-fetoprotein and β-chorionic gonadotropin, which are determined in some types of tumors of the ovary, body and cervix. As well as the prostate-specific antigen PSA, which is elevated in prostate cancer.

The second most important is CA-125, which is detected in serous ovarian cancer.

Other tumor markers:

  • with tumors of the mammary gland, CEA, CA-15-3 and CA-72-4 are determined;
  • if cervical cancer is suspected, in addition to alpha-fetoprotein and HCG, SCC is determined;
  • at colon cancer — SEA and SA-72-4;
  • if a tumor of the stomach is suspected – CEA, CA-72-4 and CA-19-9;
  • for suspected pancreatic cancer – CA-19-9 and CA-242;
  • in thyroid cancer — hTERT, EMC1, TMPRSS4, galectin-3, EGFR, HBME-1;
  • in bladder cancer, BTA, UBC, NMP-22 are determined in the urine.

A blood test for cancer markers is performed on an empty stomach or four hours after a meal, blood is taken from a vein. The analysis is carried out within 1–2

Popular questions and answers

Comments Natalya Belyaeva, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest qualification category, nutritionist-nutritionist:

What tests to take if you are planning a pregnancy
Let’s start with the fact that the tests that need to be passed for pregnancy planning are a component of preconception preparation – a set of preventive measures whose goal is the birth of a healthy child in a particular married couple. That is, preconception preparation is always individual and necessary not only for the expectant mother, but also for the future father. Both spouses are equally responsible for the genetic material of the embryo.

So, today we will talk about an examination for a future mother, and it should begin with a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist for an obstetric and gynecological examination (assessment of the vaginal microflora, cytological smears), ultrasound of the OMT and ultrasound of the mammary glands. It is necessary to schedule consultations with a dentist and an otorhinolaryngologist.

Mandatory minimum laboratory tests for a woman are:

● clinical blood test with leukocyte formula and ESR;

● determination of blood group and Rh factor;

● determination of serum a / t to pale treponema, HIV, diagnosis of hepatitis B and C, detection of IgG to the rubella virus;

● diagnosis of iron deficiency in risk groups;

● determination of the level of glucose in the blood plasma;

● assessment of thyroid function (TSH, T4 free);

● general urinalysis.

It is desirable to determine the concentration of homocysteine ​​in the blood and the level of vitamin D, the determination of IgG to measles and varicella viruses, and it is optimal to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the entire metabolism with the definition of deficient conditions and diagnostics of the quality of metabolic processes.

What tests should a woman take if there are patients with cervical cancer in her family?
Unfortunately, there are currently no analyzes that determine the prognosis of health in cases of aggravated heredity for cervical cancer.

It is important to take preventive measures. This is a regular visit to the doctor and a cytological examination of cervical smears (PAP test) with the possible simultaneous analysis of samples for types of human papillomavirus (HPV) of high oncogenic risk.

But we must not forget that oncology is the loss by the body, as a system, of control over cell division. High-quality metabolism makes it possible to control this process.

Why is it necessary to take tests annually?
The above studies must be taken in order to prevent the development of all kinds of dangerous conditions and check your health.

When a person feels well and does not complain about anything, going to the doctor is often something rather tedious and not at all necessary. However, good health is not always an indicator of complete health, because many diseases are asymptomatic for the time being. In addition, there is such a wonderful thing as prevention: any condition is easier and cheaper to prevent than to treat later. In order to prevent the development of all kinds of dangerous conditions and check your health, absolutely everyone needs to be tested annually and examined every year.

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