Terbinafine – action, application, available preparations

Terbinafine belongs to the group of drugs that act against fungi. It is a component of many tablets and ointments for use, among others, in for athlete’s foot, skin folds and tinea versicolor.

Terbinafine – action and use

Terbinafine is an organic chemical compound derived from allylamine. Its antifungal activity is due to its influence terbinafiny on the structure of the fungal cell membrane by blocking the synthesis of ergosterol, an essential element in the functioning of the cell membrane. Fungi cell membranes are crucial for their survival – for them, together with cell walls, they constitute the only protective barrier against the external environment and allow the fungal cell to be kept in a coherent whole. Cell membrane breakdown leads to fungal depopulation.

It is recommended to use terbinafiny in the event of the following symptoms:

  1. itchy rash accompanied by peeling skin, small blisters and lumps – these symptoms may indicate athlete’s foot,
  2. red, round spots, which gradually become larger and larger, may be associated with the appearance of mycosis,
  3. thickening and brittleness of the nails, which at the same time take on a yellow or brown color – the nails are probably attacked by mycosis.

Terbinafine is dosed in a manner depending on the purchased preparation. It comes in the form of tablets or ointments, therefore terbinafine it is taken orally or by applying a cream to the site of the spread of mycosis. Tablets from terbinafine it is recommended in the treatment of onychomycosis of the hands or feet.

Terbinafine – available preparations

Drugs containing terbinafine may come in various forms and doses, which is related to their availability – some preparations may require a doctor’s prescription (this applies to most pharmaceuticals with terbinafine sold as tablets). Below are some examples of antifungal preparations with terbinafine:

  1. Terbinafine ratiopharm – comes in the form of tablets (250 g) in the amount of 14 to 250 pieces per package. This drug is used in the case of mycoses of the feet, mycosis of the smooth skin and onychomycosis. The tablets are taken before, during or after a meal in a dose of 1 tablet of 250 g per day. The treatment period is from 4 weeks to several months in the case of advanced onychomycosis,
  2. Terbinafine Ziaja – is sold as a 15 g ointment in a tube with a terbinafine content of 10 mg / g. The preparation is recommended in the treatment of athlete’s foot, smooth skin, tinea versicolor and skin yeast infection. Before applying the cream on fungal skin, wash its surface thoroughly and dry it. The dosage of the cream depends on the type of mycosis being treated. Tinea pedis, skin folds, smooth skin and thrush should be treated by applying the cream once a day for a week. Plantar mycosis requires doses of two lubrications a day for a period of two weeks.

Terbinafiny should not be used in case of allergy to drug components, liver and kidney diseases, and during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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