Test your health –Lidl Polska introduces 12 different tests designed for self-monitoring

Recently, we have found out how important it is to take care of health and preventive care. Lidl Polska is the first commercial network in our country to introduce a wide range of tests for self-control. From January 26, selected stores will offer as many as 12 types of tests intended for self-control, which will allow for diagnostics of, among others, vitamin D, iron, celiac disease or early pregnancy.

Conscious nutrition, avoiding stress, taking care of rest and regular activity can help us to enjoy health as long as possible. However, it is important to prevent and monitor the condition of our body. Each of us should remember to perform checkups. During a pandemic, contact with doctors is sometimes difficult, and tests are not always feasible to quickly and efficiently verify the disturbing symptoms. A quick self-monitoring test, i.e. possible at home, allows for early detection of many diseases, thus giving a chance for quick treatment and full recovery.

Lidl Polska is the first retail chain to introduce a wide range of tests for self-execution. The manufacturer of the tests is a Swiss company, and the tests themselves show high accuracy (from 87% to 98,90% depending on the type of test) and specificity (from 98% to 100% depending on the type of test). 12 types of tests will be available in selected stores from Wednesday, January 26, and will be offered in the price range between PLN 24,99 and PLN 29,99 / 1 pack. The tests will be located near the self-service checkout area. The series of tests is intended for self-diagnosis for all health-conscious people and their relatives.

Thanks to a wide range of products, customers can quickly, efficiently and safely perform their own tests allowing for diagnostics:

  1. Vitamin D levels in the body – Vitamin D deficiency is linked to a variety of serious diseases, and maintaining a sufficiently high vitamin D level is essential for maintaining health and wellness. If the result shows a deficiency or moderate deficiency, your blood vitamin D level is less than 30 ng / ml and you should consult your doctor. Then the doctor will decide if an additional analysis should be performed; 
  2. inflammation by measuring C-reactive protein – blood levels of CRP are high during bacterial infections and low during viral infections. The CRP test will aid in the diagnosis of clinical differentiation between viral and bacterial infection. The CRP test allows you to quickly determine the inflammation in the body;
  3. urinary tract infections – the test is used for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of the following parameters in the urine: leukocytes, blood, nitrites and proteins;
  4. PSA prostate antigen level tests – the test belongs to the group of tests for cancer prevention and monitoring of prostate cancer. Values ​​above the norm may indicate the presence of pathological conditions in the prostate, which may be infectious or inflammatory (prostatitis), benign (benign prostatic hyperplasia) or malignant (cancer);
  5. Helicobacter Pylori infection (gastric prophylaxis, ulcers) – Helicobacter pylori infection of the digestive system is usually asymptomatic, but in the long term H. pylori infection is associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer. IgG antibodies are produced in large amounts by our body in response to infections. The test identifies IgG antibodies specific for Helicobacter pylori and indicates whether the concentration of these antibodies in the blood is 15 AU / ml;
  6. occult blood in the stool – occult blood can be a consequence of serious gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcers, polyps, colitis, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids or cancer. Symptoms of these changes are often invisible in the first stages of the disease, therefore searching for occult blood in the stool is an important screening test that allows early diagnosis of the presence of pathologies in the digestive system;
  7. celiac disease (gluten intolerance) – celiac disease is the most serious food intolerance, but it is not an allergy, although it is often confused with it. The celiac disease test reveals the presence of IgA and IgG antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptides (anti-DGP). A positive result means that the concentration of these antibodies is approximately 20 U / ml (units / ml);
  8. iron levels – iron is an essential element for our body and is crucial for the transport of oxygen in the blood. If the test result is positive and the concentration of ferritin in the blood is below the expected level, consult a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment;
  9. thyroid gland (TSH Level) – TSH is a thyroid stimulating hormone. It is responsible for controlling its activity. If the result is positive and the TSH concentration is above 5 μIU / ml, it is likely that the activity of the thyroid gland has decreased. An increase in TSH in the blood is usually a sign of decreased thyroid activity, which is a pathological condition known as hypothyroidism;
  10. early pregnancy;
  11. ovulation – Ovulation tests are more accurate than natural fertility methods such as thermal or cervical testing. It is a fully professional diagnostic strip test that detects sudden jumps in the concentration of the hormone in the urine;
  12. menopause – menopause is a decrease in the activity of the sex glands. Menopause is when menstruation does not occur naturally for over a year. Women typically enter the menopause around 45-50. years of age, although the process may start earlier. Perhaps it will be an indication for a visit to a gynecologist and a medical consultation.

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