Testosterone – role, norms, excess and deficiency. How to check testosterone levels? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Testosterone is a male sex hormone that is produced by the testicles. Lowering its level makes you less and less brave, you stop competing, and sex does not seem so attractive to you anymore – check your testosterone levels. The lack of this hormone deprives you of masculinity.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is an organic chemical compound that belongs to the group of androgens. It is the primary male sex steroid hormone produced in the testes. Testosterone is produced by Leydig’s interstitial cells under the influence of luteinizing hormone. Testosterone is also produced in small amounts by the adrenal cortex, the ovaries and the placenta.

It is worth noting that in the blood, only a small part of testosterone is present in the free form and in the form bound to albumin. The remainder of testosterone is bound to the transport protein “sex hormone binding globulin”, or SHBG for short.

Testosterone is considered a key hormone, especially in the case of men. Because he is androgenic hormone, it is responsible for the occurrence of male characteristics of the organism. Testosterone is also found in women, in small amounts it is produced by the ovaries and the placenta.

Proper testosterone levels are very important for both men and women. The appropriate concentration of this hormone affects libido, proper bone density, muscle strength, the amount of adipose tissue, as well as the indicated ranges of blood pressure. Too high or low testosterone level negatively affects the overall functioning of the human body, not only on the spheres related to sexuality.

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How is testosterone produced?

Among the male sex hormones, testosterone definitely comes to the fore. The pituitary gland is responsible for the level of this hormone in the human body, which when its concentration is lowered, stimulates its secretion by the testes.

The secretion of testosterone is controlled by another LH hormone. that is, the luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone binds to the membrane receptor of testicular interstitial cells, and then adenylate cyclase is activated and the concentration of cyclic AMP in these cells increases. The effect of this process is the increase in testosterone secretion. Sounds complicated? Put simply, in response to low testosterone levels, the hypothalamus produces follicle stimulating hormone, which stimulates the pituitary gland to synthesize luteinizing hormone. And it is this hormone that stimulates the production of testosterone.

Testosterone synthesis takes place from about 7 weeks of fetal life. This process is extremely important because it is thanks to testosterone that the sexual characteristics of the fetus develop. It is worth mentioning that the amount of testosterone secreted is variable and shows clear fluctuations throughout the day. The highest concentration of testosterone occurs in the morning and evening hours. The drop in testosterone levels is observed in the afternoon.

To maintain proper testosterone levels, use Prostativ – the YANGO dietary supplement.

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Testosterone – role in the body

Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the production of sperm and stimulating sexual activity related to procreation. It is thanks to his presence that sexual characteristics are formed. In addition to this function, it also has another: it causes men to want to compete, win and even dominate.

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Testosterone – action

Testosterone as the primary sex hormone is often referred to as a hormone that only affects gender and human sexuality. As it turns out, the spectrum of testosterone’s activity is much wider and includes:

  1. influence on spermatogenesis;
  2. shaping sexual characteristics in the fetal period – testosterone deficiency, its complete lack or a defect in receptors may cause developmental defects, such as male pseudo-hermaphroditicism, hypocrisy or androgen insensitivity syndrome;
  3. influence on the development of secondary sexual characteristics, which include body build, low voice, facial hair or hair type;
  4. anabolic effect – testosterone stimulates protein synthesis, therefore, although to a slight extent, it causes an increase in muscle mass;
  5. to some extent an increase in libido, but it should be remembered that with prolonged use of testosterone, this effect loses its strength;
  6. influence on stimulating the development of the prostate gland – among other things, it increases its volume, but also stimulates the development of prostate cancer. Especially the latter consequence of its action means that the use of testosterone as a medicine should be under regular supervision;
  7. increasing blood cholesterol and increasing blood pressure – theoretically, testosterone may increase the risk of atherosclerosis.

To maintain the proper level of testosterone in the body, you can use Libido, senses and strength – a natural herbal mixture for him Lorem Vit, which contains herbs that positively affect the male body.

What are the causes of hormonal disorders and how to recognize them? Check: Hormonal disorders – what are their symptoms and how to prevent them?

The role of testosterone in the female body

Although it may come as a surprise to some, testosterone is also present in the body of women. For some time now, sex hormones have not been assigned to a specific gender, but rather the role they play in men and women. This is a consequence of the fact that sexual differences do not result from the ability to produce a given hormone, but from the difference in the concentration of individual hormones.

Therefore, it is possible to consider what role testosterone plays in a woman’s body and what its concentration is correct and appropriate. First of all, it is worth emphasizing that testosterone levels in women it is about 10 times lower than in men. However, on the other hand, it is the female body that is much more sensitive to the effects of this hormone.

