1. How old are you?
A. Less than 35.
B. 36−45.
P. 46 and more.
2. Are you overweight?
A. No.
Q. Yes, it would be good to lose 5 kg.
S. Yes, we urgently need to lose 10 kg.
3. How often do you eat vegetables and fruits?
A. Every day.
B. A couple of times a week.
C. Every day during the season, but rarely in winter.
4. Do 20 squats, check your pulse after XNUMX minutes rest. He became more frequent …
A. At 10 beats per minute.
B. At 15 beats per minute.
B. More than 20 beats per minute.
5. How many hours do you sleep at night?
A. 8.
B. 5-6, on weekends until 10.
S. 5 and less.
6. Are you suffering from headaches?
A. Very rarely, if the weather changes abruptly.
B. At the end of each working day.
C. Almost constantly.
7. Do you play sports?
A. Yes. I go to the pool (fitness).
Q. I restrict myself to morning exercises.
S. No, not enough time.
8. Do you have chronic diseases and do you see a doctor?
A. No.
Q. Yes, I consult with a specialist once a year.
C. There are alarming symptoms, but I do not go to the hospital.
9. Do you take any medications regularly?
A. No.
Q. Yes, this is due to my illness.
C. Often, these are usually pain relievers and pills that improve digestion.
10. How often do you get colds?
A. Only once in winter.
C. 4-5 times a year.
C. Constantly, one has only to sit in a draft.
11. Are you familiar with stress?
A. I only read about it in journal notes.
Q. Yes. There are difficult situations, but I try to control myself.
C. Stress in my work is inevitable.