Temperament of the child: how to choose the right sports section?

Each person is born with an individual set of features. One of these innate features is temperament. Whether the baby will be calm and thoughtful or energetic and agile is determined even before birth.

For the harmonious development of a child at an early age, he simply needs to play sports. And in order for them to bring real pleasure, parents should be more careful in choosing the appropriate section, taking into account the temperament of their children.


The main types and their features

A choleric child is a perpetual motion machine. He is impulsive, emotional, mobile, sensitive and touchy. He reacts very vividly to everything new and interesting, literally «lights up», enthusiastically plunging into the training process.

A sanguine child is restrained, friendly to rivals and teammates, purposeful, able to intuitively correctly distribute loads and set priorities.

Phlegmatic children are the embodiment of peace and concentration. It is they who are considered one of the most successful strategists in any, including sports. A very important point in the education of a phlegmatic athlete is awareness. He cannot be forced to do something without explaining the task and the expected result.

Melancholic children are not despondency and uncertainty. This is the most accurate calculation even at a young age, one hundred percent readiness, unshakable calmness and balance.Temperament of the child: how to choose the right sports section?

What should I look for?

  •  For choleric children, a competitive spirit is very important. The presence of an opponent determines the direction of their movement, spurs interest in sports. Such children are reckless, often compare themselves with others, try to succeed more.
  •  It is important for a sanguine child to feel the connection between their personal efforts and the result. However, on the way to success, difficulties can await them and, above all, a lack of patience, which a competent and authoritative mentor helps to overcome.
  •  Monotonous and concentrated does not mean thoughtlessly. It is extremely important for phlegmatic people to understand: what, why and how it works.
  •  Concentration is a very important advantage of this type. However, the list of sections to which you can send a melancholic child up to 11-12 years of age is quite small.

Temperament of the child: how to choose the right sports section?

In what sport to send a child with a certain type of temperament?

The Taekwon-Do section is one of the most modern martial arts, based on many ancient traditional techniques of Korean and Japanese martial arts. This sport can be practiced not only by boys, but also by girls of the chaleric type. By the way, team sports such as basketball, football or volleyball are also great.

Tennis is one of the most popular Olympic sports in which the individual qualities of an athlete determine his success and career. Just perfect for sanguine kids. It is quite difficult for these children to work in a team, as their rationalism does not always allow them to go against logic.

Rhythmic gymnastics is a universal sport. Which is suitable for all children, and especially for phlegmatic children. Compensating for their natural slowness and distraction. Rhythmic gymnastics instills in them a sense of rhythm, accuracy and coordination of movements. In addition to rhythmic gymnastics, sports dancing classes are perfect for such children.

Muscle-joint gymnastics or swimming is an excellent option for preparing for professional sports, improving physical well-being and strength, as well as flexibility and coordination of movements, in general, exactly what restrained and slightly apathetic melancholic people need.

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