One of the most important functions of testosterone, as well as all androgens, is a very clear influence on the functioning of the “dopaminergic system”. What does it mean?


  1. crosses the blood-brain barrier, that is, affects the functioning of the brain;
  2. may increase the production of dopamine by enhancing the activity of enzymes involved in the path of its production;
  3. influences dopamine receptors, thus modifying their density in the brain;
  4. it affects the activity of dopamine transporters and enzymes that break it down, which is synonymous with a more intense turnover of dopamine in the central nervous system;
  5. and its metabolites modulate the action of the GABA and glutamate systems, which in turn increases emotional stability and reduces anxiety.

What conclusions follow from the above findings? Well, low doses of testosterone given to women reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Testosterone also has properties that reduce mental disorders that occur after ovariectomy. The reduction of anxiety in a woman was noticeable after a single dose of testosterone.

Testosterone plays an important role in the female body, but its concentration must fluctuate around the physiological norm. Both the excess and the deficiency of testosterone can cause health problems for a woman.

The proper concentration of testosterone in women it ranges from 0,7 to 3,9 nmol / l. In women, testosterone is produced not only in the ovaries and adrenal glands, but also as a result of peripheral conversion from other hormones, such as the conversion of adrostenedione to testosterone.

It is also worth remembering that the testosterone concentration in a woman’s body is not always the same. Several factors influence the level of this hormone. The first is the age of the woman. Testosterone levels in women increase over the years. Growing up continues until around age 60, and gradually declines as you reach that age. Testosterone concentration also depends on body weight. Typically, obese women have slightly elevated levels of testosterone in the body. Testosterone levels also change during pregnancy. Monitoring this level is very important as testosterone deficiency can lead to hermaphroditism, while excess testosterone increases the child’s risk of autism.

Specialists also point to possible causes of excess testosterone in women. These causes include insulin resistance, negligible physical activity, hormonal imbalance of estrogen or progesterone, and leptin resistance.

At this point, it is worth paying attention to the consequences of excess testosterone in a woman’s body:

  1. facial hair growth;
  2. lowered voice;
  3. masculinization;
  4. menstrual disorders;
  5. problems with getting pregnant;
  6. androgenic pattern baldness; 
  7. reduced body resistance;
  8. greater susceptibility to depression;
  9. tendency to aggression and will to dominate;
  10. low sex drive;
  11. increased stress levels and hyperactivity;
  12. excessive increase in muscle mass;
  13. hormonal acne.

How androgens affect the body of a woman and a man? Read: Androgens in women and men. Effects of hyperandrogenism

Testosterone testing

Testosterone levels can be checked with an ordinary laboratory blood test – for a fee or free of charge, if the doctor directs us for the test. As usual with blood tests, testosterone levels should be measured on an empty stomach in the morning – this is when the hormone levels are highest. For women, the test is performed regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle. The price of this test ranges from PLN 20 to PLN 30.

For the full diagnosis, the LH (SHBG) level is often assessed. The doctor may also recommend the free testosterone fraction, the level of prolactin and estradiol.

We recommend men to perform the Preventive blood tests for men package, which is available on Medonet Market and incl. helps to determine the level of testosterone in the body.

What is worth knowing about hormone tests? Check: Hormonal tests


Interpretation of testosterone test results depends on the standards adopted in a given laboratory. However, the testosterone test result should always be interpreted by a doctor. Testosterone norms in the body of women and men are as follows:

Free testosterone:

  1. males: 174–792 pmol / L (50–210 ng / L);
  2. women:

Total testosterone:

  1. males: 9,0–34,7 nmol / l (260–1000 ng / dl);
  2. women: 0,52–2,43 nmol / L (15–70 ng / dL).

When is it worth doing a blood count and how to interpret the result? Check: Blood morphology – what is this test, what are the standards?

Testosterone – what influences hormonal disorders?

Hormonal disorders significantly affect the condition of our body. Therefore, it is worth finding out what causes testosterone levels in men to exceed the norm and, if possible, eliminate these factors from your life.

