The temperature in the microwave is directly dependent on the power declared by the manufacturer, as well as on additional options: grill or convection. Modern models allow you to adjust it from minimum to maximum. How to choose a technique that works at the level you need, you will learn from the review.
Temperature and power
As we have already said, the heating of a microwave oven is related to its power. Usually buyers choose models designed for 800-1000 watts. They heat food up to 100 degrees in just 1 minute. It takes half a minute to heat up to 50 degrees.
The maximum temperature inside the chamber, or rather, the dishes in it, does not exceed 100-110 degrees. According to the principle of operation of the microwave cabinet, the waves enter the food, affecting the water molecules, due to which they heat up. Read more about the processes taking place in a microwave oven on the page “How the microwave works».
How does a magnetron work
The magnetron, the so-called “heart” of the device, creates radiation. It is a diode with copper walls. While working, it generates heat that goes beyond the body with the help of a radiator and does not participate in the process of heating food.
The magnetron does not work continuously. To heat food to the highest mark, the sensor works for about a quarter of a minute (depending on the parameters of a particular model). After the magnetron turns off, “rests” for a few seconds and continues to work like refrigerator compressor motor.
Knowing the operating temperature of the magnetron, you can use simple mathematical operations to independently calculate how quickly and by how many degrees the food will warm up. So, it will take 0,5 minutes for a glass of water if the oven runs at the highest power.
Unfortunately, the heating rate is not always satisfactory. The manufacturer is often not involved in the quality of the electrical appliance – it all depends on the stability of the voltage in the network. If you have interruptions, install stabilizer.
If the voltage is below the standard 220 V, a 750 W microwave will heat a glass of water 2 or even 3 times longer than at normal voltage. It will take 2-5 minutes to reach a centigrade temperature, which again depends only on the network parameters.
Microwave oven modes
We have devoted an entire review to this topic:What are the modes of the microwave“. But since temperature, power and modes are closely related, let’s highlight some points:
- To boil water, make juice or other drinks, choose a maximum heat of 100 degrees.
- For chicken dishes or heating already prepared food, an average power of 70 degrees is enough.
- Baking fish, meat, cooking soups are excellent at 50 degrees.
- Defrosting requires only 25-30% of the total power of the device.
- What should be the temperature to keep pre-cooked food warm? 15 or 20 degrees will be enough for dinner to be waiting for you warm.
Useful Tips
- What temperature must be selected in a 750 W microwave in order for the grill to cope with its “duties”? Manufacturers note that it all depends on the volume of water contained in certain products.
Are you going to cook a large piece of meat using the grill? It will take more time than processing fish or chicken – they are more watery, it takes less time.
- Do you like to pamper your family with desserts of your own “production”? Make sure that the sugar is inside the product. Baked goods heat up quickly and may burn due to melted sugar crystals.
- It takes a minimum of time to cook raw vegetables and fruits – there is plenty of water in them. For pies, cakes and casseroles, set the average power and temperature so that they do not burn at the top, and bake well inside.
When choosing a suitable model, look not only at the brand, functionality, cost, but also at the parameters. Pay special attention to power capabilities, temperature conditions. If you don’t want to figure out which program to choose for a dish, look at the oven with automatic programs. In them, for most dishes, all parameters are already set by the system – nothing will burn, nothing will remain raw. Successful choice and trouble-free operation!