Terrace fencing: wooden, metal, plastic railings, photo ideas for making your own hands

Any veranda or gazebo that does not have a railing looks like an unfinished structure. The terrace fencing will create coziness, draw a line between the recreation area and the territory of the estate.

Purpose of the structure

The main reason for installing railings is the need to limit the free space of the veranda or terrace. Flooring is always above ground level, and building codes require that elevated areas be fenced off. The place of the main entrance is equipped with one or more steps, and the remaining openings need to be set boundaries.

Terrace fencing: wooden, metal, plastic railings, photo ideas for making your own hands

In addition to the restrictive function, the railing can protect from the wind and make the building more attractive. The design of the railing emphasizes the stylistic direction of the terrace design.

Video “Railing for the terrace and the method of their fastening”

From this video you will learn which fence is suitable for the terrace, and how to fix it.

Terrace fencing. Overview and Mounting Method


Before you make a fence with your own hands, let’s figure out what types of railings are:

  • open, intended mainly for decoration;
  • closed, allow you to protect the building from the wind and prying eyes.

The choice of railing material depends on the design of the house next to which they are installed.

Metal fences are made using forged patterns, which are distinguished by lightness and elegance of forms. The use of steel profile pipes makes the railing heavier and more conservative.

The use of tempered or laminated glass will make the fence invisible, but at the same time functional. Transparent cellular polycarbonate will perform the same tasks, but will cost much less. Its use will simplify the installation of structures.

Railings in the form of stretched metal cables or ropes will give a marine mood to the deck of the building. Fencing using bamboo or reed will make the terrace exotic.

Modern technologies allow the use of synthetic materials. Installation of ready-made polyvinyl chloride (PVC) structures will reduce the cost of railings. Plastic structures are not very durable, but do not require maintenance.

More durable and popular products are fences made of wood-polymer composite. This material outwardly resembles a wooden structure of a light or dark shade, it is highly durable. The presence of synthetic additives allows you to maintain the shape and color of the structure, regardless of environmental influences.

Stone railings are installed only on monumental buildings, which are very rare today.

The leading position in the manufacture of railings is occupied by wooden structures. The unique variety of forms, the availability and low cost of such material make it possible to use it much more often than other materials. The need for constant maintenance is a big disadvantage, but cannot prevent the ease of manufacture of wooden fences.

DIY wood fence

Before manufacturing, we will choose the type of wood for the railing. The use of ash, maple will be undesirable, since the structure of the fibers of these rocks will quickly collapse when used in an open area. Choosing oak or Siberian larch, we will provide the structure with durability, reliability and beauty.

Usually used for the manufacture of fencing pine, which has a low cost and is convenient for processing.

To work, you need the following set of tools:

  • hacksaw, jigsaw;
  • measuring devices;
  • screwdriver;
  • planer, axe, chisel;
  • Sander;
  • woodworking machine in the manufacture of balusters.

Terrace fencing: wooden, metal, plastic railings, photo ideas for making your own hands

Then follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Before starting work, we will make a drawing, which will indicate the dimensions of the sections, the shape of the supports and balusters.
  2. We prepare the timber by calculating the required number of sections. Wooden beams must be dried so that after they are cut and installed, the railing does not lose its shape. All structural elements are ground before assembly.
  3. We install supports through conditional 1,5 m. To make the fence look attractive, we adjust these distances and make them the same. We take into account the possibility of using the vertical racks of the terrace as fencing supports.
  4. We assemble the railing sections using carpentry glue, tenon-groove joints or screws.
  5. We start the assembly from the corner or adjacent supports to the main structure. Having connected the section with the support, we install the assembled structure and fasten it to the flooring. As fasteners we use lamellar corners with screws. More technologically advanced will be the use of hidden fasteners for fence posts.
  6. Let’s anticipate the inconvenience of mounting the last section of the railing. To do this, we fix the penultimate support to the flooring last, this is especially important when using the vertical racks of the terrace as fence supports.
  7. After assembling the entire structure, it must be varnished or painted.


For the manufacture of supports, we choose a wooden beam of square section 150×150 mm. This size will allow you to withstand heavy loads, make it possible to lean on it and on the installed section, which will be attached to this support. If the railing is made exclusively for decoration, then the cross section of the beam may be of less importance.

We make the height of the fence posts 1 m. This is the standard size for such structures. The support can be made in the form of a pillar with straight surfaces or in the form of a carved structure, while it is important not to forget about the necessary strength of the part. On the sides of the rack we cut out grooves for fastening the spikes of the horizontal rails of the sections.

railing sections

There are several types of sections:

  • horizontal – when most of the rails are installed parallel to the flooring;
  • vertical – made of balusters fixed between the top and bottom rails;
  • cross – in such sections, slats of the same section intersect each other at different angles.

The use of each of these types of construction is due to a greater extent to the type of material. For wooden railings, the most suitable and customary is the manufacture of vertical sections.

In the manufacture of baluster sections, you can do it yourself. This will require a small woodworking machine. The absence of a machine will require the use of a conventional square or rectangular bar. As an option, it is possible to purchase ready-made balusters, the size and shape of which are varied. They are widely available in retail stores.

To assemble the vertical sections, we will prepare horizontal rails. At the ends of the rails, we will make spikes for connection with supports and mark up for the installation of balusters. With the help of countersunk screws, we will connect the vertical decorative posts with the horizontal rails. After assembling all the necessary sections, we proceed to install the railing.

Performing the shaping

Terrace fencing: wooden, metal, plastic railings, photo ideas for making your own hands

Before using each piece of wood, it must be sanded to obtain the desired shape and surface roughness. After assembling individual elements into an integral structure of terrace railings, we identify places that require additional refinement. These can be both flaws before assembly, and the consequences of uneven joints. We eliminate the identified shortcomings with the help of a grinding machine.

Wooden structures that are used outdoors are exposed to precipitation and small pests that can destroy the internal structure. To prevent this, we impregnate timber products with an antiseptic that is able to withstand the destruction of the material. After drying, we apply several layers of varnish or paint in accordance with the project.

The use of different colors when painting fences allows you to give a different shade, and if necessary, highlight the main residential building or the railing itself.

After separating our terrace with wooden structures and decorating them in the desired style, we can feel the full comfort of the terrace. Then you can invite loved ones to confirm your own feelings.

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