Testimonials: “Your co-sleeping experiences”

Ariane: “Real happiness! “

“I am a PRO co-sleeping! For my first daughter, I was the victim of the guilt of certain doctors, “experienced” mothers and other media. I came to the point of giving up sleep: I went through hell. Fortunately, I had the chance to meet a top pediatrician. He first cleared me of guilt and urged me to do as I felt and trust myself. My daughter, who until then only had microsleep, went to sleep. It allowed me to find our comfort in breastfeeding, it changed our life: a real happiness! “

Cindy: “I escape from bed without waking her. “

“I have five children ranging from 12 years to 9 months and all of them have been breastfed. The co-sleeping was obvious to me from the second. We chose with the dad: I slept with my baby and the dad was in the living room. Our third baby was allergic to cow’s milk protein, and had a lot of reflux. He often choked, so the co-sleeping allowed me to manage, in addition to the well-being of sleeping with his baby. We slept together until his first candle. For my number 4, same, the dad left us the bed. She slept with me for two years. My last, who will be 9 months old tomorrow, is obviously in a co-sleeping, and I can tell you that Mademoiselle is taking advantage of it and savoring my presence with her. Sometimes it is difficult to get out of bed without waking her up. This is when I transform into a cat with incredible flexibility! Like a tiger, I manage to save myself from my bed without waking up Mademoiselle in order to join my partner to spend our evenings as a couple. “

Cindy: “My partner was fed up! “

“As a mom, I loved sleeping with my daughter, but as a couple, it created a lot of conflict. My partner was fed up with no longer having “his” place and suddenly we had a separate bedroom. Then we moved and decided by mutual agreement to stop the co-sleeping. “

Mom panda Blog: “Hear“ love you mom ””

Falling asleep eye to eye is:

– Realize that already so small, a child snores too!

– Tell yourself that luckily you have a double bed, because despite the fact that he / she does not even measure 1 m, if you have 20 cm left in the bed, it is the great luxury!

– Make you wake up X times during the night to have something to drink (bib / bottle placed on the bedside table or then agree to sleep with a leaking bib in the middle of the bed).

But it is also :

– Fall asleep face to face, eye to eye… With looks full of tenderness and love… Kisses and hugs… “I love you”.

– Feel how much he / she has grown up, he / she still needs a mom and as soon as he / she moves away a little faster, we hang up!

– Feel his little hand take yours in the middle of the night and hear a “love you mom” in a half-asleep voice…

Sarah “We sleep better without her. “

“After staying two weeks in our room, we decided to put her in her room. So as not to lose our privacy and also to sleep better. We are not going to lie to each other: when we have our newborn baby next to us at night, we love to watch it and admire it sleeping … The only condition was that I have a baby monitor to hear it and let the open doors. She slept at 2 months. “

Eve: “He stayed for a year! “

“I practiced it involuntarily. When my son was 18 months old, I had to remove the bars from his bed because he was going over them. From that moment on, I couldn’t get him to sleep in his room anymore: he stayed sleeping in my bed for a year. “

Slab: “I do not regret! “

“When I was little, my son slept very little. It’s hard to manage the nights by working the next day early, so we keep our kids with us when they need it. For my 13 month old daughter, it is extremely rare that she sleeps with us, unlike her brother when he was a baby. I’m really not against co-sleeping. Frankly, after getting up every night and having tried everything: bottle, let cry, light, no light, blanket, change the place of the bed, install a fixed ritual … When nothing or done, you have to have courage not to not give in to the co-sleeping. Today, the big one is 6 years old and I have no regrets. “

Madiha: “I am a doctor and pro-sleeping! “

“I am a happy mother of four and also a doctor. For my first child, I did not dare to co-sleep. Except my baby woke up a lot and I was exhausted. When we moved to a larger unit, I sent my husband to sleep in the spare bedroom. I kept the 160 bed for me and my baby. I could breastfeed at night without getting up and moving away from my baby so that I wouldn’t run the risk of crushing her. Sleeping pediatricians are against co-sleeping because they believe that it increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome: I think we have to be very careful indeed. Keeping your child as close to you as possible to reassure him that he can grant his breath to ours is, on the contrary, protective. On the other hand, in the same bed, you really have to respect certain rules. “

Virginia: “He doesn’t want to stay in his bed! “

“My son is 13 months old and has been sleeping with us since he was 3 months old. At first he was in his bed. But as soon as he had his first cold, I took him close to me to listen to him breathe. Knowing that he was breastfed, I quickly realized that sleeping with us made me less tired. However, I feel like it will be hard to get her used to sleeping on her own when breastfeeding is over. Indeed, he no longer wants to stay in his bed. “

Caro: “He ends up in our bed! “

“For our second child, the co-sleeping has lasted for three months. For a few days now, he started the night in his room and ended it in our bed after the feed! “

Damien: “The pleasure of feeling her safe!” “

“We did the co-sleeping for two months and it was very enjoyable. What a pleasure to hear our daughter and to feel her safe near us. After two months, to find our room, we put it in his, without incident. We do not regret. It was very reassuring.

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