Temperature with coronavirus in humans
Doctors remind: the symptoms of coronavirus are similar to those of influenza and SARS. A sharp rise in body temperature above 38 ° C is considered an indirect sign of the beginning course of coronavirus

An increase in temperature is typical for any type of viral infections. The new coronavirus infection is no exception. But the numbers on the thermometer can be very different. And they do not always reflect the severity of the condition, although if the high temperature lasts for several days and does not go astray, this is an extremely alarming sign.1.

What should be the temperature for coronavirus

However, German infectious disease specialists noted that the average person infected with COVID-19 in Germany, when contacting doctors, had low-grade fever: a temperature of 37,1 to 38 ° C. In some cases, the coronavirus goes unnoticed, without fever.2.

Temperature 35 — 36 with coronavirus

It is extremely rare for this infection to drop in temperature, reaching 36 ° C or below, but this often happens if patients abuse antipyretic drugs, taking them even if there is no fever. If such a picture is observed without taking medications, you should consult a doctor, especially if there are other symptoms (cough, weakness, breathing problems)3.

Temperature 37 with coronavirus

A slight increase in temperature is possible with a mild form of a new coronavirus infection, although the relationship between an increase in temperature and the severity of the condition is not always observed.

A low temperature occurs in about half of the sick people who have only mild symptoms, and in about 15% of patients whose condition is assessed as moderate or severe. Therefore, it is important to focus not only on the thermometer data, but also on other manifestations of the disease.3.

Temperature 38 with coronavirus

An increase in temperature to 38,0 ° C is usually accompanied by other symptoms, which generally reflect the severity of the disease. If, against the background of fever, severe chills, pallor, malaise, nausea, breathing problems, diarrhea or shortness of breath occur, you should not self-medicate, you should call a doctor at home.

If the condition worsens rapidly, an ambulance should be called, especially for the elderly, people with chronic diseases, diabetes, obesity4.

Temperature 39 with coronavirus

High fever often occurs with moderate to severe disease, but it does not always indicate lung damage and serious complications. This is the reaction of the immune system to the introduction of the virus and the body’s attempt to overcome its spread. Therefore, along with the temperature, the general condition must also be assessed.

In addition, such a high temperature must be brought down with antipyretic drugs.

How long can the temperature stay with coronavirus

As a rule, the temperature lasts 1-3 days, sometimes up to 5-6. According to the recommendations of the Moscow Health Department, the persistence of fever for more than a week with viral infections requires examination and medical intervention, as it may indicate the development of complications. Also, a doctor’s consultation is needed in case of intense heat (39 ° C and above) and the absence of the body’s response to temperature-lowering agents.

Is it necessary to bring down the temperature with coronavirus

With a relatively low temperature and mild symptoms, bed rest and general treatment recommendations can be observed. If the temperature rises above 38,5 ° C or a sharp malaise, headache and other symptoms, it is necessary to reduce the temperature even at lower values. In any case, you need to follow the recommendations of your doctor.

If fever does not respond to antipyretics, malaise increases, hospitalization may be required5.

How to bring down the temperature with coronavirus

According to WHO experts, drugs based on paracetamol (Panadol, Daleron, Cefecon, Ifimol) or ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Mig, Advil, Brufen, Dexonal, Dexalgin-25) should be in the first place to reduce the temperature. It is possible to take combined drugs – Ibuklin, Pentalgin, Askofen.

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In adulthood, it is permissible to take drugs with acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Upsarin-UPSA, Acylpyrine), but they cannot be used on an empty stomach and drunk for a long time – they greatly irritate the mucous membrane.

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What to do if the temperature does not pass

A temperature of up to 38,5 ° C during a viral infection is considered the norm – it is the high temperature that helps the body cope with the virus. Therefore, it is not necessary to knock it down. Sometimes doctors advise not to rush to take antipyretics up to 39 ° C. But if it is higher, then it is necessary to shoot down.

“There is evidence that Aspirin is now preferable to Paracetamol (Coldrex), writes in his Telegram channel Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University Zukhra Pavlova. “Aspirin relieves systemic inflammation and thins the blood, which is important with coronavirus.”

By the way, the World Health Organization (WHO) has denied the information that the use of Ibuprofen in patients with coronavirus complicates the course of the disease and allows its use. Just like Paracetamol in the permitted dosages.

“There are still not enough studies and statistics to reliably say whether Ibuprofen led to a deterioration in the condition of patients with coronavirus, or other drugs affected,” said Candidate of Medical Sciences, virologist Anna Demina. – There was no conflicting information regarding Paracetamol and Aspirin. Otherwise, antipyretics are just as effective at fever in patients with coronavirus.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with an expert – general practitioner Valeria Trapeznikova, whether the course of infection is possible without fever, whether subfebrile condition is possible after recovery, and why fever changes so much during the course of the disease.

Can there be coronavirus without fever?
Yes, it can, when the disease is mild.
Can there be fever after coronavirus?
After a new coronavirus infection, subfebrile condition (37 -37,5 ° C) may persist for some time. This suggests that the body recovers gradually, since it is not always able to rebuild at once.
Can there be a low temperature with coronavirus?
A decrease in body temperature with coronavirus can occur with a mild course of the disease and is accompanied by a breakdown, fatigue, and a decrease in efficiency. Particular attention should be given to the elderly and patients with concomitant diseases, since their low temperature does not always indicate a mild course of the disease.
Why does the temperature jump with coronavirus?
Body temperature can change its performance for many reasons, it will depend on the severity of the disease, and on the presence of complications and on the medications that the patient uses. It is also known that coronavirus infection has an effect on the nervous system, and if it is damaged, the temperature can also “jump”.
What is the temperature when the lungs are affected by coronavirus?
More often, the body temperature in case of lung damage is elevated (from 38 ° C or more), but hyperthermia does not always accompany inflammatory changes in the lung tissue, so it is necessary to evaluate not only temperature indicators, but also other symptoms.
Is it possible to have a temperature after being vaccinated against coronavirus?
Yes, maybe this is a manifestation of the individual reactions of the body after vaccination, an increase in temperature is allowed in the first few days.


  1. INTERIM GUIDELINES FOR THE PREVENTION, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF THE NEW CORONAVIRUS INFECTION (COVID-19) https://static-0.minzdrav.gov.ru/system/attachments/attaches/000/055/735/original/BMP_COVID-19.pdf
  2. Lvov D.K., Kolobukhina L.V., Deryabin P.G. Coronavirus infection. Severe acute respiratory syndrome // Infectious diseases: News. Opinions. Education. 2015. No. 4 (13). URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/koronavirusnaya-infektsiya-tyazhelyy-ostryy-respiratornyy-sindrom
  3. Starshinova A. A., Kushnareva E. A., Malkova A. M., Dovgalyuk I. F., Kudlai D. A. New coronavirus infection: features of the clinical course, possibilities for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infection in adults and children. Questions of modern pediatrics. 2020; 19(2): 123–131. doi:10.15690/vsp.v19i2.2105)
  4. Rumyantsev A.G. Coronavirus infection COVID-19. Scientific challenges and possible ways of treatment and prevention of the disease // RZHDGiO. 2020. №3. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/koronavirusnaya-infektsiya-covid-19-nauchnye-vyzovy-i-vozmozhnye-puti-lecheniya-i-profilaktiki-zabolevaniya
  5. Romanov B.K. Coronavirus infection covid-2019 // Safety and risk of pharmacotherapy. 2020. №1. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/koronavirusnaya-infektsiya-covid-2019

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