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It is associated with aggression and sex. Women also have it in their bodies. And men with testosterone deficiency may have a problem not only with potency, but also with overweight and depression.
Damian Gajda, Medonet: «Attention! Masculinity is under threat ”, this is the sentence you begin your“ Book for Men Only ”. Is it really that bad?
Dr. Ewa Kempisty-Jeznach: I am seeing testosterone and sperm growing around. We owe the Silicon Valley to the world of smartphones, macs, the information revolution, rat race in corporations, ambitions of ownership, requirements to work faster and have more. The bar for men is being set higher and higher not only by employers, but also by family: partners, children. High expectations are a great stress. Not this short adrenaline rush, but chronic cortisol distress. And cortisol, the stress hormone, is testosterone’s worst enemy.
It is said that metrosexuality.
There is something about it. The term metrosexual was first used by Mark Simpson in 1994 to describe a new type of man. The name consists of two parts: metro, from metropolis, and sexual, from heterosexuality. The development of metrosexuality was greatly influenced by the modern clothing and cosmetics industry. Men consume it as much as women. A group of them pay attention to whether the cosmetics are brand-name, regularly go to the solarium, are well-versed in fashion, remove hair, use the services of a beautician and botox.
But not only cosmetics and clothes make a man metrosexual.
Metrosexuality is developed by stress factors and the estrogenization of the world: changes in a man’s appearance and behavior. He has become soft, warm, polite, kind and emotional. However, when asking women which partner they prefer, most of them will answer that it is strong, firm and not too melancholic. Soft, emaciated and styled, it has no chance with a guy with light stubble, masculine build and casual clothing. The woman still expects the man to be a testosterone-laden male caring for her, not just her friend.
This can only be done by a man with a lot of testosterone?
Testosterone is the only hormone that is typical of men, although women also produce it, but ten times less. The main place of its production is the nuclei. Only a small fraction of testosterone is found in the adrenal glands. Hence the name of this hormone, derived from the word “testis”, the testes, and the chemical group from which steroids are derived. Testosterone burns fats, builds muscle naturally when exercised. It shapes the silhouette of a man with broad shoulders, a flat belly and firm buttocks. Affects a man’s wit. It gives self-confidence, firmness and ease of decision making. Makes a man a leader and leader. Men with low testosterone levels become vigorous.
Tribulus terrestris has a positive effect on the appropriate level of testosterone. The plant supports the production of the hormone and strengthens male potency. You can buy a high-quality dietary supplement with Tribulus terrestris at
Depressive states can also be caused by a drop in testosterone?
Yes. Michael Irwig of George Washington University in the Journal of Sexual Medicine announced that in 200 men with low testosterone, whom he examined, 56 percent. showed clinical symptoms of depression. That is why I suggest to psychiatrists that every depressed patient should be referred for a blood test that will show their natural testosterone levels. When it turns out to be low, it makes sense to change your lifestyle. Instead of taking antidepressants, start eating differently, playing sports. Of course, it all depends on the stage of the disease. In advanced cases, it is impossible to give up taking medications. However, testosterone replacement therapy should be considered, or therapy that provokes the testes to self-produce testosterone when procreation is desired. A large study on transsexual men at the Vienna Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy has shown that testosterone increases the amount of the neurotransmitter serotonin. We know that a lack of serotonin causes depression, and antidepressants increase the amount of it at synapses. Also, testosterone is actually an antidepressant drug.
Men rarely test the level of this hormone. Perhaps doctors rarely refer them to such tests. Or maybe they do not allow themselves to think that they may have too little of this hormone?
A man defending his masculinity does not allow himself to think that he could have too little testosterone. Subconsciously, but culturally, he considers it a point of honor to have a high testosterone level, as well as a large, functional penis and potency. And testosterone drops about two percent a year from the time a man turns 40. We are observing it more and more often before.
Take care of the proper level of testosterone in the body and buy Prostativ – YANGO dietary supplement today.
