Testicular self-examination and cancer. How to Examine the Testicles?

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Self-examination of the testicles is important for the early detection of testicular cancer. Do them once a month. Comparing one nucleus with another can be very important. If you find they vary in size, don’t worry. It’s normal. Concentrate on whether there have been any changes compared to the previous survey. After reaching puberty, each man should perform a testicular self-examination monthly.

Testicular self-examination and prostate cancer – visit to the urologist

Testicular cancer is highly curable, especially if detected early. In most cases, it is indicated by a tumor or swollen testicles. If you notice any changes, see a urologist.

Self-examination is best done during or just after a warm shower or bath. The heat relaxes the scrotum, making the test easier. Don’t worry if one testicle feels slightly larger than the other or is hanging lower – this is normal.


It’s also important to remember that every healthy testicle has a small, coiled tube called the epididymis. It may resemble a small bump on the upper or middle outer side.

Healthy testicles also contain blood vessels, supporting tissues, and sperm tubes. Some men may mistake them for abnormal lumps initially. If you have any doubts, see a doctor.

The rest of the article under the video.

How to do a testicular self-examination step by step?

Take a 5-minute warm shower or bath. This way you will relax the scrotum and the muscles that support the testicles, making it easier to examine. Stand in front of a mirror if possible. Check for swelling on the skin of the scrotum.

Examine each testicle separately with both hands. Hold it between your thumbs and middle fingers and gently but firmly roll them between your fingers.

Look for hard lumps or nodules (smooth, rounded masses) or any change in the size, shape, texture or hardness of the testicles. You should not feel any pain during your self-examination.

Pay attention to any ailments.

The testicles should be smooth and hard to the touch. Go to the second kernel and follow the steps above.


Make a note of any size changes. The most common symptom of testicular cancer is a painless mass. However, some men report swelling in the testicles and scrotum.

Testicular self-examination and a visit to the urologist

When we notice changes during the test of the testicles, we should contact a specialist as soon as possible. In this way, we will reduce the risk of cancer spreading. No man is particularly excited to talk about his testicles, but there’s no reason to feel embarrassed. Your doctor has seen a lot, and such a conversation could save your life.

Plus, your visit won’t be half as embarrassing as you think. A specialist will do a physical examination, ask about your symptoms and refer you to an ultrasound. This is a painless, radiation-free diagnostic procedure.

Make an appointment for an ultrasound of the testicles. You can buy the study at Medonet Market.

What are the causes of lumps on the testicles?

Fortunately, most lumps aren’t cancer at all. Nevertheless, any changes or abnormalities in the scrotum or testicles require an appointment with a doctor. Although mild, the following testicular problems can cause discomfort and threaten your fertility:

• cysts (most often they form in the testicle, epididymis or structures around the testicles),

• infection,

• injury,

• varicose veins,

• hydrocele (collection of fluid around the testicles).

Therefore, even if you notice something abnormal, don’t panic right away. Make an appointment with a specialist.

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