TeraFlu – remedy for sore throat

The throat can be sore in different ways: some people have a sore throat when swallowing, while others can experience a sore throat throughout the day. If you pay attention to what kind of pain you are experiencing, you can determine what kind of cold disease you are infected with.

Angina – It is a bacterial infection that is spread by airborne droplets and food. The main symptoms of sore throat are a temperature of 38 degrees and above, weakness, muscle aches, nausea, dizziness and headache. Towards evening, in patients with angina, the sore throat increases, it becomes difficult to swallow. …

Pharyngitis – viral inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. The inflammatory process begins against the background of a cold, a runny nose, and a weakened immune system. The throat becomes dry, red, irritated. The main symptoms of pharyngitis can be considered a temperature of 37 degrees. People with pharyngitis experience severe sore throat in the morning.

Laryngitis – inflammation of the larynx, provoked by a cold. Smokers, teachers, announcers often get sick with laryngitis. The main symptoms are fever. In the first days of illness, the cough is dry, and then – with the discharge of sputum. With laryngitis, there is pain when swallowing, a sore throat, and the voice becomes hoarse.

All of these diseases are caused by bacteria that can easily be transmitted to a healthy person. The first thing to do is to see a doctor, only a professional can make a really correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

For an ambulance to the throat, the best remedy will be a new drug against sore throat “TeraFlu Lar Menthol”. Unlike refreshing lollipops, the taste of which is sometimes associated with medicine, TeraFlu Lar Menthol not only helps to cope with a sore throat, but, which is especially important for a quick recovery, fights viruses.

“TeraFlu Lar Menthol” is created on the basis of a double formula – a local antiseptic destroys viruses, and a local anesthetic lidocaine relieves symptoms, reducing pain caused by the inflammatory process. Menthol, in turn, has an antiseptic and analgesic effect.

The drug is not addictive and has high safety due to a well-chosen dose of anesthetic and time-tested components. In addition, the drug is perfectly combined with other means of the TeraFlu system, which allows you to fight influenza and ARVI in several directions at once.

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