Tension headache

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Tension headache is, next to migraine, the most common type of idiopathic headache, which can have a different origin and clinical picture. This disease is not paroxysmal and is a problem that is difficult to diagnose and undertake appropriate treatment.

Definition of a tension headache

Headaches are a very common condition that more and more people complain about. Among them, we distinguish spontaneous and secondary pain (symptomatic pain). According to the research and data, primary (spontaneous) pain occurs much more often, including: migraines, cluster headaches and tension headaches.

Tension headaches – most often affect women, they attack in adulthood (25-35 years old). This type of disease may have different origins and clinical picture, the pains are more or less regular and of different duration. In order to determine the causes of headache, it is worth consulting a primary care physician who will help in the diagnosis and refer you for further tests.

Causes of a tension headache

Tension headache is a multi-stimulus process, and the origin of the pain itself is not fully known. It is said that the underlying cause of tension pain is the simultaneous wrong effect of factors:

  1. physiological,
  2. biological,
  3. psychological and social (important role).

The cause of a tension headache can be severe muscle tension in the head area, but only in a certain group of patients it is possible to find the existence of such an increase in tension in additional tests. In some cases, the cause of chronic pain may be depressionwhich does not always manifest as common mood disorders. The headache may be called the mask of depression behind which it hides. Yet another reason may be changes, structural or functional, of the temporomandibular joint. They cause long-lasting increased tension of the temporal muscles, which then spreads to other muscles of the head and face.

Know the types of headache

People who are prone to neurosis, become furious quickly, or who are acutely affected by stress and medication are more likely to struggle with headaches. It has also been noticed that individuals prone to nervousness, feeling more stressed or suffering from anxiety are more likely to experience headache episodes. In addition, people who have sleep problems (insomnia, getting up early) also predispose to this type of disorder.

Mint has a soothing effect in headaches. Try Trzy Mints – freeze-dried organic tea, which is available on Medonet Market.

The DuoLife ProMigren dietary supplement contains active ingredients that help with tension headaches. Riboflavin supports the nervous system, and Rhodiola rosea root extract increases resistance to stressful situations.

Tension headache – symptoms

Tension headache is bilateral, symmetrical, affects the entire head or only some of its areas. Unlike migraines, tension pain does not feel throbbing or throbbing, but rather continuous, dull and pressing. Many sick people describe it as girdling. Very rarely, it can be associated with the symptoms typical of migraine: vomiting or photophobia. However, there are never any aura symptoms. Pain severity is usually mild to moderate and does not increase with exercise.

Tension headache usually worsens under the influence of emotions, exhaustion or lack of sleep. In some people, alcohol and atmospheric changes are clearly aggravating factors.

The duration of a tension headache varies from person to person. It may last half an hour or even a week, but most often the discomfort lasts for many hours, getting worse. Pains usually appear for no apparent reason, but some associate it with the following factors:

  1. bow,
  2. no sleep,
  3. alcohol,
  4. cigarettes,
  5. emotional tension,
  6. hunger,
  7. weather change,
  8. overheating.

Tension headache is usually not accompanied by other clinical symptoms, and some people may experience tension in the neck muscles or the paraspinal muscles of the cervical region. In addition, patients complain of malaise, depression and anxiety. The warming electric cushion or the Thermolka heating gel with hemp oil and capsaicin from chili peppers will help reduce muscle tension.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor. A tension headache can have extremely serious consequences. On haloDoctor.pl you can quickly and safely arrange an online teleconsultation with a neurologist. Check it out today.

Types and features of a tension headache

1. Rare tension headache, features:

– the pain lasts from half an hour to even a week;

– occurs on average less than 12 days a year;

– pressure pain (not pulsating!);

– low / moderate pain intensity;

– the patient is not hypersensitive to light and sounds;

– tension headache does not worsen when we engage in any physical activity;

– it is not accompanied by nausea and vomiting;

– pain is not attributed to other medical conditions.

