Ten reasons to get enough sleep

Taking an extra hour from sleep in order to prolong the joys of the day, we actually deprive ourselves of many things in the future. And the one who gets enough sleep quietly receives for himself a lot of various bonuses in addition.

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Sleep improves memory

Sitting up late at work, making tea and emptying coffee cans again, and reading notes all night long – a familiar sight? Meanwhile, sound sleep improves short-term memory, and also helps to better assimilate information the next day.

You won’t grumble

Lack of sleep makes it difficult to properly recognize and express emotions and provokes inadequate responses to relatively neutral stimuli. If your family is seriously naughty, send them to bed, no matter how old they are. Tomorrow will be a new day.

Sleep enhances sexuality

When you are exhausted, there is little chance that the coming night will be passionate. Sleep deprivation has been directly linked to erectile dysfunction in men and decreased libido in women. Therefore, follow the formula “more sleep – better sex.” In addition, it is fair if you read it from right to left. The more sex, the better the dream!

Sleep prolongs life

If a person sleeps less than the prescribed 7-8 hours a day, this affects his life expectancy, and constant fatigue from lack of sleep reduces the quality of life in general, since some health problems (for example, high blood pressure) are directly related to poor sleep quality – namely, interrupted sleep and sleep deprivation.

You will be able to resist infections

The easiest and most effective way to not get sick is through healthy habits (wash your hands!) and good sound sleep. Go to bed and boost your immune system.

You will become more creative

Sleep makes it easier to find a solution to the problem, and in the state between reality and sleep, known as hypnagogia, insights come. A rested brain will tell you the solution.

Weight is normalized

You can model a figure not only in the gym. The most annoying fat – at the waist – accumulates in those women whose sleep took place in an insufficiently darkened bedroom. In addition, lack of sleep leads to flabbiness and muscle atrophy, and those women who diet and sleep longer at the same time lose weight faster.

There will be less stress

Sleep and stress are directly related. Set this sleep schedule for at least a week: immediately after 22 p.m. or even earlier, and don’t be tempted by a new series or social networks. And you will not only notice a change in your mood, but you will also feel that your heart rate has become calmer, and your blood pressure has decreased.

You’ll be better at driving

Driving while sleepy is almost as dangerous as driving while drunk. In America alone, according to statistics, there are 100 accidents every year with drivers asleep at the wheel, which lead to the death of 1500 people.

It is so sweet!

With pleasure, stretch your legs under a soft blanket, on a thin sheet, close your eyes and open them when morning shines outside the window. What could be better?

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