Terrarobica is a modern set of exercises in fitness.

Terrarobika is a new direction of health-improving aerobics, which is a low-impact, high-intensity cardio workout.

Terrarobika is one of the areas of aerobics that has gained popularity in many sports clubs in the United States and Europe. It came about three years ago. Therapobics includes wellness exercises, in particular, cardio training. Compared to conventional aerobics, it provides a more intense load on the muscles and protects bones and joints from impacts.

It uses special shock absorbers that must be fixed on the legs and arms. They are a complete system. These shock absorbers are otherwise called teracet tapes. The rubber bands used when doing the exercises are very useful. With their help, you can significantly strengthen the muscles, make them elastic, while not increasing their volume.

Terrobiki exercises allow you to get rid of excess weight and destroy cellulite in a short time.

Purpose of terrarobics

  • toning muscles;
  • development of plasticity of muscles, joints;
  • strengthening the respiratory system, increasing lung volume;
  • improvement of the heart and blood vessels;
  • accelerated breakdown of glucose, which is very useful for people who suffer from diabetes;
  • fat burning, due to which weight is quickly reduced and fixed at its level;
  • increased metabolism, which is important for those who are overweight and have other health problems;
  • working out hard-to-reach places on the body;
  • the acquisition of an even, beautiful posture;
  • the production of lactic acid, which enhances muscle growth;
  • uplifting mood, increasing energy tone.

All exercises are performed at a slow pace, but it is this pace that increases the load on the muscles. As a result, the metabolism accelerates, fat is burned, kilograms go away. In this direction of sports there is no clear order for performing certain movements.

You can diversify the training process if you wish, thereby saving yourself from the routine in sports and giving yourself a good mood.

Features of terrarobics training

  1. Simplicity of the training process Training is quite simple and accessible to everyone, so the exercises can be performed by people at any age. Terrarobics are addicted to both women and men. You don’t have to go through any complicated training to get started. They are available even to those who have just started playing sports. Terrarobics do not use technical devices that can cause injury.
  2. Exercise efficiency Terrarobika includes exercises with terasets, due to which it affects the entire body in a complex way and solves many problems. If you exercise regularly and intensively, you can “dry”, get a slim figure without muscle growth, which is especially important for girls. And reducing the load on the joints through the use of rubber shock absorbers increases the efficiency of classes, making them completely safe.
  3. You can train at home and in the gym  Training equipment is inexpensive. It is quite compact, so it can be used at home. You can choose terasets for yourself, taking into account individual characteristics and capabilities. The length of the tape, the stiffness of the shock absorber, etc., should be taken into account.
  4. Charge of energy and health  – Classes are recommended to be carried out to music in order to increase the pleasure of training, to set the right cheerful mood. After a few sessions, you will feel lightness in the whole body, improve coordination of movements.

The muscles will become softer and more elastic, the chest and buttocks will tighten, gain elasticity. The back will improve, become smooth and beautiful due to the strengthening of the muscles.

Recommendations – how to train properly

While terrarobica is safe on its own, beginners should not overdo it. It is necessary to remember the main rule: you need to move from simple to complex. If classical training takes about 1 hour, then a novice athlete can spend the first few sessions for 30 minutes so that the body can get used to the loads.

Also, do not neglect the warm-up. Before the main workout, you need to perform a series of exercises that stretch the muscles of the arms, legs, abs, buttocks and back. This is important so that the muscles become prepared for more serious loads and do not hurt after the end of the workout.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water before and after your workout, as it helps break down fat and boost your metabolism. Dehydration is harmful to the body, affects fatigue, so do not neglect this simple advice.

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