2. Frequent (episodic) tension headache, features:

– pain episodes occur more than one day a month, but less than 15 days a month;

– the pain lasts from half an hour to even a week;

– the pain is moderate or mild;

– tension pain is pressure pain;

– does not intensify when, for example, climbing stairs.

3. Chronic tension headache, features:

– tension pain attacks at least 15 days a month;

– pain is felt on both sides;

– tension pain may last for many hours, it is continuous;

– is oppressive;

– does not increase when climbing stairs or just walking;

– it is not accompanied by vomiting and nausea;

– there will also be no sensitivity to sounds and light;

– this pain is not attributed to other medical conditions.

Consultation with a neurologist is essential for the effective treatment of tension headache. The doctor will help determine the cause of the ailments and implement effective treatment.

Recognition of tension headache

The diagnosis includes periodic headaches as well as headaches lasting several hours or days (episodic tension headache) and headaches lasting for months and years (chronic tension headache). Episodic pain is much more common.

Treatment of tension headache

Tension headache treatment is difficult and often ineffective. In addition to the preparations taken, the possibility of non-pharmacological treatment, such as relaxing exercises or biofeedback, should be mentioned.

The duration and intensity of tension pain periodically lasts, decreases and increases throughout the patient’s life. As mentioned above, in the treatment of this type of ailments, we can use both pharmacological and non-pharmacological agents.

One of the most important factors in eliminating the tension headache is, of course, the exclusion (if possible) of pain factors. We can try to reduce mental and physical stress, for this purpose it is worth using relaxation techniques and psychotherapy. Natural CBD oils, which have a relaxing and relaxing effect, will also be helpful. It’s a good idea to limit the amount of coffee you consume and the amount of carbonated drinks that also contain it. Patients should ensure adequate sleep and rest, also physical activity helps to remove unnecessary tension.

Try catnip tea, which has a relaxing and calming effect, so it reduces tension.

Non-pharmacological methods of treating tension pain

  1. electromyography – the patient is given feedback about physiological changes taking place in his body. Thanks to this, he can learn to control muscle tension;
  2. psychotherapy – cognitive-behavioral;
  3. acupuncture;
  4. physiotherapy.

For example, cold compresses will prove beneficial. To do them in a safe and convenient way, use the Visiomed Dead Sea Mud Universal Hot and Cold Compress, which you can buy at Medonet Market. In the case of a tension headache, you can use the CranioCradle self-therapy device, the action of which relieves muscle tension and improves well-being.

It happens that proper diagnosis of neurological disorders requires imaging tests. You will perform an MRI of the head at the MRI Diagnostics facility.

Pharmacological methods of treating tension pain

Pharmacology is typically used when there are attacks of pain. Patients then most often take NSAIDs, i.e. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in the form of:

  1. acetylsalicylic acid;
  2. naproxenu;
  3. ketoprofenu;
  4. ibuprofen;
  5. diclofenac.

People who are allergic to this type of preparation can use paracetamol in a dose of 1000 mg. It should be remembered that the doses of drugs should be selected individually in accordance with the patient’s needs (they are to provide relief, not bring additional side effects). In the event that the above-mentioned pharmacological agents are ineffective, agents with caffeine or combined preparations containing both caffeine and NSAIDs can be added.

Preventive treatment of tension headache

Some patients require symptomatic treatment for tension headache. These are the most common people with chronic pain and frequent attacks of pain. In such a situation, antidepressants prove to be effective (often the compound of amitriptyline is administered, which is administered 1-2 hours before bedtime). If there is no improvement after about four weeks, another antidepressant must be started, for example mirtazapine or venlafaxine. Every six months to a year, an attempt should be made to discontinue these measures.

Attention! The efficacy of drug therapy is very often low, and its benefits and possible side effects must be carefully considered.

Are you seeing disturbing symptoms? Analyze them yourself in the medical questionnaire and decide whether to go to the doctor.

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