Instructions for use Teppeki comes with the drug. It must be studied before use. The insecticide is a new tool that is different from its predecessors. It effectively destroys thrips, whiteflies, and other pests without causing discomfort to the plant.

Description of the drug Teppeki

The market is filled with drugs of various effects for pest control. However, not all of them are safe. Chemistry destroys not only the insects themselves, but also harms the plant and the environment.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

Teppeki is safe for humans and the environment

Recently, new, completely safe insecticides have begun to appear. These include the drug for insect control Teppeki. The insecticide has a systemic effect. It destroys only pests, does not pollute the environment, and is safe for plants.

Composition insecticide Teppeki

In its pure form, the drug has a high concentration. The main active ingredient of Teppeka is flonicamid. Its content in the insecticide is not less than 500 g/1 kg. However, for the environment, flonicamid is safe, since its small norm is present in the diluted form of the drug.

Forms of release

The drug is manufactured in Poland. Release form – water-dispersible granules. Teppeki goes to the shops packaged in plastic containers of 0,25, 0,5 or 1 kg. Sometimes there is packaging in a different weight or single dose. The granules are difficult to dissolve in water, this should be done with thorough mixing immediately before applying the insecticide.

What pests does Teppeki help with?

The drug effectively helps fight pests, but it has a different effect on each type of insect. The instructions for use of Teppeki insecticide indicate that the active substance is capable of completely destroying aphids, whiteflies, all types of mites, and thrips. However, the drug has a different effect on such pests as the thyroid gland, psyllid, kacid and cicada. The insecticide does not completely exterminate insects. It helps to control their number. The action of Teppeka is noticeable half an hour after treatment.

Important! Some destroyed pests are able to remain on the plant for up to five days, but they do not harm it.

How to use Teppeki

The rules of use are not limited to dosage only. It is important to know how to breed granules, the features of use to combat each type of pest. It is necessary in the instructions for the Teppeki insecticide to study the safety rules when working with it, and other nuances.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

Before using an insecticide, it is important to read the instructions

Forget about the whitefly in your yard! An easy solution to the whitefly problem.

How to breed Teppek

Insecticide granules are dissolved in water immediately before treatment. All work is carried out outdoors. First, Teppeki is dissolved in a small amount of water. A liquid concentrate is obtained, after which it is adjusted to the desired volume according to the recommended standards.

Plants are sprayed early in the morning or in the evening at sunset. At the end of the work, the remaining preparation is disposed of, the sprayer is washed out with clean water.

Teppeki Consumption Rates

To get a working solution that destroys the pest 100%, it is important to follow the rules. Insects are able to exterminate 1 g of Teppeki. This unit is taken as the basis. The amount of water depends on which crops are going to be processed. For example, 1 g of granules is dissolved as follows:

  • potatoes – up to 3 liters of water;
  • flower crops – from 4 to 8 liters of water;
  • apple tree – up to 7 liters of water;
  • winter wheat – up to 4 liters of water.

The consumption rates of the finished solution will depend on how the sprayer is configured.

Important! On an industrial scale, up to 1 g of dry Teppeki granules are used to process 140 hectare of land.

Processing time

The insecticide is used with the onset of spring, when the first pest larvae appear. The duration of treatments lasts until the end of the growing season. However, a maximum of three sprayings are allowed per season. The minimum interval between them is 7 days. It is allowed to use during flowering or fruiting crops. However, at the time of harvesting, the active substance of Teppeka must be neutralized. The duration of the protective properties of the insecticide is 30 days. Based on simple calculations, crops are processed a month before harvesting.

Instructions for use Teppek from insects

For the treatment of plants, a sprayer and personal protective equipment are prepared. You will need a separate plastic container. It is convenient to prepare a working solution in it. Teppeki granules are difficult to dissolve. First, they are filled with a small amount of water. The granules soften. Constant stirring achieve complete dissolution.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

Plant processing is best done in the early morning or late evening.

The required amount of water is added to the concentrated solution. Stirring is continued until complete dissolution. Particles of solids in small quantities will settle at the bottom. So that they do not clog the sprayer nozzle, the solution is poured into the tank after filtering.

The freshly prepared solution is used all. If an error occurs with the calculation of the volume, the remaining surplus is disposed of. At the end of the work, the sprayer is washed and dried.

Teppec whitefly drug

For a successful fight against the whitefly, 1 g of granules is dissolved in 1-7 liters of water. The volume depends on what type of plant is going to be processed. Usually one spraying is enough to completely exterminate the pest. If this does not happen, Teppek’s instruction from the whitefly provides for re-processing, but not earlier than after 7 days.

Important! In the reference information on the registration of the insecticide, it is indicated that 1 kg of Teppeki granules are consumed per 0,2 hectare area to control the whitefly.
Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

One treatment is enough to kill the whitefly

Thrips teppeki

To get rid of thrips, prepare a 0,05% solution. In large volumes, this is 500 g/1000 liters of water. In the background information on the registration of the insecticide, it is indicated that for the control of thrips, 1 kg of Teppeki granules are consumed per 0,3 hectare.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

To destroy thrips, prepare a 0,05% solution

Teppek from mealybug

The pest is considered very dangerous. It pierces the skin of the plant and sucks out the juice. When signs of a worm appear, all indoor cultures must be processed. If even one uninfected plant is missed, the pest will appear on it over time.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

When a worm appears, all houseplants are treated

To destroy the worm, a complex treatment with several preparations is carried out. The solution is poured over the soil. However, the dosage of the active substance is increased by 5 times than when spraying.

