Ten Sins Against Fertility

Infertility is a social disease whose treatment is highly controversial. More and more couples have problems conceiving a child. Meanwhile, some causes of decreased fertility lie in our lifestyle, bad habits, which are often prosaic and not so difficult to eliminate.

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1/ 10 Dangerous sex

Infertility can affect both women and men. A common cause of infertility is obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women and damage to the testicles and vas deferens in men. The cause of damage to the fallopian tubes and vas deferens are venereal diseases, mainly chlamydiosis and gonorrhea. These diseases are often asymptomatic, so the infected person does not know they are a carrier, which promotes the spread of infection. Long-term, hidden inflammation in the testes or ovaries causes the formation of adhesions, scars and blockage of the lumen of the ducts important in the fertilization process. The only way to avoid infection is through the so-called safe sex and venereal disease screening. Rapid detection of the disease facilitates treatment and prevents the complication of infertility. Read more in Dangerous Venereal Diseases!

2/ 10 Disorders of ovulation

Disturbances or anovulation are other causes of infertility. The main cause of anovulation is hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances can result from untreated diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland (hyperprolactinaemia), and diabetes. The cause of ovulation disorders can also be changes resulting from frequent travel, stress, insomnia, and a debilitating diet. Gynecological ultrasound examination and determination of the level of sex hormones as well as TSH, T3, T4, PRL and checking the level of sugar in the blood may be the simplest method of detecting abnormalities in the endocrine system. Age is also a very important factor, especially in women. As the years go by, the number of healthy eggs that can be fertilized decreases.

3/ 10 Laptop on my lap

Long-term sitting, overheating the testicles by, for example, keeping a laptop on your lap when it is turned on, increases the temperature by two or three degrees, which is harmful to sperm. Professional drivers, men working in rooms with high temperatures, may also have problems with fertility. Read more in Luxury car causes infertility!

4/ 10 Stimulants of muscle development

Taking anabolic steroids, even in minimal amounts, to increase muscle gain, can cause erection problems. As a result of long-term steroid use, the heart grows – it is also a muscle. Athletes who take steroids may be sterile, they may suffer from alopecia and acne. In the semen of a man who wanted to do better in the gym, sometimes there is no healthy sperm at all or only single, deformed, with two heads or two tails. Read more in Test Your Sperm!

5/ 10 Smoking cigarettes

Only 6 percent of heavy smokers have normal sperm parameters, i.e. proper sperm motility and count. Every cigarette you smoke helps to kill the sperm. The process of sperm formation and maturation takes several weeks, and at any stage of this process, tobacco smoke can effectively reduce the chance of having children. Read more on the causes of male infertility.

6/10 Alcohol

Alcohol damages sperm and egg cells and reduces fertility. Over 80 percent of heavy alcoholics have fertility problems. Alcoholism also increases the risk of miscarriage in women. Drinking even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy harms the mother and baby. The early stage of development, i.e. the beginning of the first trimester, when the woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant is especially sensitive. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can also affect the fertility of your offspring. It has been found that the sons of mothers who drank alcohol during pregnancy may have problems with sperm quality. Read more…

7/ 10 Bad diet

Eating large amounts of fast food promotes obesity and diabetes. It can disrupt the body’s hormonal balance. In turn, eating too little colorful vegetables and fruits containing natural antioxidants causes the accumulation of free radicals in the cells. Goiter radicals contribute to DNA damage, cause mutations in ova and sperm cells, reducing fertility. Read more in Dad’s Diet Affects Daughters’ Health.

8/ 10 Certain medications

Certain drugs for the treatment of depression, hormonal drugs, drugs for prostatic hyperplasia, but also over-the-counter painkillers cause infertility. Fortunately, this is usually reversible and short-term infertility. If you are trying to have a baby, you should always read this leaflet before taking this medicine. Drug manufacturers are required to provide information about side effects, including the effects of damaging the fetus and reproductive cells. Read more in The patient must be intelligent.

9/ 10 Excessive hygiene

Frequent washing, the use of certain intimate hygiene products, antibacterial soaps, contrary to appearances, are not conducive to our health. By using uncontrolled antibiotic therapy, we can destroy the natural, protective layer of the so-called “Good bacteria”. These microorganisms present on the skin and mucosa protect us against the intrusion of bad microorganisms, e.g. bacteria, chlamydia, viruses, which in turn promote infertility. Read more in More and more triclosan in our bodies.

10/ 10 Chemicals in the environment

Every day we are exposed to various chemical compounds in food: plant protection products and organic fertilizers that affect our fertility. Even trace amounts of heavy metals (lead, cadmium) in semen inhibit the activity of enzymes in sperm and may have a toxic effect on spermatogenesis. Chemicals in detergents, cosmetics, packaging, plastics, furniture and clothing, similar in structure to estrogens (female sex hormones), interfere with the action of male hormones. Under their influence, male individuals lose their gender-typical features and become sterile.

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