Tennis elbow – how to soothe ailments?

I have problems with the so-called tennis elbow.

I have problems with the so-called with the tennis elbow, I carry it because I look after the sick. What can I do to relieve myself?

~ Adam

Chronic pain complaints called tennis elbow consist in inflammation of the muscle attachments located on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. The disease is usually the result of prolonged muscle overload with minor injuries associated with non-ergonomic work, most often involving repeated rotational movements of the forearm. Tennis elbow is a disease typical of, among others, gardeners and housekeepers.

Problems with treating the myositis result from the difficulties in avoiding everyday situations that result in painful stretching of the affected areas. Ailments can be felt in the simplest activities, such as grabbing the door handle, putting on a blouse or cutting bread. Treatment is mainly based on avoiding these activities. It is important to perform exercises that gently stretch the extensor muscles of the wrist and fingers.

Relief in acute periods is brought by cool compresses or anti-inflammatory drugs. In resistant cases, among others, physical therapy treatments and local administration of steroids are effective in relieving pain and inflammation. In general, such an injection gives a quick and significant improvement, which can be counterproductive – a person without an ailment suddenly feels healed and tries to catch up on work which they had to abandon due to illness. When the effect of the anti-inflammatory drug has ceased, the symptoms of the disease may return from such immoderate activity.

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