Teeth whitening, pregnancy and breastfeeding

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Many women do not feel attractive about being pregnant. The constantly growing belly, extra kilos, cellulite and stretch marks mean that future mothers do not want to give up their attractiveness and want to take care of themselves in every possible way. And although some of them are completely safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, others are not and should be forgotten during this period. But what about teeth whitening? Is it safe?

Why is it impossible to whiten your teeth during pregnancy?

Gynecologists and dentists are unanimous – teeth whitening during pregnancy, whether at home or at the dentist’s, is absolutely forbidden. Why? Because so far, mainly for ethical reasons, no research has been done on harmfulness of whitening during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, it is not known what effects whitening may have on the fetus and the child who is breastfed with one of the whitening methods. Since you do not know what may happen, it is better to postpone the whitening treatment until after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is obvious that the welfare of the child is the most important thing for a pregnant woman, but it is also worth thinking about yourself during this exceptional time. Frequent vomiting and indigestion, which accompanies us almost throughout pregnancy, expose our teeth to harmful acids. If, in addition, we weaken them with the action of bleaching agents, dental treatment will not be missed.

It is also worth remembering that gels and agents used to whiten teethWhether it’s at home or at the dentist’s, it’s chemistry. Most of them contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide, which release oxygen during the decomposition process. This is what oxidation is based on enamel whitening process. Meanwhile, it has been proven that oxidation can affect damaging the DNA of the body’s cells. And although the whitening agents are applied only to the enamel, it is very easy to find a situation where they move to the gums or saliva, and then to the digestive system and the fetus.

Pregnant teeth

We already know that teeth whitening during pregnancy is inadvisable. So how do you enjoy beautiful white teeth? The best and safest way is proper hygiene, i.e. daily brushing and rinsing of teeth, as well as the use of dental floss. Only by taking special care of dental hygiene can we be sure that dental treatment will be unnecessary and that unsightly discoloration will not appear on the surface of the teeth.

It is also worth remembering about regular dental visits. It is recommended to make an appointment with the dentist twice during pregnancy, especially since pregnancy cravings, vomiting or indigestion not only weaken the teeth, but also lead to the formation of caries. It is better to postpone the decision to whiten your teeth after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

See what whitening problematic teeth looks like

  1. dead teeth whitening
  2. teeth whitening and fillings
  3. teeth whitening and braces
  4. can all teeth be whitened?

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