Teffi: biography, interesting facts and videos

Teffi: biography, interesting facts and videos

😉 Greetings to dear readers and visitors of the site! Gentlemen, in the article “Teffi: biography, interesting facts and videos” – about the life of a Russian writer and poetess who was adored by Emperor Nicholas II.

Hardly any of the Russian writers or women of the beginning of the last century could boast that they enjoyed the taste of chocolates with their own name and a colorful portrait on the wrapper.

Teffi: biography, interesting facts and videos

It could only be Teffi. Nee Nadezhda Lokhvitskaya. She had a rare gift for noticing funny moments in the everyday life of people and playing them talentedly in her miniature stories. Teffi was proud that she could give people a laugh, which in her eyes was equivalent to a piece of bread given to a beggar.

Teffi: short biography

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna was born in the northern capital of the Russian Empire in the spring of 1872 in a noble family who is fond of literature. From a young age she wrote poetry and stories. In 1907, to attract good luck, she took the pseudonym Teffi.

The ascent to the literary Olympus began with an ordinary poem published in the Sever magazine in 1901. And all-Russian fame fell upon her after the publication of two volumes of “Humorous stories”. Emperor Nicholas II himself was proud of such a nugget of his empire.

From 1908 to 1918, in each issue of the magazines “Satyricon” and “New Satyricon”, the sparkling fruits of the humorist writer appeared.

Teffi: biography, interesting facts and videos

From the personal life of the writer, biographers know little. Teffi has been married twice. The first legal spouse was the Pole Buchinsky. As a result, she broke up with him, despite three children together.

The second alliance with the former banker Tikston was civil and lasted until his death (1935). Teffi sincerely believed that readers were only interested in her work, so she did not cover her personal life in her memoirs.

After the 1917 revolution, the noblewoman Teffi tried to adapt to the new Bolshevik way of life. She even met with the leader of the world proletariat – Lenin. But the trickle of blood seen during the summer tour, flowing out of the gates of the commissariat in Odessa, cut her life in two.

Caught up in a wave of emigration, Teffi ended up in Paris in 1920.

A life split in two

In the capital of France, Nadezhda Alexandrovna was surrounded by many talented compatriots: I. Bunin, D. Merezhkovsky, Z. Gippius. This brilliant environment fueled her own talent. True, a lot of bitterness was already mixed with humor, which poured into her work from the joyless emigre life around her.

Abroad, Teffi was in great demand. Her creations were published in Paris, Rome, Berlin.

She wrote about emigrants, nature, domestic animals, and a distant homeland. She compiled literary portraits of Russian celebrities with whom she had ever met. Among them: Rasputin, Bunin, Kuprin, Sologub, Gippius.

In 1946, Teffi was offered an offer to return to her homeland, but she remained loyal to Paris. To support the elderly and sick writer, one of her millionaire admirers was assigned a small pension.

In 1952, her last book, Earthly Rainbow, was published in the USA, where Teffi summed up life.

Nadezhda Alexandrovna lived to be 80 years old. She left the world, in her perception funny and at the same time tragic, on October 6, 1952. The writer left to posterity a huge number of amazing poems, stories, plays.


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