  1. daily diet – what we eat has a huge impact on the hormonal balance. Junk food and too high caloric content of dishes cause the accumulation of fat tissue. This in turn causes the production of the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen. Estrogen is the dominant hormone in the endocrine system of women. This transformation in men results in the sharpening of female features, hence the problems with lipomastia or gynecomastia. A healthy and balanced diet is essential. It is worth ensuring that the menu is rich in minerals such as magnesium, zinc or vitamin B6;
  2. toxins – that is, compounds that burden our body affect hormonal disorders. Toxins are delivered to the body through food, hygiene products or the polluted air itself. However, it is worth remembering that alcohol is a toxin that has a very negative effect on the human body. Alcohol puts a burden on the liver, which is responsible for removing toxins from the body. The liver, which cannot keep up with filtering, does not function properly, which means that toxins accumulate in the body and accumulate in adipose tissue. A overloaded liver can produce excess SHGB, the sex hormone binding globulin. When combined with SHGB, testosterone no longer fulfills its basic role;
  3. hypogonadism – is a disorder in which the testes abnormally produce testosterone. We are dealing with primary, pituitary, functional, total and partial hypogonadism;
  4. doping – long-term use of testosterone in the form of doping causes the body to stop producing its own testosterone. Unfortunately, but after stopping doping, testosterone production does not return to the state before the “treatment”. Incorrect intake of doping agents may result in the need to take testosterone in physiological doses even for the rest of your life;
  5. stress – as it turns out, cortisol and adrenaline, which are produced in a stressful situation, come from the same substrate as testosterone. Prolonged stress may therefore result in a lack of building blocks for testosterone. It often turns out that potency problems are the result of chronic stress.

How to deal with reduced potency? Check: How to restore lost potency? Products to help you with this

Do you want to check the level of testosterone and other parameters? We recommend preventive blood tests for men. The offered package can be made in over 500 locations throughout Poland.

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency

A decrease in testosterone levels can take the form of normal fatigue: bad mood, decreased sexual and life activity, nervousness, passivity, insomnia, weakness. Muscle strength also decreases and fat build-up is noticeable. Men may also experience a lack of energy and shortness of breath even with little exertion. There is also brain fog, indecision, sometimes depression and a lack of motivation. Scientific reports also link testosterone deficiency with osteopenia, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

There is less and less testosterone with age, and in men over 40 it drops by 1% on average. annually. It is estimated that between the ages of 20 and 80, testosterone levels drop by over 50%. The speed and advancement of this process is influenced by health, lifestyle and diet.

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Symptoms of excess testosterone

Excess testosterone in men it doesn’t happen very often. However, it is worth remembering that too high a concentration of this hormone also does not have a positive effect on the general health of a man.

The symptoms characteristic of excess testosterone include:

  1. decrease in the amount of sperm in semen;
  2. reduction in the size of the testicles;
  3. impotence;
  4. damage to the heart muscle, which can lead to a heart attack;
  5. prostate hyperplasia;
  6. liver disease;
  7. acne and skin problems;
  8. swelling of the legs;
  9. weight gain;
  10. hypertension;
  11. elevated cholesterol;
  12. problems with sleeping;
  13. body hair but baldness on the head;
  14. headaches;
  15. muscle mass gain;
  16. growth inhibition during adolescence;
  17. aggression;
  18. delusions;
  19. priapism – that is, the occurrence of a prolonged and painful erection;
  20. susceptibility to infections, weakened immunity;
  21. mood swings.

What diseases of the prostate do men face? Check: Prostate – causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of prostate diseases

Testosterone preparations

Men are more and more often reaching for testosterone preparations, which are in the form of gels, tablets, injections, etc. Their use, related to the artificial increase of testosterone levels, is, however, associated with side effects. Hormone therapy must always be carried out by a specialist doctor.

Testosterone tablets are a type of supplement that you can buy over the counter. It should be remembered that these are not drugs in the form of steroids, which are used in the case of significant testosterone deficiencies. Testosterone tablets do not contain the hormone itself, but ingredients that stimulate its natural production.

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Negative effects of testosterone use

Urologist Dr. Janusz Zajda warns that the administration of testosterone may inhibit its natural secretion by the body and lead to the atrophy of the testicles and degeneration of the seminal tubules. After stopping testosterone, the testes will produce less of it. There may be erectile dysfunction, symptoms of liver damage, skin changes, acne, and alopecia. Therefore, men who plan to enlarge their family must be careful about taking this hormone. – Also men who do not have low testosterone levels should not use this substitution.

This appeal is directed to young people taking anabolics in order to increase the growth of muscle mass – says Dr. Zajda. – The decision to administer testosterone is always preceded by the statement of obvious symptoms of its lack, determination of its level and a conversation with the patient – explains the urologist. – I always ask the patient to what extent the sphere of sexual life is important to him. If it is important to him, I try to help him, but not necessarily with hormone therapy – she adds.

