Telecommuting Taking care of the body and mind when the office is at home
Applying the “20-20-20” rule to take care of the eyes or decorate the workspace are key to creating a motivating and healthy environment

If before teleworking was an almost anecdotal situation for many, now, after the crisis caused by the Covid.19 pandemic, it is a reality. Office moves home. Currently, 16,2% of all workers provide their services from their homes, according to the Labor Force Survey (EPA) of the National Institute of Statistics. And although teleworking can be a beneficial situation, experts warn that if certain measures are not taken, can have consequences for the worker and, therefore, for the company.
«The worker or student home office you should not forget the basic aspects of occupational risk prevention in the field of health, both in its physical and mental aspects “, alerts Luisa Achaerandio, collaborating professor of the UOC’s Studies in Psychology and Education Sciences, and physiotherapist . According to the teacher, muscle, vision and anxiety problems are the most common injuries derived from teleworking. Therefore, it is essential to know that not only can these ailments be corrected once we have them, but that they can be prevented by taking care of our postural health and the environment in which we work.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that one in three people will suffer from a disabling muscle condition in their lifetime. To avoid this, the expert recommends using suitable furniture. These include ergonomic chairs, “which are adjustable in height and better if they have a lumbar backrest.” Also, it recommends the use of footrests and a stand to elevate the computer. As for the table, “it must have a height that allows placing the forearms on it when writing without being too high or too low.”
On the other hand, it recommends that the distance between the screen and the eyes be about 50 centimeters. To take care of circulation and back, it is best avoiding crossing your legs for too long. On the other hand, he insists on the importance of “not sitting for more than two hours at a time without changing posture” and recommends practicing exercises and stretching, even for five minutes a day, to prevent injuries.
The golden rule to take care of our eyes
Regarding possible eye conditions caused by teleworking, experts recommend following the 20-20-20 rule: This involves stopping looking at the screen every 20 minutes and then shifting your gaze to an object that is six meters (about 20 feet) away for 20 seconds. “This is how you change your focus and rest your eyes,” explains Luisa Achaerandio. It also warns of the importance of not overusing the dark mode on the screens, since the contrast of white letters on a black background can cause you to have to strain your eyes more in the long run. It also remembers the relevance of an automatic gesture like blinking. “A sticky note can be placed on the screen with the memory of blinking to create the habit,” he insists.
For his part, the collaborating professor of the UOC’s Economics and Business Studies Manel Fernández Jaria recommends giving yourself a little eye massage to rest your eyes every so often and monitor the point of origin of the light. “The work area should have about 500 lux (international system of units for lighting level), and natural light should not come from in front of the computer, as it would cause glare,” he explains. And, in addition, it recommends not only working with the PC screen turned on, but also having a warm ambient light and never be in the dark. The change in light intensity of the screen with respect to the surroundings is an extra strain on your eyes that can damage your eyes.
Plants and colors to motivate us
If we are talking about the prevention of psycho-emotional problems related to teleworking, Professor Fernández Jaria recommends starting by emphasizing the organization of the work area and “looking for where to locate the office, in what space it will be inside the house.” Likewise, it invites workers to prepare a corner where they are comfortable and sit inspired by colors and furniture. “We can place some plants in the environment, some decorative object that makes us feel good, although without falling into too much furniture or objects that are sources of interruption.” The order of the cables must also be taken care of, preventing them from being visible or lying on the ground. “We find more and more furniture that contributes to order, such as tables that close to the wall in the secrétaire style, which when the day is over allow the work area to be collected”. “In this way, the brain is helped to understand that that part of the schedule is closing,” adds Fernández Jaria.
Finally, the teacher encourages taking these guidelines into account not only if we telework, but in the case of studying from home, and when writing or reading on paper, not only when working with electronic devices.