Tennis elbow – symptoms, treatment

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Tennis elbow is a colloquial term for a disease the source of which is degenerative changes in the structure of tendon collagen fibers. These changes are in turn caused by overloads and microtraumas. Tennis elbow, contrary to its name, is a disease not only of athletes – they suffer from it, among others office and technical workers.

Tennis elbow – what is this disease?

Tennis elbow is a bit of a misnomer, it is a common name for diseases caused by degenerative changes in the structure of collagen fibers in tendons. The first thing that comes to mind when we hear the name tennis elbow is that it affects tennis players. The facts are slightly different, about ten percent of tennis players struggle with this condition, the remainder are IT specialists, office workers and even mechanics, hence the tennis elbow is called an occupational disease.

Tennis elbow – symptoms

Tennis elbow is a bothersome condition that interferes with everyday life, causing pain in the wrist area. The symptoms of the disease are easy to identify – they always appear when we try to activate the wrist, i.e. when grasping, tightening, lifting. If the tennis elbow is in its advanced stage, pain may appear even at rest.

For pain in the elbow area try compresses using Visiomed KINECARE VM-GB8 compress for ankle, wrist, elbows.

Tennis elbow – causes

Formerly, it was believed that tennis elbow is a disease that originates from inflammation of the tendons of the extensor muscles of the wrist to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. However, this view backfired. Currently, tennis elbow is believed to be caused by degenerative changes.

Any, even small injuries, overloads and damages the structure of tendon collagen fibers and disturb the blood supply in the attachment area. In places of damage, tissue appears that is much weaker than the healthy one, when we continue to overload the arm, the tendons are torn. The pain that comes with this condition comes from the secretion of proteins that accompany the degenerative process, as they irritate the surrounding tissues, causing pain. The formation of abnormal nerves and blood vessels also contributes to the pain.

The cause of a tennis elbow may also be too little overstretching of the arm (impossible? But still). Little overloading of the hand causes muscle and tendon atrophy. Therefore, we should not be surprised when someone who does not engage in any physical activity starts, for example, carrying heavy objects and tears a tendon that is not used to exertion.

It is worth consulting a physiotherapist about any pain in the area of ​​the elbow joint. You can arrange an appointment in the form of online consultations via the portal.

How To Treat Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is not an inflamed condition, so anti-inflammatory drugs don’t work, and painkillers remove the symptoms but don’t treat the underlying causes. This disease is treated with massage, shock therapy, ultrasound, and steroid injections. The choice of treatment depends on the doctor who will make a decision after learning about the cause and course of the disease. The specialist will also advise you to save your hand, relax and avoid pain-inducing activities.

Steroids: they do not heal a tennis elbow, they only relieve the pain. Unfortunately, steroids destroy the collagen structure, and thus intensify degenerative changes even more. Also, other anti-inflammatory drugs or ointments have no effect since tennis elbows are not accompanied by inflammation.

Massage / shock therapy: in a situation where the tennis elbow is caused by overstraining the arm, it is recommended that the therapist performs a massage to relax the muscles and rest. Even 2 treatments are enough to notice some improvement. We can even do this massage ourselves at home, provided that we learn this method beforehand. If the tennis elbow is caused by attachment, an ultrasound should be performed and the appropriate treatment adjusted. Shock therapy is often used, during which the shock waves stimulate tissue regeneration (a method used when the attachment is not yet torn, but the first degenerative changes are noticeable).

Massage for athletes helps them stay healthy. It is also recommended for people who practice sports for their own pleasure. The purpose of the massage is to reduce tension, increase the flexibility of joints and ligaments, and improve blood and lymph circulation. Take advantage of the offer of private Arkmedic outlets.

Filling cavities: patients with broken attachment fragments and defects in the tendon undergo scar restoration. The doctor, under ultrasound supervision, injects the damaged tendon with growth elements that come from the patient’s blood. Refilling makes sense if the injected agents meet the patient’s blood. The formation of scarring requires patients to spare their hands, and the doctor advises on what can and cannot be done during convalescence.

If it is too late for this type of therapy, a traditional operation is used, during which the doctor cuts the attachments and cuts out the damaged tissue with the periosteum. This results in the tendon slipping by about half a centimeter. After the procedure, the hand must be immobilized for a period of 3 weeks, and it is possible to return to work only after three months.

Compression bands support the treatment of a tennis elbow. Try Elbow Compression Band – Tennis / Golfer’s Elbow – OS1st ES6 black or flesh-colored.

Tennis elbow – prevention

If you work a lot at the computer and want to avoid the tennis elbow, keep your forearms while working on the desk / table top. The elbow should be outside the tabletop in such a position so that the ulnar nerve is not pinched. Also, the keyboard on which we work should be flat, so that the hands are not tilted up too much (this position allows you to avoid overloading the muscles).

Before the disease develops, it is worth taking care of your elbows. Athletes should wear a special band and lubricate the affected areas with ointments. Taking pills to alleviate skeletal ailments is also a kind of prophylaxis. However, the most important thing is to ensure that the elbow is not overloaded.

To protect your elbows from overload and improve their microcirculation, order the OS1st ES3 Compression Armband for Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow today. The band is available in various sizes on Medonet Market. Currently, you can buy it at a promotional price.

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