Temperature 39 without symptoms
An increase in temperature is always associated with the development of pathological processes in the patient’s body. A high temperature of 39 ° C is extremely rare without symptoms, however, in some conditions, such a course of fever is possible.

A high temperature is a signal from the body that something is wrong. It usually accompanies infectious and inflammatory processes, although it is possible with other pathologies. Therefore, when the temperature rises to high numbers, especially up to 39 ° C, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the causes.

What temperature should be normal

Under normal conditions, body temperature in adults fluctuates within 1 ° C throughout the day – from 36,4 to 37,4 ° C. The maximum temperature rise occurs in the evening from 16 to 20 hours, the minimum temperature – in the morning at about 6 – 8 am. Such fluctuations are due to physical activity, emotional fluctuations and the work of the autonomic nervous system.

Therefore, do not panic if your temperature does not correspond to the usual figures of 36,6 ° C. And it is worth checking the temperature for several days and, if there are other symptoms, consult a doctor.

Causes of fever 39

An increase in temperature to 39 ° C and above is possible with a number of diseases of an infectious nature, inflammatory reactions of the body, as well as malignant neoplasms.

1. Infectious diseases

An increase in temperature to 39 ° C and above is possible:

  • during the incubation period of influenza, when catarrhal phenomena have not yet made themselves felt, and only on the third day symptoms such as rhinitis, hoarseness, cough, sore throat appear;
  • with urinary tract infection – pyelonephritis;
  • if children’s infectious diseases develop – rubella, measles, chickenpox, diphtheria, whooping cough, etc. – these diseases are also characterized by an incubation period lasting 1 – 2 days, while signs more characteristic of diseases (rashes, cough, redness of body parts etc.), can develop in a child a few days later;
  • in the presence of a purulent abscess (a place of accumulation of pus) in the body.

2. Acute inflammatory diseases

  • pneumonia – possibly an atypical course of the disease, when cough and other characteristic symptoms are absent, and the only sign is fever;
  • stomatitis;
  • pericarditis;
  • infective endocarditis: the risk of this disease increases after suffering a sore throat or flu, it is treated exclusively in a hospital.

To summarize, we can say that a high temperature (up to 39 ° C and above) often appears when there is an infection in the body (bacteria, virus, helminths, fungi) that leads to inflammatory changes. Which organs or systems were affected by the infection – there are many options and additional data will be required to clarify.

3. Endocrine diseases

Hypothalamic syndrome is a complex of disorders associated with the pathology of the hypothalamus. Treatment in this case is to take sedatives.

4. Oncological diseases

A sharp increase in temperature is sometimes the only sign of an oncological disease, both benign and malignant. An increase in temperature of 39 ° C without symptoms is often a sign of leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia and other blood cancers.

It is also worth noting that high fever can be a manifestation of autoimmune diseases. And do not forget that an increase in temperature can also occur with unrest, stress, allergic reactions, hypothermia, or, conversely, with overheating. Here it is important to assess how long the rise in temperature bothers you (1 day, 2 days or more), whether it is confused by taking antipyretic drugs, whether there are other symptoms and consult a doctor.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 for a child

A high temperature in a child is more dangerous than in an adult and is much worse tolerated. At a temperature of 39 ° C and above in children, the risk of developing convulsive syndrome and other dangerous complications increases. When the temperature rises to 39 ° C in a child, it is urgent to call a pediatrician who will determine the cause of the fever. If the child’s temperature reaches 39,1 – 39,2 ° C and continues to rise, you need to call an ambulance.

In order to avoid the development of complications, it is necessary to prevent its further increase and give an antipyretic before the doctor arrives. As an antipyretic, it is desirable to use children’s paracetamol, which is available both in tablets and in the form of syrup and rectal suppositories.

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The doctor needs to describe in detail what preceded the rise in temperature in the child, tell what measures were taken before his arrival. The doctor will ask about the child’s illnesses, surgeries, allergic reactions, and injuries. It is also important to talk about whether the child had contact with animals the day before, what he ate, whether he walked in the forest and whether he swam in a pond.

How to bring down the temperature of 39 adults

According to WHO recommendations, when the temperature rises to 38,5 ° C and above in adults, it is recommended to bring it down with antipyretics. Lowering the temperature will relieve the load on the cardiovascular system, weaken the effects of toxins on the body.

