Over 2 million men in Poland suffer from erectile dysfunction. The causes of male disability may be prosaic, such as stress, fatigue, but they can also be a sign of serious systemic diseases. Erection problems can affect men of any age.
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1/10 Stress
Many of today’s civilization diseases result from chronic stress, work exhaustion and lack of sleep. Impotence is one of these diseases, mainly affecting busy “successful men”. The basic advice for erection problems resulting from chronic fatigue is sleep, rest, avoiding stress and high doses of alcohol, which, although it adds boldness, can cause a drop in blood pressure, drowsiness and lethargy. Also read All That Sex!
2/ 10 Emotional commitment
In young men, erectile dysfunction is mainly caused by the psyche. Too much emotional involvement can cause premature ejaculation or a lack of erection. The same effect may be the result of a too weak bond with your partner. However, if you feel that your partner is the right choice, and the problem repeats and lasts longer than a few weeks, make sure you visit a urologist or sexologist. Read more in Impotence is curable! photo of BE&W
3/ 10 Hormonal disorders
A decrease in the level of the ‘fight hormone’ testosterone causes men to feel more tired, sleepy and more nervous. They lack energy and initiative in their professional and private lives. A decrease in testosterone levels may be manifested by muscle wasting, decreased sexual activity and an increase in body fat. Too low testosterone levels can promote infertility. Read more in How do I test my testosterone levels? In turn, too high a level of prolactin – a hormone responsible for lactation – lowers libido, causes erectile dysfunction and infertility, as well as enlargement of the nipples in men and osteoporosis. If your erection problems worsen, you should have your blood levels of these hormones checked.
4/ 10 Diseases of the thyroid gland
Overweight, fatigue, malaise, erection problems, hair loss do not necessarily result from overwork and constant stress. These may be symptoms of thyroid disease – a gland whose action affects the entire body and basic body functions, regulates blood pressure, heart function and metabolism, etc. Read more in the article: What is the thyroid gland? photo of BE&W
5/ 10 Diabetes
Obesity and a poor diet can contribute to diabetes, a disease in which carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed. The disease may be asymptomatic for many years. The consequence of untreated diabetes is damage to blood vessels, kidney damage and eyesight. The disease can also affect potency and cause erection problems. Read more about diabetes! photo of BE&W
6/ 10 Problems with the prostate
The most common prostate disease that can negatively affect a man’s sexual activity is benign hypertrophy. It occurs in 50% of men over 60 years of age. and it is the growth of glandular cells in the prostate, which puts pressure on the urinary tract and causes problems urinating. Prostate cancer develops much less frequently. Unfortunately, treatment of an enlarged prostate often results in erection problems. Read more in Prostate Disease and Sex! photo of BE&W
7/ 10 Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a disease resulting from the deposition of lipids in the vascular wall. The main consequence of atherosclerosis is impaired blood flow in the coronary, cerebral and renal vessels, in the arteries supplying blood to the extremities and the gastrointestinal tract, and also to the penis. Good blood flow in the vessels of the penis is essential for maintaining an erection. Problems with erection may therefore be a signal of atherosclerotic disease, the consequence of which may be a heart attack or ischemic stroke. So if you have erectile dysfunction, you should also visit a cardiologist, check ECG and blood cholesterol levels. The condition for slowing down the atherosclerotic processes is a good diet and stopping smoking. Read more about atherosclerosis.
8/ 10 Cycling
Playing sports improves the condition, gives vigor and helps to maintain a healthy body weight. But riding a bike on uneven ground for too long and a badly matched saddle can damage the urethra. During healing, the urethra may become scarred and partially narrowed, reducing its circumference. After urethral trauma, potency disorders, ejaculation disorders, and urinary incontinence may occur. This is probably related to the prolonged compression of the saddle on the perineal vessels and nerves. The problem may not appear until several years after the incident. Read more in Careful with the coil on the bike!
9/ 10 Back problems
Erection is the result of stimulation of the bundle of nerves in the spinal cord concentrated in the lumbar region of the spine. Back problems can not only make intercourse difficult, but also cause erection problems. Injuries and surgical procedures in the lower spine carry the risk of damaging the nerves that control the work of the penis. Read more about how to care for your spine. photo of BE&W
10/ 10 Solution to the problem
Fortunately, today’s medicine knows how to effectively deal with the problem. Stories about aphrodisiacs and helpful amulets for male impotence can be put among fairy tales. Treatment with the preparations proposed in advertisements may not only bring no effect, but in the case of dangerous causes, such as atherosclerosis or diabetes, may still be harmful. First, break your shame and go to a specialist to find the cause of your problems. The doctor can prescribe medications, special erection assist devices are available, and as a last resort you can undergo surgery to implant a special prosthesis. An honest conversation with your partner is also important. 10 surprising discoveries related to sex – see more! photo of BE&W