Testicular (testicular) pain – causes, procedures

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Testicular (testicular) pain can have various causes, but these are most often symptoms of a serious condition and should never be ignored. Testicular pain affects men of all ages

Testicular (testicular) pain – causes

Testicular pain can be multiple, one-time or recurring. It can be a symptom of many ailments, including:

  1. an injury to the perineal area, which irritates the nerve endings or causes a hematoma in the scrotum or around the testicle,
  2. pressure on the testicle (for a long time), which causes blood circulation disorders or passive hyperemia due to impaired blood outflow, e.g. after long-term cycling with an incorrectly adjusted (uncomfortably positioned) saddle,
  3. torsion of the spermatic cord and the testicle occurring most often due to trauma or accompanying anatomical defects, causing excessive mobility of the testicle,
  4. swelling and congestion of the testicles, e.g. with prolonged erection of the penis and sexual arousal,
  5. compressing the testicle of very fitted underwear (e.g. briefs),
  6. epididymitis,
  7. inflammation of the testicle which is a complication of viral salivary glands mumps, it manifests itself as enlargement and painfulness of the testicle (or testicles),
  8. the initial stage of the scrotal hernia, which puts pressure on the seminal cord and then on the testicle, causing a feeling of fullness in the scrotum and swelling and pain in this area,
  9. varicose veins, especially their congestion, e.g. due to prolonged standing.

Testicular pain and diseases

Treatment for testicular pain depends on its cause.

1. Torsion of the testicle it is a sudden condition that must be operated on as soon as possible. The torsion of the testicles is accompanied by severe pain in the testicles which may spread to the groin. The testicle is high and placed in the scrotum in a transverse position, there is swelling and redness. The persistent torsion of the testicles leads to the closure of blood vessels, which in turn results in hypoxia and necrosis of the testicular tissues. Doctors in such a situation often undertake the removal of the testicle.

2. Inflammation of the testicle and epididymis – A doctor who diagnoses testicular pain must distinguish epididymitis from testicular torsion. In addition to pain, epididymitis is accompanied by a high temperature, the testicle is also swollen and very tender. The ailment in the form of epididymitis occurs most often in the elderly, and its treatment is carried out by pharmacological treatment with antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. It happens that treatment with drugs gives no effect, so in such a situation the patient requires hospitalization and intravenous medication. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the epididymis if, for example, pus appears. Unfortunately, removal of the epididymis causes reduced fertility in a man, but it still retains its hormonal function. Testicular inflammation is often a complication of untreated epididymitis (the inflammatory process spreads). The testicle is painful, hard and greatly enlarged, swelling is visible, while the skin of the scrotum is tense and red. Treatment is the same as for epididymitis. Here, too, the removal of the testicle can be a consequence.

3. Varicose veins – they are most often activated on the left side, causing obstructed outflow of venous blood from the testicle. This condition causes severe pain in the testicles, which often occurs after physical activity or intercourse. This condition reduces fertility, while its treatment is associated with the surgical ligation of the left nuclear vein (traditional or laparoscopic). Especially pain and fertility problems are an indication for surgery.

4. Ureteric stones – stones in the ureter give symptoms characteristic of renal colic. The movement of the stone in the ureter towards the bladder causes the patient to feel a strong urge to urinate. Therefore, men who complain of testicular pain should be screened for ureterolithiasis, as testicular pain may be caused by the excretion of small deposits.

5.Injury of the scrotum – men very often injure the testicles (for example while playing football). The scrotal injury is characterized by severe pain, and its extent should always be checked by a urologist. It uses scrotal ultrasound for diagnostic purposes, which can exclude or confirm a hematoma in the testicle; casings or twine. The urologist should also check for a rupture of the testicle.

6.Nuclear tumor – testicular cancer affects young men aged 25-35. Unfortunately, these are mainly malignant neoplasms. However, it should be remembered that early diagnosis and well-chosen treatment can lead to complete cure of the tumor. So if you feel a tumor in your testicle, go to the urologist immediately! Men often forget about the prophylactic self-examination of the testicles, which can really save a life. Very often, a man visits a doctor with a testicular tumor, after which it turns out that the tumor is advanced and the lymph nodes have metastasized.

Do not wait for the testicle to start to hurt. It is important to observe your body and symptoms, e.g. a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, enlarged testicle, palpable lump – all this is an indication for a visit to the urologist.

7.The testicle waterman – is a condition characterized by a build-up of fluid in the testicles. Symptoms of the disease are testicular pain, enlargement of the scrotum. Treatment consists of an operation in which the fluid is removed from the testicular sheath.

8.Inguinal hernia – gentlemen may experience pain in the groin area that radiates to the scrotum. Testicular pain occurs after exercise, coughing or passing stools. Complications of this ailment can be life-threatening, so always consult a doctor if you suspect that something is wrong. A hernia can be treated with surgery.

Testicular pain – management

When you experience testicular pain or are surrounded by someone who complains about it, there are a few rules to remember:

  1. the position of the patient in a supine position,
  2. lifting the scrotum upwards, e.g. by lifting it, placing the so-called jockstrap,
  3. taking off or completely loosening the underwear,
  4. using clean water or acidic water compresses on the scrotum and groin, changed every two or three hours,
  5. taking an analgesic and antipyretic (once) or anti-inflammatory (in the case of concomitant fever),
  6. checking that gas, urine and faeces are passed properly.

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