Test your sperm

The extremely abundant cumshots shown in pornographic films are the fantasy of the filmmakers. This amount of semen would worry any doctor. However, few men have any knowledge of their own sperm, and they find it too embarrassing and stressful to study them.

If, after one year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception, you have not had a baby, you should have your sperm checked. – Procrastination is bluntly defined as the theft of procreation time – says Dr. Jan Karol Wolski, urologist and andrology consultant at the “Novum” Infertility Treatment Clinic – The sooner we start the treatment, the greater the chances for success – she adds. Dr. Wolski explains that the diagnosis of infertility is carried out simultaneously in a woman and a man. – It cannot be said that the cause is solely on one side of the relationship. We always treat couples, not just one of the potential parents, he explains.

Prepare the sperm

You need to prepare for the semen analysis. Ideally, the man should not be sick three months before it is performed. If we have an infection, it is better to wait the recommended period for the test result to be reliable.

You should not have sex for the three days before the test. The idea is not to let him ejaculate during this time.

Material for research

The semen is donated in the laboratory for testing. The patient gets a special container with which he goes to a separate room. We can usually find newspapers with stimulating pornographic pictures there. It happens that a man is not able to donate sperm due to stress – says Dr. Wolski. Then the doctor may prescribe him erection enhancement pills. – Some of my patients come with their partners, although most prefer to do it themselves – says the urologist. Before the test, you should not drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or use other stimulants.

Semen test

The test result will tell you how much sperm in the semen is capable of being fertilized. It also detects inflammation of male organs and other diseases. The examination can be performed under the National Health Fund insurance and privately. The cost of the examination, outside the National Health Fund, ranges from PLN 100 to PLN 250.

Strong, beautiful and fast

A mature human sperm measures approximately 60 micrometers. It has a head, neck and so-called a switch that allows him to reach a dizzying speed of 30 cm per hour in the woman’s genital tract. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, ejaculation of a healthy man is from 2 to 6 milliliters of semen. – Mega-copious ejaculations shown in pornographic films are a fantasy of the creators of this cinema – says Dr. Wolski. “This amount of spraying would worry any doctor,” he adds.

Millions for one

There are 2 million sperm in 40 milliliters of semen, half of which are mobile. The correct ones cover a distance of 0,1 mm in one second, i.e. several own lengths. But only 3 million are fertile, and only one is actually the most fertile. The rest die sacrificing themselves for the best, and the strongest over the dead run to their destination. Interestingly, sperm always know which direction they should go.

Hats off

The sperm head is surrounded by a cap-like membrane. When the sperm reaches the egg, it gets rid of the cap and explodes with an enzyme that drills a hole in the egg. If the sperm is strong enough, it will pass through this barrier, throw away the switch, and enter the egg. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Every sixth couple has a problem with conceiving a child. Half of them cannot have a child as a result of male infertility.

Sperm treatment

When the test shows that the sperm is not in the best condition, their viability can be improved pharmacologically. If the pills do not help, the doctor may suggest insemination or in an in vitro pregnancy protocol.

Dr. Wolski reminds that taking muscle development stimulants, i.e. anabolics disastrously affects the health of sperm. In the semen of a man who wanted to perform better in the gym, sometimes there is no healthy sperm at all or only single sperm. – I observed deformed sperm with two heads or two petioles under the microscope – says Dr. Wolski.

Text: Maria Janiszewska

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