Temperature from 37 to 39 degrees for colds and flu

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Everyone knows: if a person does not feel well, then first of all he needs to measure the temperature. A body temperature above 37,5 degrees indicates the presence of a disease.

The most common cause of a rise in temperature is acute respiratory infections (acute respiratory infections). In this case, the increased temperature is accompanied by other signs of a cold: cough, runny nose, sore throat.

When the body temperature rises, there is a feeling of coldness, chills. The skin becomes dry and pale. The person may feel shivering, especially when the temperature rises sharply. Depending on the level of temperature rise, it is subdivided into subfebrile (37,2-38), febrile (38-39), pyretic (39-40). Or they simply note that the temperature is low, high, or very high. Having reached the maximum value, the temperature stops rising.

The chills give way to heat, the skin becomes hot to the touch. After a while, the temperature starts to drop by itself. The temperature reduction process can be accelerated. You can bring down the temperature both with the help of drugs and physical methods (rubdowns, cold compresses, shower procedures, etc.). When the temperature drops, the body loses a lot of fluids, so it is always recommended to drink more water or other drinks.

The elevated temperature may decrease gradually or abruptly. The temperature does not always drop to normal – 36,6 degrees – even after the use of drugs. In some cases, medications do not help bring down the temperature: it may drop slightly, but still remain high. In such a situation, you need to see a doctor. But this does not happen very often. As a rule, an antipyretic agent brings down the temperature well and lasts 4-6 hours. Then the temperature may rise again. Fever for colds and flu can last for one to three days. If it takes longer, then, perhaps, an additional infection has joined, then an additional examination is needed to change the treatment tactics.

During a period of increased temperature with a cold, it is recommended to rest more, not to play sports, to limit contact with other people (since the disease can be contagious). Observe the doctor’s recommendations: take prescribed medications for fever and other signs of a cold (tablets, suppositories, drops, etc.). It is not recommended for adults and children to do inhalation at high temperatures, as it can be harmful to health.

The use of antiviral agents at a temperature (tablets from temperature)

Antiviral agents are often used to treat and prevent colds and flu. How can antiviral drugs affect temperatures above 37,5? People who take antiviral drugs usually report that the temperature does not rise as high as usual and lasts for fewer days. Of course, this is an important characteristic of the effectiveness of antiviral drugs. The pharmacies offer a large assortment of antiviral drugs, expensive and not so, for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections. The action of antiviral drugs is different: some act directly on the virus, others affect the immune system. A doctor should help you choose an antiviral drug, since many drugs have a targeted effect on a specific virus and side effects. There is also a group of broad-spectrum drugs that usually affect the immune system, stimulating it to fight viruses.

One of these broad spectrum drugs is “Oscillococcinum”… This is one of the few medicines approved for use in children from birth. Granules for very young children “Ocillococcinum” dissolve in water and give from a spoon.

The use of antiviral agents helps to strengthen the immune system and avoid complications of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, which can reduce cold symptoms, including fever, and shorten the period of illness in children and adults.

If a child or adult has a high fever without other symptoms, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible to order tests that will help identify its cause.

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