Testicular Hormonal Failure – Definition. Types of hypogonadism

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If the testes are the starting point and localization of the disorders, then we speak of primary male hypogonadism, and if the changes and hormonal insufficiency of the testes are a secondary symptom of regulatory disorders, e.g. hypothalamus, brain or pituitary gland, then such hypogonadism is called secondary.

Testicular Hormonal Failure – Definition

Testicular hormonal failure is also referred to as primary male hypogonadism or hypogonadism. The ailment is caused by a disorder that occurs in adolescence or maturity, such as a disorder of the testes, Sertoli or Leydig cells. The main symptoms of testicular failure include infertility, a change in the male voice to a more female one, and gynecomastia. The treatment of this disease consists primarily of taking the hormones – testosterone, but sometimes it is necessary to remove one testicle.

Hypogonadism can take two forms: primary and secondary.

Types of testicular hormonal failure

Hormonal failure of the testicles (hypogonadism) can appear as:

  1. complete – then there is simultaneous hypothyroidism of Sertoli and Leydig cells (it causes excess of lutropin and follitropin);
  2. partial – there is a hormonal dysfunction in Leydig cells, which leads to an excess of lutropin or a lack of Sertoli cell function.

The causes of the hormonal failure of the testicles

Hormonal failure of the testicles, conditioning, among others, hypogonadism can be caused by various factors, including:

  1. missing or underdevelopment of the testicles (testicles),
  2. mechanical injuries,
  3. x-rays,
  4. acute infectious diseases (measles, gonorrhea, common parotitis, i.e. mumps) and chronic diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis, diabetes),
  5. chronic poisoning (alcoholism),
  6. inguinal hernia,
  7. age (aging),
  8. states of malnutrition,
  9. a disorder in the sex chromosomes,
  10. cryptorchidism,
  11. tumors.

Removal or damage to one testicle does not cause major disturbances if the other testicle remains healthy. A healthy testicle usually replaces the functions of a damaged or removed one.

Primary hormonal failure of the testicles – its cause lies in the testicles themselves.

Secondary hormonal insufficiency of the testicles – occurs when the testes are directly damaged due to disturbances in the secretion of hormones (hypothalamus or pituitary gland).

Eunuchoidism and testicular failure

A set of symptoms caused by underdevelopment or underdevelopment of the testicles is called eunuchoidism. They depend on the age. We then observe:

  1. underdevelopment of genital organs,
  2. female hair and skin appearance,
  3. excessively high growth,
  4. reduction of muscle strength,
  5. infertility,
  6. lack of an erection,
  7. tiredness,
  8. muscular dystrophy,
  9. no mutation,
  10. high-pitched voice,
  11. decreased sex drive,

The severity of these symptoms is proportional to the degree of testicular insufficiency. Damage to one testicle or its removal, while the other testicle is healthy, does not affect the appearance of any particular disorders of the organism.

Testicular hormonal failure – diagnosis

The diagnosis of testicular failure is made by a doctor on the basis of symptoms and, above all, test results. The disease is diagnosed on the basis of LH and FSH hormonal tests as well as prolactin, morphological tests and ultrasound of the testicles. The level of male hormones – androgens (mainly testosterone) is tested.

Check what the testosterone deficiency may be as a result

Treatment of testicular hormonal failure

Treatment of testicular failure is a substitution treatment, so hormone preparations, mainly testosterone, are administered for a sufficiently long period of time. In some cases, however, it is necessary to remove one testicle.

Treatment is possible only in specialist facilities, based on the totality of the identified changes, especially laboratory hormonal tests.

Testicular hormonal overactivity

Testicular overactivity usually causes excess testicular hormonal activity as a consequence of nodular growth of the glandular tissue of the testis. There is then an enlargement (usually one-sided) of the testicle. If hormonal overactivity occurs before puberty, premature puberty is observed. It is characterized by early excessive development of genital organs and other secondary sexual characteristics.

If, on the other hand, testicular hyperactivity occurs in adults, i.e. after puberty – we observe excessive development of sexual characteristics in an individual with a male body type and a very strong sex drive.

Diagnosis of testicular hormonal failure

Diagnosis of testicular failure is possible only in specialized clinical centers. If treatment is needed, surgical removal of the hormonally overactive tumor is performed, or the opposite hormonal preparations are administered.

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