Teeth whitening at home
People have always tried to avoid visiting specialists and solve medical and cosmetic issues themselves. Teeth whitening is one such procedure, because various whitening products are freely available. But are they really that safe?

Teeth whitening at home is a common procedure and even in some cases can bring a positive result. But for a safe and high-quality result, you must follow the recommendations of specialists, carry out the procedure only under their guidance and nothing else.

Teeth whitening is a popular procedure in aesthetic dentistry. This is initially a medical manipulation and it can only be carried out by a dental specialist who understands and takes into account the indications, contraindications and features of the clinical scheme. Therefore, teeth whitening in “beautiful smile cabinets” and other salons should be categorically avoided so that it is not, at least, wasted time and money, and, at most, does not lead to negative effects on tooth enamel and gums.

Whitening, whether it is office (professional) or home whitening, has its own indications, contraindications, application features, and it must be preceded by special training.

The best ways to whiten teeth at home

The best whitening method will be the one, or even the combination, that is optimal for a particular clinical picture and patient expectations. But some home whitening methods can be dangerous, especially in the wrong hands and if you do not take into account possible indications and contraindications.

Ideally, all home whitening methods should be aimed at maintaining the result of a professional one performed by a dentist. Their independent use without prior preparation can have a number of consequences.

Whitening strips

One of the popular methods for home whitening. Special strips are attached to the front surface of the teeth and the effect is most often achieved due to the peroxides with which they are impregnated. Different manufacturers have different concentrations of the active substance.

In addition to the pluses, there are obvious minuses of the strips.

The front surface of the dentition is not flat, each tooth has natural recesses and this is precisely the problem. When glued to the teeth, the strips do not fill the contact surfaces and natural depressions. The whitening effect is absent in these areas, and dark gaps contrast, reducing the aesthetic effect to nothing. Therefore, the whitening effect is worse with crowded teeth, bite pathologies. Well, plus in general, poor fixation, especially on the lower jaw.

The active substances of the strips – carbamide and hydrogen peroxide, are very dangerous for the mucous membrane. If they get on the mucous membrane, a severe burn can form, especially if the concentration of the active substance is high. This can be avoided only with high-quality isolation of soft tissues, and at home this task is impossible.

Whitening pencils and varnishes

One of the most publicized home whitening methods. In the videos that demonstrate the work of these tools, they show a magical effect. However, expectations do not match reality.

Pencils and gels are the most ineffective and pointless way to whiten. The effect is achieved due to the content of white dye and, as you might guess, it is temporary and very short-term.

Teeth whitening with silicone caps

This is one of the most popular whitening methods in Europe and the West, in Russia it is only gaining popularity. Such kits consist of a special tray, which is filled with the gel attached to it. It contains not only active whitening components, but also means for remineralization of teeth – simultaneous saturation of enamel with minerals to prevent increased sensitivity of teeth.

Such whitening methods are often prescribed to improve and maintain the result of previous in-office procedures. But you need to take into account contraindications: gum disease in the acute period, increased sensitivity of the teeth, etc.

Whitening toothpastes

This is the most budget option for teeth whitening, but there are a lot of nuances. The most important thing is that not a single paste can make teeth whiter than nature intended, that is, it is impossible to talk about the effect of whitening. But to brighten, add brightness and shine to teeth, the best of these pastes can definitely.

Whitening toothpastes can work in several ways: either they are highly abrasive, or they are acids, and then you need to keep your teeth away from such pastes, or these are the most correct compounds today – enzymes, mineral complexes, activated charcoal, etc. All these components are also aimed at removing pigmented plaque.

It is not recommended to use such pastes uncontrollably. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing increased sensitivity of the teeth, with improper use of highly abrasive pastes – a wedge-shaped defect and other damage to the enamel. For safe use, whitening pastes are recommended to be combined with regular ones that saturate the enamel with minerals.

Reviews of doctors about teeth whitening

Home teeth whitening can be safe and effective, but only if carried out under the guidance of a dentist, taking into account indications and contraindications. And the first thing to start with is preparation.

Plaque constantly forms on the teeth, which gradually mineralizes and turns into tartar. Under the influence of food pigments, nicotine plaque stains and visually changes the color of the teeth. Therefore, even a professional oral hygiene procedure can sometimes visibly improve the shade of the enamel.

Even being sure of good oral hygiene and regular brushing of teeth, such a procedure should be carried out by all patients without exception. After all, no paste and brush will provide 100% plaque removal. And does it make sense to bleach it?

Another mandatory preparation measure is enamel remineralization. Saturation of the enamel before and after whitening will reduce the likelihood of developing tooth sensitivity that occurs after the procedure.

Experiments with your teeth and your own health can have unpredictable consequences. And carrying out the procedure in the hands of a professional, using the means and techniques that suit the patient, is the best and safest solution.

Popular questions and answers

Aesthetic dentistry is a young but rapidly developing industry. New methods and means appear regularly, and what seems to be modern and effective today will move into the category of the “Stone Age” tomorrow. We asked the most exciting questions about safe and high-quality whitening Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, President of the “Society for the Study of Color in Dentistry”, Head of the “Professor Akulovich’s Teeth Whitening Center” Andrey Akulovich.

How effective and safe are whitening toothpastes really?

To answer the question, you need to turn to the terminology. Whitening toothpastes are not intended for true whitening, because this process can only occur in dentin, and the paste works mainly on enamel. It would be more correct to call them brightening.

The maximum that pastes of this kind are capable of is to change the brightness of the enamel, to return (at best) the original color of the enamel, while the coloring substances of food, drinks, etc. have not yet acted on it.

The main purpose of whitening toothpastes is to maintain the result of professional and subsequent home whitening. Use pastes in this case correctly.

As for their safety, there are active ingredients that are dangerous for the health of teeth and gums when used for a long time and uncontrollably. For example, one must be very careful when using pastes with high abrasiveness, which can often be seen in whitening pastes and pastes for smokers. If their abrasiveness is higher than 100 units according to the accepted RDA abrasiveness index, then they can only be used in alternation with conventional, that is, non-whitening toothpastes.

I recommend to my patients to use such pastes according to the following scheme: one month of a paste from the “whitening” segment and 2-3 months – based on mineral complexes. Such a scheme will allow the enamel to recover, which will reduce the risk of possible negative consequences.

Is it possible to use folk methods of whitening?

The network is full of tips on teeth whitening, which are striking in their absurdity and danger. And the worst thing is that many patients use them, thereby causing serious damage to the enamel and gums.

Among the most popular and dangerous are the following: eggshells, activated charcoal, crushed pumice, lemon and other fruit and berry juices. In recent years, banana peel, turmeric, etc. are often used. And all these components, mixed in certain proportions, are always highly abrasive, damage the enamel and, at best, lead to increased sensitivity of the teeth. But there can be no talk of any pronounced effect.

How can a patient choose safe whitening methods?

The most correct way that a patient must go in an effort to improve the color of teeth safely, correctly and effectively is to contact the clinic. And the first step on this path is professional oral hygiene, when dental deposits and pigmented plaque are removed. The procedure itself will improve the color of the teeth. Only after that it is possible to carry out professional whitening, which necessarily ends with a course of home whitening by those methods and methods that are suitable in each case. Such a sequence may provide a safe result.

Already after the procedure at home, we can talk about the use of result-supporting pastes, strips, mouthguards, etc.

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