Support: a mother testifies
« My son developed normally until he was one year old when he started showing suspicious signs. It was the nursery that first alerted us, but neither the doctor, nor the speech therapist, nor even the psychologist we met were worried. For them, he was just jealous of his little brother …
We then inquired on the Internet and consulted a psychiatrist specializing in autism. He immediately diagnosed the disease. Our son was then two and a half years old, we have lost more than a year since the beginning of our suspicions!
After several speech therapy sessions and a 4-month psychoanalytic follow-up that did not yield anything, we opted for a practice that practices the Teacch method with autistic children. For a year and a half, we did parental guidance with a psychologist who came home once a month for 2 hours and a specialized educator who came twice a week. Our son has made great progress with this method, we have seen a clear difference. But he still had a problem of generalizing his knowledge, he couldn’t reproduce at school what he did at home …
For 6 months, he has been following the ABA treatment and we immediately saw a remarkable improvement. It is the Léa pour Samy association, and other parents, who told us about this care. With ABA treatment, we take precisely the stages of the child’s development, we re-educate his brain in a way. My son is starting to find his word again and can now make imitations, differentiate shapes, colors and the size of objects. At school, he is in high school and things are going much better …
A specialized psychologist comes to our home two and a half hours a week to do supervisory work, educators come 4 times a week for 2-3 hours, and I practice ABA treatment at home with my son almost constantly. But, in reality, he would need a follow-up of 30 to 40 hours per week with the educators and 6-9 with the psychologist!
Only, it is necessary to count for that 2500 euros per month, and we don’t have them! It’s crazy to think that for financial reasons, our son cannot benefit from optimal care and progress as he should. It’s unfair, especially since this treatment seems to suit him… I also regret all this time lost, between the late diagnosis and the inadequate care. We could have gone much faster… ”
Read our article on toys for children with communication disorders …