Temporary tattoo: how and how to do it? Video

Temporary tattoo: how and how to do it? Video

A temporary tattoo is a great way to decorate yourself for a holiday or wedding. You can make a temporary henna tattoo yourself. It is not expensive and the technology is very simple.

How to prepare a composition for a tattoo at home

To get started, purchase temporary tattoo products.

You will need:

  • henna
  • vinegar
  • sugar, honey or fructose
  • essential oils
  • coffee, tea or cloves

To make the composition, you need special henna. It is smaller than normal and darker in color. However, you can use regular henna for hair, but then the pattern will be less bright. Before preparing henna, sift with a fine sieve or cardboard cylinder with gauze stretched over it. The sifted henna powder is poured into a non-metallic bowl, and sugar, honey or fructose are added to it in a ratio of 1: 3. These ingredients are needed to make the finished tattoo paste dries more slowly and the ink penetrates deeper into the skin. The mixture is poured with vinegar until the consistency of sour cream. The bowl is covered with a lid, foil or cling film and left at room temperature for a day. After that, you can add a little strong brew of coffee, tea or cloves to the composition for a richer, darker color. Also, masters use a few drops of essential oils – tea tree and eucalyptus – for long-term preservation of the pattern. If desired, food coloring can be added to the mixture to add color.

The art of decorating the body with henna – mehndi or mehendi – has long been known in India, Central Asia and North Africa.

The ready-made mass for tattoos is distributed in a kind of tubes made of wrapping paper. To make them, you need to take square pieces of material with a side of 10 cm and twist them into cones, securing them with tape. Pay particular attention to the tip of the cone, it must be sharp and completely covered with tape to keep its shape. From 150 grams of the mixture, approximately 15 tubes are obtained. Opened tubes are placed in the freezer for a day, after which their holes are also sealed, and they are stored further. You can also use a syringe for drawings, but it can get clogged and not very convenient to clean. The finished tubes of the mixture are stored in the freezer until needed. Just let the tube sit for a while at room temperature before drawing.

Before starting work, the tip of the tube is cut; the thinner, the neater your lines will be. While drawing, press down on the base of the tube with your thumb. You can make several working tools with cuts of different diameters to obtain lines of different thicknesses. Be sure to check on a piece of paper how the lines will look.

To simplify the work, you can first draw the outline of the tattoo with a gel pen or marker, and then outline with henna paste. Or you can trust your instinct and create an impromptu drawing. When drawing with henna, the creation of tattoos in the Oriental and Indian styles is very popular: stylized images of leaves and flowers, geometric and wavy ornaments are used. In addition to straight lines, you can dash by pressing on the tube with varying degrees of force, blend the outline with a toothpick, or make beautiful color transitions with a brush dipped in water.

Fine lines are used on the palms and feet. And if you want to create a large tattoo on the forearm, thigh or side, draw a thick outline with large details, otherwise the drawing will not be readable from afar.

The surface of the skin you are going to tattoo is degreased. It is also better to remove the hairs there and exfoliate. Then the skin is rubbed with a mixture of eucalyptus and olive oil, this solution expands the pores and softens the skin, promoting deeper penetration of the dye. Draw carefully without pressing too hard. Squeeze enough paste onto the drawing so that it forms a contour about 5 mm high. After that, you need to let the paste dry. On the feet and palms, you can hold the composition for about half an hour, on other parts of the body – from an hour to one and a half.

The drawing should not dry too quickly, if necessary, wet the circuit with water from a spray bottle

After the right time has passed, the dried paste must be removed. This can be done using a plastic card, a ruler, or your own nails. At first, the drawing will be pale orange, and then, after 1–3 days, it will darken and become brighter. After removing the paste, wipe the tattoo with oil to protect it from environmental influences and remove dried henna particles. The resulting pattern can be decorated with sparkles and rhinestones, creating an original festive decoration.

With proper care, the tattoo will delight you for about three weeks. Wipe your design with olive or sunflower oil often, especially before showering. The oil will create a film on the skin that protects the tattoo. You should also avoid hot baths and showers, baths and saunas, chlorinated pool water. When washing, do not rub the area of ​​the drawing with a washcloth and do not use a scrub. Also, do not wipe your skin with alcohol-based solutions.

If you are tired of a tattoo or need to get rid of it urgently, steam the skin with the applied pattern and remove it with a washcloth or scrub. You can also use a lotion that contains alcohol.

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