Ten Effective Books for Business Education

One of the most in-demand skills of any professional right now is the ability to adapt and constantly learn. Lifelong learning today is a prerequisite for building a successful career and an effective business

Trends, together with the audiobook service Storytel, have selected ten audiobooks on business education that will help in the process of professional self-improvement.

James Bidwell, “This is a breakthrough! 100 Lessons of Business Innovation”

The author is the main shareholder and CEO of Springwise, an aggregator of discoveries and interesting developments. His team selects inventions, focusing not so much on technological sophistication and fantastic prospects, but on real benefits. The audiobook talks about how business innovations affect our world, which of them have made a real revolution, and how they drive progress and make our lives more convenient, interesting and better.

Team of Authors, “Strategic Management According to Kotler: Best Techniques and Techniques”

A new book by Philip Kotler, legendary business guru, author of The Marketing Bible, whose books have been published in more than 3 million copies in 20 languages. This book is absolutely necessary for those who are just studying strategic management or are already involved in it. In it, world-renowned business authors talk about the most effective business strategies and share important ideas and tools.

Svetlana Ivanova, “HR Branding Pitfalls: How to Become a Better Employer for Employees and Candidates”

One of the hot topics for all organizations is attracting and retaining valuable professionals. It’s no secret that all potential employees first of all search for information about the employer on the Internet, read reviews and evaluate the company even before they start working in it. Reputation building – HR branding is one of the main modern tasks of every employer: it allows the company to create a positive reputation in the labor market, reduce staff turnover, attract and retain the best candidates. The author of the book talks in detail about all the nuances and possible mistakes of HR branding, and also teaches how to conduct loyalty research and build a really working corporate culture.

David Rogers, Digital Transformation. Practical guide “

David Rogers is a world-renowned digital business strategy expert. He is sure that digitalization must begin with a change in thinking, and not with an update in technology, that one must be able to adapt to digital changes and learn how to use them to their advantage. The author details and shows how a company can activate and rebuild existing business processes, and also offers practical tools for companies of completely different sizes and sizes.

Paul Haig, Management Concepts and Business Models: The Complete Guide

Paul Haig is a market researcher with 35 years of experience. In his book, he offers models for solving various business problems that many companies have to face along the way. The methods, theories and cases collected by him in one book will be useful to every professional today and will help to find a suitable model for solving any problem in business.

Andrew Grove, Only the Paranoid Survive. How to use the crisis periods that any company faces»

Andrew Grove led Intel in those difficult times when the question of the company’s continued existence was being decided. He had to overcome a crisis when Japanese competitors appeared on the market, and then a bug was found in the Pentium processor. Now this story has become a textbook and is considered in business schools as an example of an effective tactic. In his book, the author combines the experience of many companies such as IBM, Compaq, ATT and others, and creates a kind of textbook on business management in crisis situations. He introduces a new concept of “strategic inflection point”, which is understood as a situation that completely changes the balance of power in the industry. Grove explains in detail and shows with specific examples how to recognize such moments from the first, even minor changes in the business environment, and what to do to bring your company out of the crisis.

Vladimir Kozlov, Alexandra Kozlova, “Communications in Management: Influence or Influence?”

Everyone knows that not only hard skills are valued in the market – professional skills. The time has come for soft skills – trans-professional skills. These include the skill of competent interaction with their environment: colleagues, partners, management and competitors. The entire professional life of a modern specialist is built on communications of various kinds. The authors of the book are well-known business coaches, experts in the field of managing complex communications (negotiations, conflicts, group mediation). They share their experiences and give practical advice on how to use the latest in communications technology.

Dennis Locke, Fundamentals of Project Management

Locke was the first to present the project management process as a single system of activities. The Storytel version is an abridged version of the detailed textbook he wrote, which has long been considered the most comprehensive publication in the field of project management. The book will be useful for managers of all levels to understand and begin to apply a modern project management system.

Mike Cohn, “Agile: Estimating and Planning Projects”

Mike Cohn is a world-renowned agile guru and co-creator of the Scrum software development method. In his book, he expands on how to approach planning and estimating and gives you the tools you need to manage agile projects of any size. There is little theoretical reasoning in the book: it is filled with specific examples, methods, recipes, and, most importantly, well-reasoned recommendations.

Alexander Tabernakulov, Jan Koifmann, “Blockchain in practice”

Blockchain technology has been talked about for several years, but still not everyone understands its potential and possibilities. Alexander Tabernakulov is Editorial Director at Yandex, columnist for Ekho Moskvy, Forbes, Inc.Russia and Rusbase. Previously, he headed the content department at the Digital Finance PR agency at the Waves blockchain platform. Participated in the Expert Council on Legislative Support for the Development of Financial Technologies under the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2017-18. Jan Koifmann is the co-founder and CEO of NS, a blockchain-based energy management platform, and EnesFilter, a manufacturer of energy-saving devices. In their book, they describe in detail what are the real possibilities of the blockchain, what results have already been achieved thanks to this technology, what are the problems in development, and what improvements are needed for its further progress. The audiobook will be useful not only for specialists, but also for all those who want to understand as much as possible what blockchain is.

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