Are anabolics safe? Check: What is happening in gyms? Steroids destroy Polish men

Testosterone diet

Instead of supplements and hormone therapy, it is worth using much simpler and more natural methods: a proper diet and physical activity. Nutritionists and doctors recommend eating red meat and eggs, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. You should also be prepared for sacrifices: it is advisable to give up alcohol in favor of physical activity – gentlemen, instead of going to a pub, should go to the gym.

When planning a proper diet, it is worth remembering a few important issues. A planned diet can both increase and decrease testosterone levels.

A diet to raise testosterone levels must be rich in vitamins and minerals. In turn, the maintenance of a caloric deficit for a long time contributes to the reduction of testosterone levels. A safe deficit is approx. 10-20% in relation to the daily energy requirement.

When planning a diet that is to affect the concentration of testosterone in the body, it is very important to pay attention to the supply of protein, fats and carbohydrates.

The amount of protein in the diet should fluctuate between 0,7 and 1,3 g per 1 kg of body weight. This applies to people who lead a rather sedentary lifestyle. In the case of physically active people, the protein should be between 1,5 and 2 g per 1 kg of body weight. The menu should be enriched with poultry, pork, beef and fish. Eggs and dairy products are also great choices.

Fats are also extremely important as their deficiency lowers testosterone levels. In turn, consuming them in excess is also not healthy and safe for the body. Therefore, when planning your daily menu, remember that fats come from valuable sources and cover about 30% of the daily energy requirement. It is worth providing the body with fats that come from nuts, vegetable oils, seeds, seeds, fish, eggs or green vegetables.

Another important nutrient is carbohydrates. A diet that is supposed to promote testosterone values ​​should include fruit, whole grains, pasta, rice and cereals.

If you want to learn more about how to compose your diet to increase potency, read: Potency diet – which products should you eat the most and which should be eliminated? Potency diet, stimulants and aphrodisiacs

Treatment of low testosterone levels

Too low testosterone levels may be an indication for treatment. In the case of suspected hormonal disorders, it is worth consulting a primary care physician who, after initial diagnosis, may refer the patient to a urologist, andrologist or endocrinologist.

First, a specialist doctor will order specialized tests, such as the determination of total testosterone concentration, blood count, glycemia and lipid levels. The doctor may also decide on the need for a urological examination, tests to check the functionality of the liver or bone densitometry.

Diagnosing too low testosterone levels is usually associated with the implementation of treatment, which consists in administering appropriate doses of testosterone in the form of oral tablets, gels, patches and injections.

During treatment, the patient goes through a series of checkups, during which the current testosterone concentration and PSA level are checked. If there are other disturbing symptoms, the doctor will order other examinations, tests and analyzes.

Who is an andrologist and what does he do? Check: Andrologist – what does he do? Tests performed by an andrologist

Testosterone – Recommended Exercises

Treatment of hormonal disorders is never the easiest process. Determining the correct dose, implementing the treatment and strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations is always a challenge for both the patient and the attending physician. As it turns out, you can support the therapy with, for example, appropriately selected physical activity. The body subjected to exercise is also more active in the production of testosterone.

However, it is worth remembering that not all physical activity affects testosterone production in the same way. Long-distance running or playing tennis have a relatively small effect on testosterone levels. However, strength exercises have a much greater impact on the production of this hormone.

Specialists, personal trainers and instructors indicate that in strength exercises, a small number of repetitions combined with a high load significantly affects the endocrine system of men. The most effective are complex exercises that engage the whole body during activity. Exercises that affect testosterone production include:

  1. deadlift;
  2. military bench press;
  3. squats;
  4. pull-ups on the bar;
  5. rowing with dumbbells;
  6. bench press on a horizontal bench.

Remember to perform the above exercises regularly and use as much weights as possible.

You can read more about the benefits of strength training here: Strength training – only in the gym?

Contraindications to the treatment of hormonal disorders

Treatment for too low testosterone levels cannot be initiated at once in all patients. In some cases, treatment must necessarily be preceded by curing other diseases or performing procedures that will enable treatment.

One of the contraindications for treatment is, for example, an obstruction in the outflow of urine, which is a consequence of prostate adenoma. Administration of testosterone dose in this condition is possible only after removal of the adenoma.

Several diseases or ailments are indicated that are an obstacle in starting the treatment of hormonal disorders in men. These include prostate cancer, breast cancer, untreated sleep apnea, severe hyperaemia, circulatory failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and urinary tract disorders.

What are the causes and symptoms of prostate adenoma? Check: Prostate adenoma – causes, diagnosis, treatment

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