High fever and fever are common symptoms of SARS. We deal with experts how long the temperature lasts, whether it is necessary to bring it down, and whether traditional medicine methods can be used

SARS is a group of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, usually caused by viruses. One of the most common symptoms of SARS is fever. We deal with an expert how fever occurs with ARVI and how to effectively bring down the temperature in adults.

What is the usual temperature for SARS in adults

With SARS, the temperature usually does not exceed 38,5 degrees. There are exceptions in which a fever of up to 39 degrees is possible, but this condition is extremely rare and passes quickly.

It is important to note that the indicators may differ depending on the thermometer and the place where body temperature is measured.

There are several types of thermometers:

  • mercury – when heated, mercury expands, and we see changes in the scale;
  • electronic – the measurement is made using a built-in sensitive sensor, the indicators are displayed on a digital display;
  • infrared – the device reads the infrared radiation of the human body and displays the indicators on a digital display;
  • thermal strip is a film with heat-sensitive crystals that change their color under the influence of temperature.

The most correct is a mercury thermometer. For the rest, an error of up to 0,2 degrees in one direction or another is possible. When determining elevated body temperature with any other thermometer, it is necessary to double-check the measurements with mercury.

Also, the temperature is different at the measuring points. With normal health, the following average indicators are determined:

  • axillary region – 36,6;
  • under the tongue in the mouth – 36,9;
  • rectum – 37,2.

Usually body temperature is measured in the axillary region, so further we will focus on it.

How long does the temperature last with SARS in adults

With mild and moderate ARVI, elevated body temperature usually lasts no more than three days. In severe cases or when a bacterial infection is attached, the fever will be much longer.

Standard body temperature with SARS lasts 3-5 days. If the fever does not subside, it is worth thinking about possible complications.

Do I need to bring down the temperature with SARS in adults

With any disease, body temperature below 38 degrees should not be knocked down. With a fever, the body signals to us that there is an infection in the body, and it tries to fight it on its own.

It is worth bringing down the temperature in two cases:

  • when it is raised above 38 degrees;
  • with poor tolerance.

That is, even if the temperature is 38,2, but you feel relatively normal, you should not bring it down.

How to bring down the temperature with SARS in adults

Most often, ARVI is quite easy and goes away on its own, even without the use of drugs. However, fever can be very difficult to tolerate and requires medical attention.


The most popular and effective means to reduce body temperature are:

  1. Paracetamol – taken 1-2 tablets, the maximum daily dosage for adults should not exceed 4000 mg.
  2. Ibuprofen – taken 2-4 times a day, the maximum daily dosage is 1200 mg.
  3. Acetylsalicylic acid – 3-4 times a day, a maximum of 3000 mg per day.
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There are also powders (Fervex, Theraflu) that contain antipyretic substances.

The use of medicines should be agreed with the attending physician, as the drugs adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract, can cause allergies and other unwanted side effects. For some people, taking these drugs is contraindicated for health reasons.


Compresses are a fairly effective way to reduce body temperature. This is especially true for those who do not want to use drugs.

  • Cool water compresses

For this, cotton towels are used, which are moistened in cold water and squeezed out. The most correct places for a compress are the forehead, neck, ankles, and wrists. As the towels dry, they are rewetted and wrung out. You can also wrap ice in a towel. It is important that there are several layers of tissue between the ice and the skin to avoid hypothermia and frostbite.

  • Compresses with cabbage brine

The effect is the same as from ordinary cool water. But since the brine additionally contains a low concentration of vinegar, this will improve body cooling.

  • Raw potato compresses

You can use either grated or sliced ​​potatoes. To achieve maximum cooling, the vegetable can first be placed in the refrigerator. The effect is the same as from compresses with cool water.


Drinking plenty of water is a must for SARS. It is the increased fluid intake that will help reduce the symptoms of intoxication and greatly alleviate the condition. With abundant drinking and bed rest, the use of drugs and compresses is optional.

With SARS, you need to drink 2-3 liters of liquid:

  • weak tea;
  • broth of dogrose;
  • juices and compotes;
  • alkaline mineral waters.


Most often, mixtures of water with vinegar and vodka are used. 1 teaspoon is enough for 1 liter of water, but some use a 2:1 dosage. Vinegar enhances heat transfer and helps to reduce body temperature. After rubbing, you should not immediately put on clothes, you should wait a bit until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed important issues related to temperature in SARS, with the therapist Tatyana Pomerantseva.

What to do if the temperature during SARS does not subside?

– It happens that the body temperature stays above 38,5, and taking antipyretic drugs does not help or helps only for a couple of hours. What to do in this case?

1. Drink enough liquid (2-3 liters per day).

2. Use compresses and / or rubbing.

3. You can only take the maximum allowable dosage of antipyretic drugs.

4. If it is impossible to bring down the temperature on your own within 2-3 days, call a doctor or an ambulance.

Can there be SARS without fever?

– Maybe, especially if the course of the disease is mild. It is also possible to increase body temperature, which is not felt by a person. However, additional symptoms must be present that will indicate the presence of an infection in the body. It can be general weakness, loss of appetite, runny nose, headache.

Can there be a low temperature with SARS?

– Sometimes it can. This is more often observed in people with anemia, thyroid dysfunction, diseases of the autonomic nervous system.

When to call a doctor for SARS?

– In most cases, SARS is mild and requires only symptomatic treatment to cope with fever and runny nose. It is worth calling a doctor for a viral infection if after 3 days from the onset of the disease there is no improvement in the condition, the body temperature remains stably high or other symptoms (cough with sputum, shortness of breath) join.

Sources of:

  1. Clinical guidelines “Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in adults”. Moscow, 2021
  2. “Guide to Clinical Pulmonology” G.V. Trubnikov, 2001.

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