“Teraflu”, “Fervex”, “Coldrex” – medicines for colds. Video
Colds are not only a companion of autumn winds and winter frost. Even in summer, you can catch a serious cold by drinking cold water or having a swim. Getting back on your feet quickly and continuing an active life will help the correct treatment and a special regimen.
“Teraflu”, “Fervex”, “Coldrex” – medicines for colds
How cold medications work
Teraflu, Fervex, Coldrex are combined preparations. The main active ingredient in them is paracetamol, which lowers fever and reduces pain. Also, vasoconstrictor drugs are added to these funds to reduce the common cold and ascorbic acid, which increases immunity. Coldrex also contains caffeine and terpine hydrate. Caffeine fights the weakness and drowsiness common with the flu, and terpene hydrate helps with coughs.
Paracetamol helps not only with colds, but also with muscle pain, toothache or headache. It also has a mild anti-inflammatory effect.
Tablets and powders. How to use
Teraflu, Fervex and Coldrex are available in both tablet and powder form. The pills are convenient because they can be drunk anywhere – at work, in transport and even on the go. However, powdered medicines are absorbed more quickly and are less harmful to the stomach. In addition, drinking a hot medicated drink will warm your throat and reduce sore throat. Usually, it is enough to drink a sachet or a couple of tablets a day three times a day. Cold medicine should not be taken for too long, no more than 3-5 days. If during this time the disease has not passed, you should consult a doctor.
It is better to drink medicines between meals, but not on an empty stomach.
Pay attention to contraindications.
Before use, carefully read the instructions for the preparations. They should not be taken with high blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases, thyrotoxicosis, blood diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. You can not give Teraflu, Fervex and Coldrex to small children under 12 years old, for them there are children’s versions of these drugs. It is best not to take these drugs if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also, do not drink other medicines containing paracetamol at the same time.
How else to help with colds
The maximum effect of drugs will be if you follow the correct regimen. Lie as much as possible and try not to leave the house unnecessarily, even if you feel good. Drink more water – this way you will quickly get rid of toxic substances in the body during illness. Ventilate the room frequently to remove germs. Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, fiber, legumes, and dairy products in your diet.
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