Mid November. Finally, we waited for the snow, however, there is not much of it yet, but the paths near the flower beds can already be cleaned
Strawberries covered in snow. Now she won’t freeze for sure.
We continue to test the convection-type heater of the brand Ballu.
On the street thermometer minus 7, the normal temperature in order to check the cottage.
On our last visit to the dacha, we set the heater to 16 degrees and the minimum power, hoping to maintain a positive temperature in the house.
And they weren’t wrong. Our expectations were justified, the temperature in the room was above zero, although not high, only plus 9, but no longer negative and not equal to the street temperature, as usual. At this initial temperature, it will not be difficult to heat the room. During this month, the electric meter wound up 73 kW, for which we will pay no more than 110 rubles.
On the control unit, they set the temperature to plus 25, increased the power and went for a walk in the garden.
Since there is practically no work at the dacha at this time, and we want to test the heater, we decided to go home and come back in a few days.
In order for the check of the convection-type electric heater of the brand Ballu to be correct, we set the “Comfort” mode on the control unit, which should automatically maintain a comfortable temperature in the room. Be sure to check the electrical sockets, the reliability of the connection and the security of the connection and leave home.
We arrive at the cottage in a few days specifically to check the operation of the electric heater. The readings of the room thermometer did not disappoint. The photo below shows that the thermometer shows plus 22.
We plan to come to the dacha in a month, take the children with the kids for a walk, show the dacha in winter, play winter games. We leave the heater on the “Anti-freeze” mode, which maintains the temperature plus 5 automatically.
Let’s see in December what happened from our idea.