We are terribly afraid of the unknown. It is the desire to get rid of this fear that makes some of us turn to the stars and maps, order astrological forecasts and layouts. But everything is much simpler. The answer we’re looking for has been right under our noses all this time.
Blogger Brianna Wiest says: what we did today, you can understand who we will be in 10 years. And not because we are destined to stay in the same place. Not because they are unable to change, doomed to repeat the past.
It’s just that from today’s behavior, from the daily routine that has become habitual for us, the future is built up brick by brick. They say character is destiny. In a sense, it is: life becomes a reflection of what goes on in our heads.
Right now we are sketching out a route to where we will be in 10 years, we just don’t realize it. And each of us does this, it is enough just to listen to what he or she says.
People say they want to travel, or start a family, or move. They say they want to become successful or work at their current job until they retire. People tell us that they are unhappy, or show that they are happy with everything.
If today they remain in a relationship in which they feel bad, most likely nothing will change in the future. If they open more and more new startups, most likely, in 10 years they will have their own business. And if it seems to them today that nothing will work out, if they give up, this decade is unlikely to change anything.
If you want a better future, change the present
Everything happens so slowly that it’s hard to notice. No one wakes up one day thinking, “Well, today I’m probably going to ruin my life.” No, it’s not like that at all – gradually, step by step. One bad choice after another, the blogger writes, one wrong decision, and then another, and another.
But on the other hand, the book that you read this week can completely change the way you think, and in 10 years you will find yourself where you were afraid to even dream of being. The savings account you open today will allow you to quit a job you hate in five years and devote yourself to a cause that inspires you.
A tiny seed sown today may, in a few years, grow into your own brand or business, grow into a garden that you will cultivate with love. What you do today can determine what you will do in the future.
What exactly can be done? Write down everything you did today and how you felt. Did you work? Did you rest? Did you argue? Felt tired? Did you eat right or not? Did you make time for your hobby?
Imagine living the same way for the next 10 years. Where will you end up? Will you be healthier, fuller? Will you look at life more gloomily? You decide all this right today.
Just do it
Our behavior is more consistent than we think. The decisions we make are not random, insignificant steps: each of them can be a turning point. We ourselves predetermine the path along which we will go further. And, as a rule, we choose what is given the easiest, requires the least effort.
That’s why many people advise doing what we love – it will be easier for us to do it consistently, day after day. And if we do this day after day, we can succeed in this. But what is usually silent about is that the future can be changed by changing your today.
You can form a circle of habits right now that will get you where you want to be. If you want to be a writer, open your laptop today and write. If you want to be in good physical shape, do some exercises before this day is over. If you want to cook, go grocery shopping. If you want to stop fighting (with yourself and with others), spend this day in peace.
What we achieve in life is never accidental. All our breakthroughs are the result of consistent efforts, hours, days and years of continuous work. Everything we do, consciously and unconsciously, shapes our lives. And what we think, too. If you want to change globally, change yours today. This is the only way to start everything from scratch.