There are several schemes, but the most optimal is considered:

  1. The first watering is carried out with Confidor, diluted in a consistency of 1 g / 1 liter of water. Plus, they use Applude. The solution is diluted at a dosage of 0,5 g / 1 liter of water.
  2. The second watering is performed a week later with Teppeki. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 g / 1 l of water.
  3. The third watering is done on the 21st day after the second. The solution is prepared from the drug Confidor or Aktar at the rate of 1 g / 1 liter of water.

Insecticides can be changed in order, but when replacing with analogues, it must be taken into account that they must be with different active ingredients.

Teppeki from spider mites

The appearance of the pest is determined by the marbling of the foliage. The tick itself looks like a small red dot. If the infection is severe, a solution of 1 g of insecticide per 1 liter of water is prepared for spraying. After the first treatment, some individuals may still survive on the plant. Many flower growers perform three sprays with an interval of a month between each procedure.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

To treat a heavily infested plant with a mite, three insecticide treatments are carried out.

Application rules for different plants

The basic rule of insecticide application is not to treat crops a month before harvest. Everything is easier with flowers. I spray violets, chrysanthemums, roses with a solution of 1 g / 8 l of water. Fruit trees, such as apple trees, are optimally sprayed in early spring, during the ovary, and a third time after harvesting. The solution is prepared from 1 g/7 l of water.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

For spraying violets, the solution is prepared from 1 g of Teppeki per 8 liters of water.

Potatoes require a strong solution. It is prepared from 1 g per 3 liters of water. For a month, it is impossible to dig up tubers for eating. As for the instructions for using Teppeki for cucumbers and tomatoes, this is a little more complicated. Firstly, in Our Country the insecticide is registered only as a remedy for the destruction of aphids on apple trees. Secondly, cucumbers and tomatoes ripen quickly, and after processing, vegetables should not be eaten. Gardeners choose the right moment, usually at an early stage in the development of a crop. Although, in the instructions, the manufacturer indicates the waiting period for garden crops – from 14 to 21 days.

June 16, 2019 treatment of cucumber with Teppeki Insecticide

Compatibility with other drugs

With complex treatments, Teppeki is allowed to be mixed with other preparations that do not contain alkali and copper. If there is no data on the composition of another pesticide, compatibility is checked independently by experience.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

Teppeki can be mixed with other preparations that do not contain copper and alkali

To check compatibility, 50 ml of each component is poured into a plastic or glass container. The absence of a chemical reaction associated with a change in color, the appearance of bubbles, the formation of flakes, suggests that Teppeki can be mixed with this pesticide without fear.

Pros and cons of application

There are so many pests that it is almost impossible to get a crop without the use of insecticides. The advantages of the popular Teppeki drug are explained by the following facts:

  1. After processing, a rapid action is observed. High pest control rate.
  2. The insecticide has a systemic effect. If not all insects fell under the spray of the drug, the hiding individuals will still die.
  3. The protective effect lasts 30 days. Three treatments are enough to ensure the safety of crops for the entire season.
  4. There is no habituation of insects to Teppek.
  5. The insecticide is compatible with many other drugs, which makes it possible to carry out complex treatment.

Among the shortcomings, a high price and limited use are distinguished. According to the instructions for the season, spraying is allowed three times. If the pests reappear, you will have to use another drug.

Teppeki’s analogs

The drug has a systemic effect. In general terms, most insecticides with similar characteristics can be classified as analogues. However, the difference between Teppek is the lack of resistance of insects to the drug.

Safety measures

The third hazard class was established for Teppeki. The insecticide is harmless to humans, bees and the environment. This is due to the low concentration of the active substance in the finished solution.

Teppeki insecticide: how to apply from whiteflies, thrips and other insect pests

When spraying from protective equipment, gloves, a respirator and goggles are used.

Gloves are used to prepare a solution of protective equipment. When spraying individual plants or small beds, goggles and a respirator are needed. If you are processing a large plantation, it is optimal to use protective clothing.

Storage Rules

For Teppeki granules, the manufacturer indicates the shelf life on the packaging. Excess prepared solution should be disposed of immediately. Store the insecticide in its original packaging, tightly closed, placed in a dark place where children do not have access. The temperature range is limited from – 15 to + 35 оC. Temperature from + 18 to + 22 is considered optimal conditions for storage. оC.


Instructions for using Teppeki should always be at hand. It is not recommended to change the dosage on someone’s advice. The insecticide will not bring much harm from improper use, but there will be no benefit either.

Reviews about insecticide Teppeki

Stepan Vasilievich Savushkin, 55 years old, Rostov Region
Teppeki used to fight the whitefly. On the first day after treatment, I did not see any changes. The result was received on the second day. There was no trace of the pest. Enough one-time processing.
Evgenia Vladislavovna Kononenko, 63 years old, Voronezh region
I treat all garden crops with an insecticide when I really see the threat of an epidemic. I roughly calculate the timing so that at least 3 weeks remain before the harvest. Teppeki does an excellent job with all the pests that have chosen my garden.

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