Antipyretics that adults can take include:

  • Paracetamol and other preparations containing it (Efferalgan, Koldakt, Coldrex, Teraflu, Panadol, etc.)
  • Ibuprofen (nurofen);
  • Aspirin.
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Also, at high temperatures, one should resort to measures that will alleviate the patient’s condition. These include:

  • compliance with bed rest;
  • ventilation of the room in which the patient is located;
  • taking more liquid.

But do not get carried away with taking medications, since in a large dose, drugs can provoke drug-induced hepatitis. Before use, if possible, consult a doctor or study the instructions for the drug, which indicates the maximum daily dose.

What to do if the temperature cannot be brought down?

If the temperature of 39 ° C cannot be brought down, and it lasts for several days, then this may indicate the development of complications (for example, the flu can be complicated by pneumonia, otitis media, etc.), as well as an incorrect diagnosis or ineffectiveness of the prescribed therapy . So, for example, in the case of a bacterial infection, an antibiotic is incorrectly selected. In this case, you should immediately contact a general practitioner or pediatrician. If a high temperature of 39 ° C or more persists in a small child, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Why is high temperature dangerous?

High temperatures pose a threat to the body and can be fatal. With an increase in temperature, metabolism accelerates, blood flow increases, and the heart rate increases, i.e. increased stress on the heart. Against the background of an increase in temperature, dehydration of the body, depletion of energy resources, dysfunction of the nervous system in the form of seizures can occur (especially in children). High temperature increases the viscosity of the blood, which is fraught with the development of thrombosis.

High temperature is especially difficult to tolerate in patients with the presence of diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • respiratory system;
  • nervous system;
  • endocrine organs (diabetes mellitus, thyretoxicosis, etc.).

In these patients, fever should be brought down with antipyretics.

The most dangerous high temperature in patients with cardiovascular disease. With every degree increase in temperature, the load on the heart increases several times. The heart muscle needs more oxygen to pump blood. As compensation, the respiratory rate increases. However, if the coronary arteries are damaged, the supply of oxygen to the myocardium may fail, and this threatens the development of myocardial infarction and severe arrhythmias.

What can not be done at high temperatures?

First of all, the symptoms should not be ignored. If the temperature is high, you need to take antipyretics, but in no case exceed the indicated doses, which are written in the instructions. Also, you can not take antibiotics, other drugs, folk remedies on your own, treat the temperature with alcohol, take a steam bath or cool in an ice shower.

Is it always necessary to bring down the temperature of 39?

Yes, when the temperature rises above 38,5 ° C, it is recommended to bring down the temperature. With such a high fever, the body works with high loads and serious complications are possible.

How long can a temperature of 39 stay?

With SARS or influenza, a temperature of 39 ° C can last from 2 to 3 days. However, with the addition of a bacterial infection and the development of complications such as otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, a high temperature can be maintained for a longer time.

The duration of the fever may also depend on the patient’s immunity. With strong immunity, even in the case of a strong viral infection, the temperature stabilizes faster. Therefore, a high temperature can persist for a longer time in young children, since their immune system has not yet had time to get stronger. The smaller the child, the longer his recovery will be.

Popular questions and answers

We discussed with general practitioner Valeria Trapeznikova questions of the use of antipyretic drugs, reasons for visiting a doctor and treatment with folk remedies.

Why is the antipyretic not working?

Sometimes, due to the high temperature, the work of the digestive tract is disturbed, the absorption of drugs is worse, not in full and more slowly. In this case, the full effect of the drug may not be possible. In this case, rectal suppositories or syrups, or injections of antipyretics can help out.

Sometimes there is an individual immunity to certain types of drugs, for example, Paracetamol. Then you need to replace the drug with Nurofen 4-6 hours after taking it. In addition, NSAIDs usually work better to reduce temperature against the background of bacterial infections, when the inflammatory component is still actively expressed. Paracetamol is more effective for viral infections.

It may also be that the cause of the high temperature has not been eliminated, and taking antipyretic drugs is effective only for a short period of time.

When to see a doctor for high fever?

With a high temperature that lasts more than 2 – 3 days, is poorly tolerated or goes astray and rises again, you need to call a doctor at home.

When to call an ambulance with a high temperature?

If convulsions, nausea with vomiting, dizziness, severe weakness, impaired consciousness, shortness of breath, severe cough occur at a high temperature, you need to call an ambulance.

Is it possible to bring down the temperature with folk remedies?

The use of folk remedies at a similar temperature can be dangerous and ineffective. It is better to give preference to traditional drugs.

In any case, at a high temperature, it is better to consult a doctor initially, without wasting time and without aggravating the situation.

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