Testimonials: your little rituals for putting children to bed

“A rabbit ear massage.” »Céline, mother of Sam, 4 and a half years old

“Every night, it’s a story (either I’m reading it to her, or she tells it). She has a bunny blanket and she always rubs her right ear on her face. So every evening, I take the ear of the blanket and I rub her forehead, cheek, nose… and I say goodnight to her and that she never forgets that she is beautiful, intelligent and important… then I come down and daddy come up and give him a kiss! ”  



“Small massages…” Anne, mother of Hélio, 2 and a half years old

“Ritual done indifferently by the dad or me, or one end each: we read 2 – 3 stories, Hélio drinks a mini-bib, then brushing of the teeth, pee, massage of the back and the belly, hug, return on the good times during the day (often three), we lie down… And we say good night. There, we try to leave, but Hélio does not agree! We adjust. He is crying. We reassure. We leave. He calls back (desperate). We reassure. We stay in the hallway while he falls asleep. Every evening, it takes us 1 h -1 h 30! “

Kisses on every finger. »Clotilde, mother of Mélina, 5 years old

“Around 20 pm, 20:30 pm, passage through the bathroom (washcloth, pee, pajamas and teeth), then towards the bed. She snuggles under the duvet and I beside it, and I read her a story or two that she chooses. Then we discuss a bit (there is often a somewhat metaphysical question lying around, like: “What’s next after death?”) And if an extension is needed – I do it less now – I can hum Radiohead’s “No surprises” that I’ve been singing to him since I was little. Finally, I tuck her in, I turn off the light and we give each other a good night hug: kisses that snap on the neck, kisses of Eskimos, butterfly kisses, little scratches on her neck and shoulders … And right now, i get a kiss on each finger of the hand, before she lets go of my hand! I turn on the hallway light, I leave the door to her bedroom open and I walk away with a “Good night, sweet dreams, I love you!” All in less than 30 minutes… ”

“Always the same story. »Claudia, mum of Michelle, 3 years old

“Every night, Michelle wants to jump into her sleep alone and she wants a story, almost always the same! We give mum a kiss, an “I love you” and dad also has to kiss each blanket (there are three of them)! Every night, it’s the same sentence: “I call mom and dad if I have a problem and I don’t call if I don’t have a problem. Mom, you protect me and you also close your eyes and my cousin Louise is already sleeping! ” (She adores her cousin with whom she spends a lot of time.) Our daughter is very attached to the bedtime ritual, to the soft toys that can sleep with her. She can’t stand that something is moved in her room before sleeping even though, of course, she’s the one who disturbed her toys! “


“We read the story in the big bed. »Estelle, mother of Rose, 6 years old, Lison, 2 and a half years old and Adèle 9 months old

“When my daughters were little, I used to sing to them: ‘Sleep my cuddle’, rocking them, before going to bed. Today, at 6 and 2 and a half years old, we read a story on the big bed, then we take them to their room. They each go to bed with their blanket. I settle between their beds, on the carpet with a pillow while they calm down. Once in three, I wake up with a start, an hour later, muscles aching from falling asleep on the floor! ”


“She sings 10 minutes. »Gaëlle, mother of Jeanne, 3 years old

“Since Jeanne was a baby, it’s the same ritual: bath, dinner, then history. Then it’s a hug for dad, a hug for mom, kisses and in bed with his three monkeys, his rabbit, his “dodo” (his pillow) and his baby! We close the door telling her that we love her very much… and then she sings 10 minutes to fall asleep. “

“I created Dudule the butterfly. »Sophie, mother of Nina, 8 years old

“When Nina was 18 months old and didn’t want to fall asleep, I invented a character. Dudule was a butterfly that I animated by moving two fingers of my hand. I made him talk a little hysterically. Quickly, Dudule became Nina’s friend, essential to the ritual of sleep. He’s the one who makes her laugh, tickles her or asks for her breakfast. “

“Two stories and three songs. »Lila, mother of Zélia, 4 years old

“Every evening, it’s two stories, three songs (On the Nantes bridge, Ah would I tell you mom, A sweet song). Then it’s hugs, kisses, caresses, guilli. Then it’s a daddy song. Again a mum song, and we end with “Sleep well, sweet dreams my darling, I love you”. She replies: “Me too mom!” Phew! “

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