Do you want to test your testosterone levels as well as other parameters? We propose an e-packet for men, in which it is possible to conduct detailed tests, including the determination of PSA – a prostate cancer marker. We also recommend prophylactic blood tests for men with the option of home blood collection.
When is the best time to test the level of this hormone, and are these measurements always reliable?
We produce testosterone in the morning and use it during the day. So the best are morning measurements, between 7 and 9 o’clock. They should be repeated to check that the first result was not distorted. We test not only total testosterone, but also free testosterone, as well as SHBG, i.e. proteins that connect hormones. Their high level by combining testosterone reduces the amount of free testosterone from which the body benefits. You can have high total testosterone and low free testosterone, but then you feel terrible. And it is enough to change the diet and we return to the correct proportions again. You should also examine the FSH and LH hormones produced in the pituitary gland to see if our decline is related to the so-called primary hypogonadism, i.e. the problem of testosterone production in the testes, or secondary hypogonadism associated with problems at the brain level in the form of hormonal tumors or the production of hormones of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland itself.
What causes a drop in testosterone levels?
Lifestyle in the 60st century is largely responsible for the decline of this most male hormone. We live in times of challenges, and we spend too little time on rest. The water we drink is improperly filtered, it has a lot of estrogen. Women for XNUMX years have been taking contraceptives and antimicrobials. They urinate full of hormones that end up in the sewage system and groundwater. In addition, plastic bottles with mineral water and plastic kettles in which we prepare boiling water contain bisphenol A, a substance that combines with water, which increases the level of estrogen in the body of a man drinking it. Soy also works like that, which is called phytoestrogen, i.e. estrogen of plant origin. Soybeans, and especially genetic soybeans, are used as fillers in the production of cheese, cakes or meat products. A woman who wants her man to be healthy and strong should not talk him into a latte with soy milk. Instead, he can offer him tea with Tribulus herb, which increases testosterone levels. Regular supplementation with Living Multivitamin Men Terranova – a preparation available at a promotional price on Medonet Market will also help in regulating the level of this hormone.
Naturally, testosterone levels can be raised by playing sports. But “sport” and “testosterone” are clearly associated with … doping.
Testosterone and sport are closely related. Every young man with a high level of the hormone enjoys physical activity. This in turn causes an increase in testosterone. Such a closed circle. Nowadays, body worship has developed in fitness clubs. The men wind up looking like Rambo. For this they need proteins and androgens. They cheer in sports and in the gym. They are unaware of the consequences of doing so. Especially since they use preparations of unknown origin and composition. Externally administered testosterone has side effects, such as a reduction in sperm production. Therefore, it is safe to use in men who no longer want to have children. Some decide to freeze the sperm just in case.
What else is at risk of men taking externally testosterone?
For example, an increase in the production of erythropoietin, which in turn increases the production of red blood cells – erythrocytes in the marrow. Red blood cells contain oxygen in their hemoglobin. This side effect is used by athletes to improve command and performance.
We are talking about threats to young athletes. Are you saying that these elders can help each other with impunity?
Not completely. A large number of erythrocytes is at the same time a risk of blood condensation and thrombosis leading to sudden death as a result of embolism of the vessels of the lower and upper limbs, as well as of the brain and heart.
Exactly, what about the heart?
On the one hand, testosterone by burning fat reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. On the other hand, blood thickening is a risk of embolic strokes and heart attacks. Treatment of its deficiency with testosterone, but only under the supervision of specialists, minimizes the risk and brings out the positive effect of this hormone on most of the processes in the male body.
Lack of exercise and obesity are also alarm signals that testosterone is decreasing.
The first symptom of its decline is the deposition of abdominal fat. As we said at the beginning, stress increases cortisol, testosterone’s greatest enemy. Both of these hormones have a common mother from which they derive. It is the well-known cholesterol. During stress, high cortisol levels take away all the food from the mother, leaving nothing behind for testosterone. Cortisol stores visceral fat in the belly. About a hundred different hormones and the so-called cytokines such as adiponectin, resistin TN alpha plasminogen, leptin, which, thanks to the aromatase enzyme, convert testosterone into estrogens.