Temperature in a newborn – symptoms, causes, how to measure

When our little ones get a high temperature, we are very worried because we often have no idea what could be causing it. A higher temperature in a newborn, i.e. a child under 28 days (4 weeks) of life, is when it exceeds 38 degrees Celsius. If your baby reaches 38 degrees, don’t worry – it is still within the normal range. Daytime fluctuations in temperature in newborns are quite normal as they have not yet developed the correct body thermoregulation system. In the morning, the child’s temperature can be much lower than in the evening, and it also depends on the temperature of the environment in which the child is. It is important to know what is the normal temperature in a newborn baby, how to measure it and what the fluctuations in it may be.

Temperature in a newborn – how to measure it correctly?

Neonatal temperature should be measured using two methods – rectal and ear measurements. In the case of such young children, it is not used to measure the temperature in the armpit and in the mouth, as the results may not be accurate, and there is a risk of a thermometer bursting (if we use glass ones). If we decide to measure the infant’s rectal temperature (normal range is 36,6-38 degrees C), it should be taken into account that it will be slightly higher and half a degree should be subtracted from the result. A newborn’s natural body temperature is between 36,6 and 37 degrees C; 37,5-38 degrees C indicates a low-grade fever, and above 38 degrees C it means a fever.

If the temperature drops below 36 degrees C and persists for a relatively long time, it may indicate hypothermia. All disturbing symptoms, i.e. too high and too low temperature in a newborn, should be consulted with a pediatrician as soon as possible. Remember, however, that if we decide to measure the child’s temperature through the ear, the correct result is within 35,7-38 degrees C. The best way to measure it is to use an electronic ear thermometer.

You can also use non-contact thermometers that you can find at Medonet Market, e.g. Neno Medic T02 or Neno Medic T05 with the function of measuring liquid temperature ..

Temperature in the newborn – symptoms, causes and clumping

A temperature in a newborn above 38 degrees C is considered a fever. It is not always caused by an illness, as it may be associated with, for example, allergies, sucking the breast during feeding, teething, strong emotions (crying) or care errors such as inadequate hydration or overheating of the baby. Under no circumstances should you panic, as fever is a perfectly normal and natural defense reaction of the body. Symptoms of high temperature in a newborn baby include inflamed cheeks, forehead and back, flushing, watery eyes, diarrhea with vomiting, cold sweat, crying, and rapid breathing. In addition, the child does not feel like eating and playing.

The best way to reduce a high fever is to cool the body down by using cool compresses or a cooling bath, which involves placing the child in water 1 degree C lower than his body temperature. Medicines that are safe for a toddler to reduce fever are those with paracetamol, but they cannot be used too often and at your own discretion, because they are not indifferent to the body. They can be used in the form of suppositories. In the event of their administration, it is best to consult a doctor or strictly follow the recommendations contained in the leaflet attached to the medicine.

If the fever persists for an alarmingly long time, i.e. more than one good, and is accompanied by symptoms such as coughing, it is essential to see a pediatrician. It is not uncommon for a newborn to have a high temperature as a sign of infection, flu or otitis media and should not be ignored.

To control your baby’s body temperature even better, order the BRAUN PRT1000 Flexible Tip Electronic Thermometer, which is safe and comfortable to use.

Temperature in a newborn – maintaining the proper temperature of the body

It is extremely important to maintain the correct temperature in the newborn. Therefore, you should take care of properly dressing your toddler, you absolutely cannot wrap him in several layers of clothes and make him overheat. You should also pay attention to regulating the temperature in the room where the newborn is currently staying. During the day, the temperature in the child’s room should not exceed 22 degrees C, and at night it should not fall below 18 degrees C. While walking, do not expose the child to the sun for too long. We also avoid the possibility of cooling down, e.g. by long walks in the cold.

The thermoregulatory mechanisms of a newborn are not mature, so when you come home with your baby after such a walk and there is a sudden change in the ambient temperature, the baby can catch a cold very easily. Too low and too high temperatures in a newborn baby are dangerous because they affect, among others, on its circulatory system, respiratory system and skin. Therefore, under no circumstances should we allow the child’s body to cool down or overheat.

To conveniently monitor the body temperature of a newborn, reach for the Electronic Thermometer with a flexible tip VITAMMY nano 3, which is safe no matter where the temperature is measured – in the anus, in the armpit or in the mouth.

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