Tendinitis – Our doctor’s opinion

Tendinitis – Our doctor’s opinion

As part of its quality approach, Passeportsanté.net invites you to discover the opinion of a health professional. Dr Jacques Allard, general practitioner, gives you his opinion on the tendonitis :

Tendinitis are very common and diverse pathologies depending on the location, cause and duration. My first advice would be to consult your doctor as soon as possible if the symptoms of tendinitis do not go away with an ice application treatment, resting the joint and taking paracetamol (acetaminophen) or anti- nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as we have described. Indeed, if several months go by, the tendinopathy becomes chronic and much more difficult to treat. In my experience, after the first stage of treatment, rehabilitation by a physiotherapist (physiotherapist) is often effective in relieving pain, promoting tendon healing and preventing recurrence and chronicity.

Professor Jacques Allard MD FCMFC.


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