
Andrey Gelasimov’s stories tenaciously hold the reader’s attention. Recognizably everyday, they are full of mysticism and curious literary parallels.

The adulterer Gulyaev in «Philomen», who is overtaken by retribution, is nothing less than Terei (from the tragedy of Sophocles) of our days. The banker Victor from Khoma has enough strength of mind and love to correct the mistake of his unfortunate predecessor from Viy (he literally saves the lady from the forces of evil). And in the «Family Case» Alexander, like Hamlet, is the shadow of his father and asks for revenge, but is content with one son’s love. Trying on classic stories for our time, Andrey Gelasimov seems to be suggesting: family passions remain the same, but it depends on us with what result we will get out of the conflict.

Eksmo, 288 p.

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